CLI for bluetooth on OSX: power, discoverable state, list, inquire devices, connect, info, …
Uses private API from IOBluetooth framework (i.e. IOBluetoothPreference*()
Opening Bluetooth preference pane always turns on discoverability if bluetooth power is on or if it is switched on when preference pane is open, this change of state is not reported by the function used by blueutil
blueutil [options]
Without options outputs current state
-p, --power output power state as 1 or 0
-p, --power STATE set power state
-d, --discoverable output discoverable state as 1 or 0
-d, --discoverable STATE set discoverable state
--favourites, --favorites
list favourite devices; returns empty list starting with macOS 12/Monterey
--inquiry [T] inquiry devices in range, 10 seconds duration by default excluding time for name updates
--paired list paired devices
--recent [N] list recently used devices, 10 by default, 0 to list all; returns empty list starting with macOS 12/Monterey
--connected list connected devices
--info ID show information about device
--is-connected ID connected state of device as 1 or 0
--connect ID create a connection to device
--disconnect ID close the connection to device
--pair ID [PIN] pair with device, optional PIN of up to 16 characters will be used instead of interactive input if requested in specific pair mode
--unpair ID EXPERIMENTAL unpair the device
--add-favourite ID, --add-favorite ID
add to favourites; does nothing starting with macOS 12/Monterey
--remove-favourite ID, --remove-favorite ID
remove from favourites; does nothing starting with macOS 12/Monterey
--format FORMAT change output format of info and all listing commands
--wait-connect ID [TIMEOUT]
EXPERIMENTAL wait for device to connect
--wait-disconnect ID [TIMEOUT]
EXPERIMENTAL wait for device to disconnect
EXPERIMENTAL wait for device RSSI value which is 0 for golden range, -129 if it cannot be read (e.g. device is disconnected)
-h, --help this help
-v, --version show version
STATE can be one of: 1, on, 0, off, toggle
ID can be either address in form xxxxxxxxxxxx, xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx or xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, or name of device to search in paired or recent devices
OP can be one of: >, >=, <, <=, =, !=; or equivalents: gt, ge, lt, le, eq, ne
PERIOD is in seconds, defaults to 1
TIMEOUT is in seconds, default value 0 doesn't add timeout
FORMAT can be one of:
default - human readable text output not intended for consumption by scripts
new-default - human readable comma separated key-value pairs (EXPERIMENTAL, THE BEHAVIOUR MAY CHANGE)
json - compact JSON
json-pretty - pretty printed JSON
Favourite devices and recent access date are not stored starting with macOS 12/Monterey, current time is returned for recent access date by framework instead.
Due to possible problems, blueutil will refuse to run as root user (see
Use environment variable BLUEUTIL_ALLOW_ROOT=1 to override (sudo BLUEUTIL_ALLOW_ROOT=1 blueutil …).
Exit codes:
0 Success
1 General failure
64 Wrong usage like missing or unexpected arguments, wrong parameters
69 Bluetooth or interface not available
70 Internal error
71 System error like shortage of memory
75 Timeout error
134 Abort signal may indicate absence of access to Bluetooth API
Using package manager Homebrew:
# install
brew install blueutil
# update
brew update
brew upgrade blueutil
# uninstall
brew remove blueutil
Using package manager MacPorts:
# install
port install blueutil
# update
port selfupdate
port upgrade blueutil
# uninstall
port uninstall blueutil
You will probably need to prefix all commands with sudo
git clone
cd blueutil
# build
# install/update
git pull
make install
# uninstall
make uninstall
You may need to prefix install/update and uninstall make commands with sudo
For a TUI (text-based user interface) build on top of blueutil
, you can take a look at blueutil-tui.
It offers a simple interface for the following blueutil
- displaying paired devices
- searching devices
- pairing and unpairing devices
- connecting and disconnecting devices
It's written in python using the textual framework.
To build and update usage:
make build update_usage
To apply clang-format:
make format
To test:
make test
To release new version:
./release major|minor|patch
To create release on github:
If there are no validation errors, copy generated markdown to description of new release:
open "$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)"
Originally written by Frederik Seiffert [email protected]
Copyright (c) 2011-2025 Ivan Kuchin. See LICENSE.txt for details.