A curated list of awesome Perl frameworks, libraries and software.
- major/MySQLTuner-perl - MySQLTuner is a script written in Perl that will assist you with your MySQL configuration and make recommendations for increased performance and stability.
- exiftool/exiftool - ExifTool meta information reader/writer
- rsnapshot/rsnapshot - a tool for backing up your data using rsync (if you want to get help, use https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/rsnapshot-discuss)
- mojolicious/mojo - ✨ Mojolicious - Perl real-time web framework
- jfcoz/postgresqltuner - Simple script to analyse your PostgreSQL database configuration, and give tuning advice
- Difegue/LANraragi - Web application for archival and reading of manga/doujinshi. Lightweight and Docker-ready for NAS/servers.
- Perl/perl5 - 🐪 The Perl programming language
- munin-monitoring/munin - Main repository for munin master / node / plugins
- htrgouvea/nipe - An engine to make Tor network your default gateway
- hexsum/Mojo-Webqq - 【重要通知:WebQQ将在2019年1月1日停止服务,此项目目前已停止维护,感谢大家四年来的一路陪伴】使用Perl语言(不会没关系)编写的smartqq/webqq客户端框架(非GUI),可通过插件提供基于HTTP协议的api接口供其他语言或系统调用
- beyondgrep/ack2 - ack 2 is no longer being maintained. ack 3 is the latest version.
- LMS-Community/slimserver - Server for Squeezebox and compatible players. This server is also called Lyrion Music Server.
- OpenKore/openkore - A free/open source client and automation tool for Ragnarok Online
- alx-tools/Betty - Holberton-style C code checker written in Perl
- hexsum/Mojo-Weixin - 使用Perl语言(不会没关系)编写的个人账号微信/weixin/wechat客户端框架(非GUI),可通过插件提供基于HTTP协议的api接口供其他语言或系统调用
- trizen/youtube-viewer - Lightweight YouTube client for Linux
- smxi/inxi - inxi is a full featured CLI system information tool. It is available in most Linux distribution repositories, and does its best to support the BSDs.
- mikaku/Monitorix - Monitorix is a free, open source, lightweight system monitoring tool.
- fletcher/MultiMarkdown - Expanded perl version of John Gruber's original Markdown --- No longer under active development since MMD 3
- convos-chat/convos - Convos 👥 is the simplest way to use IRC in your browser
- wireghoul/dotdotpwn - DotDotPwn - The Directory Traversal Fuzzer
- asbru-cm/asbru-cm - Ásbrú Connection Manager is a user interface that helps organizing remote terminal sessions and automating repetitive tasks.
- bestpractical/rt - Request Tracker, an enterprise-grade issue tracking system
- duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-goodies - DuckDuckGo Instant Answers based on Perl & JavaScript
- skx/sysadmin-util - Tools for Linux/Unix sysadmins.
- metabrainz/musicbrainz-server - Server for the MusicBrainz project (website, API, database tools)
- thesourcerer8/altium2kicad - Altium to KiCad converter for PCB and schematics
- rjust/defects4j - A Database of Real Faults and an Experimental Infrastructure to Enable Controlled Experiments in Software Engineering Research
- trizen/trizen - Lightweight AUR Package Manager
- xyb3rt/urxvt-perls - Perl extensions for the rxvt-unicode terminal emulator
- beyondgrep/ack3 - ack is a grep-like search tool optimized for source code.
- PerlDancer/Dancer - The easiest way to write web applications with Perl (Perl web micro-framework)
- gugod/App-perlbrew - Manage perl installations in your $HOME
- RexOps/Rex - Rex, the friendly automation framework
- bugzilla/bugzilla - Official repository for the Bugzilla bug tracking system. Report bugs to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Bugzilla&format=__default__ . Main website:
- netdisco/netdisco - A web-based network management tool.
- hachiojipm/awesome-perl - A curated list of awesome Perl frameworks and libraries. Come on Pull Requests!
