Coworfing is built by the coworking community to share the best places to work.
Depending on your skills and desire, you can find here different ways to participate. Check the Menu section below to find something to work on, and then the How to contribute to get started with our code.
New features are to be released regularly, follow us on twitter @coworfing, our blog and like our facebook page. Any doubt or question, tell us: [email protected].
Happy contribution!
##1. Report an issue
You found a problem ?
Check first that you are the only one to have spotted it by searching similar issues in the issues list. If your issue is not listed, then create a bug report, with at least an explicit title and a descriptive text, the part of code posing problem, and (you'd be great) a unit test showing what goes wrong.
##2. Solve an issue
Here is a list of the priority items to solve, click on the item to see the corresponding issue, comment on the issue if you have any doubt or question. The list is sorted per priority (first item is the most important).
- Button "Edit place" on the place page (public places can be edited by any logged user)
- Button "report this place" (in order to merge double places)
- Search by place name
- Search by tag
- When users makes a search on the map, clicks on a place, and goes back to the map, he should see the map as the result of his search (current: taken back to map of the world)
- Insert the fields for signing in directly on the nav bar
- User should be able to browse places without going back to the list (insert arrows on right and left, like the picture gallery)
- Sorting places per frequentation (number of "I worked here")
- [Display Linkedin skills on places] (based on "I worked here")
- Opening times
##3. Try and assess pending pull requests
You can also try pending pull request that have been submitted to us to test their validity.
##4. Propose new features
Write to us before this ([email protected]) as we are focusing now on solving issues rather than introducing new features.
##1. Getting ready to contribute
First you need to have a working rails development environment. Check the [Contributing to Ruby on Rails]( page).
Be sure to have postgresql configured, as well as bundler, and of course git.
Then grab the code and deploy coworfing locally on your computer:
Fork the coworfing repo on github
Clone your fork :
git clone
Get into your coworfing directory and run
bundle install
rake db:seed
Coworfing is now deployed locally on your computer !
##2. Submitting your changes
If you feel like adding your stone to the collaborative coworfing cathedral, please do so using a clear procedure :
work on your cloned repo
commit the changes you are happy with on your computer, with a short and clear comment for each commit
Before pushing, be sure that you updated you cloned repo, changes might have occured while you were working:
create a remote
git remote add coworfing
Get the changes
git fetch coworfing
Get back on your branch and merge
git checkout master git merge coworfing/master
Update your repo on github
git push origin master
Then you can issue a pull request. Be sure to comment precisely what your request adds, to accompany it with all necessary tests. There is a chance that other contributors or the mainteners suggest changes to your code before accepting it. Please take it as a really good sign, it means your contribution is potentially clever and interesting, and this is the way of the collaborative revolution.
Now play with the code, play with the app, find the coolest places to coworf!
License: GPL 3, see the LICENSE file for more details.