Solving Advent of Code 2021 challenges in a single line of Python each.
Well, sort of - I'm using AOCD to fetch and do trivial transforms of the problem data without counting that against the line count - mostly for brevity's sake - and importing anything else built into Python. So most problems thus far are actually ~4 lines. But all the actually interesting logic is encapsulated inside a single call to print().
While I am writing solutions with multiple lines initially, I'm not doing anything like programmatic collapsing / AST manipulation - all of this is hand-crafted artisanal Python: just me, emacs, and some background television. It is not clear to me that it is wise to make my first and only open source library be literally the worst code I have ever written, but here we are.
I very much doubt that it's going to be realistic to get through all 25 days like this. Guess we'll find out!
"One must imagine Sisyphus happy"