Here you'll find a quick guide on how we run our projects internally and externally. If you're new to the team, this is a great place to start to get familiar with some of our processese. If you're a new client, please take a look at some of our definitions, it will help us streamline communication.
Process | Description |
Client projects | Our projects are organized within their individual repositories |
Sprints | The team's two-week sprints are managed through a GitHub Project board. Each sprint tracks GitHub Issues through to completion within their respective repositories. Being on a two-week cadence allows us to track the amount of spent on dedicated issues per project. |
Issues | Our projects are broken down into indidual subtasks called issues. Each issue tracks a given task with their listed requirements. Issues are defined internally but can also be created by our external clients. There are different issue templates for their respective tasks. |
Tracking | Here is a quick guide to our issue tracking process: |
Step 1. | Issue Creation: issue is created with the appropriate labels and requirments are outlined |
Step 2. | Backlog: issue is unassigned |
Step 3: | Triage: where an issue assigned and given an estimated size |
Step 4: | In Progress: teammember that is assigned this issue is actively working on it) |
Step 5: | Pull Request: issue is actively in review |
Step 6: | Merged: changes requested in the issue have been made and completed |