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NameTag 3

NameTag 3 is an open-source tool for both flat and nested named entity recognition (NER). NameTag 3 identifies proper names in text and classifies them into a set of predefined categories, such as names of persons, locations, organizations, etc.

NameTag 3 achieves state-of-the-art performance on 21 test datasets in 15 languages: Cebuano, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, English, Norwegian Bokmål, Norwegian Nynorsk, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Swedish, Tagalog, and Ukrainian. It also delivers competitive results on Arabic, Dutch, German, Maghrebi, and Spanish, as of February 2025.

NameTag 3 is a free software under Mozilla Public License 2.0, and the linguistic models are free for non-commercial use and distributed under CC BY-NC-SA license, although for some models the original data used to create the model may impose additional licensing conditions. NameTag is versioned using Semantic Versioning.

Copyright 2024 Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Czech Republic.

Current Release

NameTag 3 can be used either as a commandline tool or by requesting the NameTag webservice:

NameTag 3 source code can be found at GitHub.

The NameTag website contains download links of both the released packages and trained models, hosts documentation and refers to demo and online web service.


Copyright 2024 Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Czech Republic.

NameTag 3 is a free software under Mozilla Public License 2.0 license and the linguistic models are free for non-commercial use and distributed under CC BY-NC-SA license, although for some models the original data used to create the model may impose additional licensing conditions. NameTag is versioned using Semantic Versioning.

Please Cite as (How to Cite)

If you use this software, please give us credit by referencing Straková et al. (2019):

    title = "Neural Architectures for Nested {NER} through Linearization",
    author = "Strakov{\'a}, Jana  and
      Straka, Milan  and
      Hajic, Jan",
    editor = "Korhonen, Anna  and
      Traum, David  and
      M{\`a}rquez, Llu{\'\i}s",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics",
    month = jul,
    year = "2019",
    address = "Florence, Italy",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/P19-1527",
    pages = "5326--5331",


Compared to NameTag 2, NameTag 3 is a fine-tuned large language model (LLM) with either a classification head for flat NEs (e.g., the CoNLL-2003 English data) or with seq2seq decoding head for nested NEs (e.g., the CNEC 2.0 Czech data). The seq2seq decoding head is the head proposed by Straková et al. (2019).


The software has been developed and tested on Linux and is run from the commandline.

NameTag 3 without Installation with curl

For basic use without installation, see a simple script for accessing NameTag 3 webservice from the command line using curl. The script will call a server. Do not send personal or private data unless you are authorized and comfortable with it being processed by NameTag 3.


  1. Get the script either by cloning the entire NameTag 3 repository:
git clone

or by simply downloading just the script specifically from the NameTag 3 repository by opening

and hitting the download button ("Download raw file").

  1. Save your text in a plaintext file, see an example in examples/cs_input.txt. At the command line, type the following command:
./ examples/cs_input.txt
  1. The output will be printed to the standard output. To redirect the output into a file, you can type:
./ examples/cs_input.txt > output_file.xml
  1. Additionally, you can specify the language of your data. The options are arabic, chinese, croatian, czech, danish, dutch, english, german, maghrebi, norwegian_bokmaal, norwegian_nynorsk, portuguese, serbian, slovak, spanish, swedish, and ukrainian.
./ examples/en_input.txt english > output_file.xml

NameTag 3 Client without Installation with basic Python

The only requires basic Python and does not need any additional installed packages or downloading the trained models. By default, the script will call the NameTag 3 server. Do not send personal or private data unless you are authorized and comfortable with it being processed by NameTag 3.


  1. Get this script either by cloning the entire NameTag 3 repository:
git clone

or by simply downloading just specifically from the NameTag 3 repository by opening

and hitting the download button ("Download raw file").

  1. Save your text in a plaintext file, see an example in examples/cs_input.txt. At the command line, type the following command:
./ examples/cs_input.txt
  1. The output will be printed to the standard output. To redirect the output into a file, you can type:
./ examples/cs_input.txt > output_file.xml

Or you can specify the output filename:

./ examples/cs_input.txt --outfile=output_file.xml
  1. Additionally, you can specify the language of your data or the exact required model for your data. The language options are arabic, chinese, croatian, czech, danish, dutch, english, german, maghrebi, norwegian_bokmaal, norwegian_nynorsk, portuguese, serbian, slovak, spanish, swedish, and ukrainian.
./ examples/en_input.txt --model=english > output_file.xml

The list of available models can be obtained by:

./ --list_models


./ examples/cs_input.txt --model=nametag3-czech-cnec2.0-240830

For other available input and output formats, as well as other options, see the script command-line arguments.


Installation for NVIDIA

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Create a Python virtual environment with torch called venv in the root of this directory:
python3 -m venv venv
  1. Make sure you are running the latest version of pip (optional):
venv/bin/pip install -U pip
  1. Install the required packages:
venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Download and unzip the NameTag 3 Models:

Download the latest version of NameTag 3 models.

  1. The script is then called using the Python installed in your virtual environment:
venv/bin/python3 ./ [--argument=value]

Installation for AMD

In step 4, delete torch from requirements.txt, and install all the required packages except PyTorch with ROCm support, which will be installed with a separate command:

venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
venv/bin/pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url

Running NER Prediction with NameTag 3

The main NameTag 3 script is called Example NER prediction usage:

venv/bin/python3 \
  --load_checkpoint=models/nametag3-multilingual-conll-240830/ \

The input data file format is a vertical file, one token and its label(s) per line: labels separated by a |, columns separated by a tabulator; sentences delimited by newlines (such as the first and the fourth column in the well-known CoNLL-2003 shared task). A line containing -DOCSTART- with the label O, as seen in the CoNLL-2003 shared task data, can be used to mark document boundaries. Input examples can be found in and in examples.

Training NameTag 3

The main NameTag 3 script can be used for training a custom corpus. It will do so when provided the parameters --train_data. Optionally, --dev_data and training hyperparameters can be provided.

The input data file format is a vertical file, one token and its label(s) per line: labels separated by a |, columns separated by a tabulator; sentences delimited by newlines (such as the first and the fourth column in the well-known CoNLL-2003 shared task). A line containing -DOCSTART- with the label O, as seen in the CoNLL-2003 shared task data, can be used to mark document boundaries. Input examples can be found in and in examples.

Example usage of multilingual traning for flat NER with a softmax classification head:

venv/bin/python3 \
  --batch_size=8 \
  --context_type="split_document" \
  --corpus="english-CoNLL2003-conll,german-CoNLL2003-conll,spanish-CoNLL2002-conll,dutch-CoNLL2002-conll,czech-cnec2.0-conll,ukrainian-languk-conll" \
  --decoding="classification" \
  --dev_data=data/english-CoNLL2003-conll/dev.conll,data/german-CoNLL2003-conll/dev.conll,data/spanish-CoNLL2002-conll/dev.conll,data/dutch-CoNLL2002-conll/dev.conll,data/czech-cnec2.0-conll/dev.conll,data/ukrainian-languk-conll/dev.conll \
  --dropout=0.5 \
  --epochs=20 \
  --evaluate_test_data \
  --hf_plm="xlm-roberta-large" \
  --learning_rate=2e-5 \
  --logdir="logs/" \
  --name="multilingual" \
  --sampling="temperature" \
  --save_best_checkpoint \
  --test_data=data/english-CoNLL2003-conll/test.conll,data/german-CoNLL2003-conll/test.conll,data/spanish-CoNLL2002-conll/test.conll,data/dutch-CoNLL2002-conll/test.conll,data/czech-cnec2.0-conll/test.conll,data/ukrainian-languk-conll/test.conll \
  --threads=4 \
  --train_data=data/english-CoNLL2003-conll/train.conll,data/german-CoNLL2003-conll/train.conll,data/spanish-CoNLL2002-conll/train.conll,data/dutch-CoNLL2002-conll/train.conll,data/czech-cnec2.0-conll/train.conll,data/ukrainian-languk-conll/train.conll \

NameTag 3 Server


The mandatory arguments are given in this order:

  • port
  • default model name
  • each following quadruple of arguments defines a model, of which
    • the first argument is the model name,
    • the second argument is the model directory,
    • the third argument is the tagset of the model or empty string for models trained without tagsets,
    • the fourth argument are the acknowledgements to append.

If the model has been trained as a multitagset one, a single instance of such trained model can be used with several tagset variants, just like in the following example, in which one model (models/nametag3-multilingual-250203/) is served as a nametag3-multilingual-conll-250203 model, then as a nametag3-multilingual-uner-250203 model, and finally, also as a nametag3-multilingual-onto-250203 model.

Furthermore, the model name in the first argument can be extended with aliases, delimited by colons. In the following example, the Czech model nametag3-czech-cnec2.0-240830 is also served as czech and cs.

Example Usage

In the following example, the server is loading two models, a Czech one, and a multilingual one, which is also served with three different tagsets:

venv/bin/python3 ./nametag3\ 8001 nametag3-czech-cnec2.0-240830 \
  nametag3-czech-cnec2.0-240830:czech:cs models/nametag3-czech-cnec2.0-240830/ "" "czech-ack" \
  nametag3-multilingual-conll-250203 models/nametag3-multilingual-250203/ "conll" "multilingual-conll-250203-ack" \
  nametag3-multilingual-uner-250203 models/nametag3-multilingual-250203/ "uner" "multilingual-uner-250203-ack" \
  nametag3-multilingual-onto-250203 models/nametag3-multilingual-250203/ "onto" "multilingual-onto-250203-ack"

Example server usage with three monolingual models with name aliases, and the models do not use specific tagsets (see the empty strings in their corresponding third arguments):

venv/bin/python3 nametag3\ 8001 czech-cnec2.0-240830 \
  czech-cnec2.0-240830:cs:ces models/nametag3-czech-cnec2.0-240830/ "" czech-cnec2_acknowledgements \
  english-CoNLL2003-conll-240830:en:eng models/nametag3-english-CoNLL2003-conll-240830/ "" english-CoNLL2003-conll_acknowledgements \
  spanish-CoNLL2002-conll-240830:es:spa models/nametag3-spanish-CoNLL2002-conll-240830/ "" spanish-CoNLL2002-conll_acknowledgements

Sending requests to the NameTag 3 server

Example commandline call with curl:

curl -F data=@examples/cs_input.conll -F input="vertical" -F output="conll" localhost:8001/recognize | jq -j .result

Expected commandline output:

Jmenuji	O
se	O
Jan	B-P|B-pf
Novák	I-P|B-ps
.	O

Authors and Contact:


This work has been supported by the MŠMT OP JAK program, project No. CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004605 and by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic under the EXPRO program as project “LUSyD” (project No. GX20-16819X). The work described herein has also been using data provided by the LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Research Infrastructure, supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (Project No. LM2023062).