- fwaeytens/dnsenum - dnsenum is a perl script that enumerates DNS information
- PerlDancer/Dancer2 - Perl Dancer Next Generation (rewrite of Perl Dancer)
- vsespb/mt-aws-glacier - Perl Multithreaded Multipart sync to Amazon Glacier
- trapd00r/ls-- - ls on steroids
- perl-carton/carton - Bundler or pip freeze for Perl
- linode/cli - This is the DEPRECATED Linode CLI. Use https://github.com/linode/linode-cli
- liske/needrestart - Restart daemons after library updates.
- znuny/Znuny - Znuny/Znuny LTS is a fork of the ((OTRS)) Community Edition, one of the most flexible web-based ticketing systems used for Customer Service, Help Desk, IT Service Management.
- shirkdog/pulledpork - Pulled Pork for Snort and Suricata rule management (from Google code)
- trizen/pipe-viewer - A lightweight YouTube client for Linux, without requiring an API key.
- metacpan/metacpan-web - Web interface for MetaCPAN
- sni/thruk - Thruk is a multibackend monitoring webinterface for Naemon, Nagios, Icinga and Shinken using the Livestatus API.
- fglock/Perlito - "Perlito" Perl programming language compiler
- norbusan/texlive-rewrite - Rewrite of some core scripts in TeX Live from shell to perl
- mskcc/vcf2maf - Convert a VCF into a MAF, where each variant is annotated to only one of all possible gene isoforms
- dave-theunsub/clamtk - An easy to use, light-weight, on-demand virus scanner for Linux systems
- OWASP/O-Saft - O-Saft - OWASP SSL advanced forensic tool
- OCSInventory-NG/OCSInventory-Server - Communication server of OCS Inventory
- do-know/Crypt-LE - Crypt::LE - Let's Encrypt / Buypass / ZeroSSL and other ACME-servers client and library in Perl for obtaining free SSL certificates (inc. generating RSA/ECC keys and CSRs). HTTP/DNS verification is supported out of the box, EAB (External Account Binding) supported, easily extended with plugins, easily dockerized.
- jpoliv/wakeonlan - Perl script for waking up computers via Wake-On-LAN magic packets
- os-autoinst/openQA - openQA web-frontend, scheduler and tools.
- oysttyer/oysttyer - An interactive console text-based command-line Twitter client written in Perl
- linode/longview - Linode Longview Agent
- XMLTV/xmltv - Utilities to obtain, generate, and post-process TV listings data in XMLTV format
- anhsirk0/fetch-master-6000 - Simple Dilbert themed system info-fetching tool
- centreon/centreon-plugins - Collection of standard plugins to discover and gather cloud-to-edge metrics and status across your whole IT infrastructure.
- bioperl/bioperl-live - Core BioPerl 1.x code
- StrawberryPerl/Perl-Dist-Strawberry - Tooling to build and package releases for Perl on Windows.
- uparrows/LANraragi_cn - This repo is a fork of Difegue / LANraragi , those things i've done was to translate this repo into chinese ,and fix chrome browser js problem.
- Cyclenerd/google-cloud-compute-machine-types - ☁️ Choose the optimal Google Compute Engine machine type or instance in the many Google Cloud Platform regions
- metacpan/metacpan-api - A free, open API for everything you want to know about CPAN
- miyagawa/Starman - Starman is a high-performance preforking Perl PSGI web server
- apache/spamassassin - Read-only mirror of Apache SpamAssassin. Submit patches to https://bz.apache.org/SpamAssassin/. Do not send pull requests
- audreyt/lingua-sinica-perlyuyan - Perl in Classical Chinese in Perl
- bbusschots/hsxkpasswd - A Perl module and terminal command for generating secure memorable passwords inspired by the fabulous XKCD web comic and Steve Gibson's Password Hay Stacks. This is the library that powers www.xkpasswd.net
- koknat/callGraph - A multi-language tool which parses source code for function definitions and calls
- oetiker/mrtg - MRTG - Multi Router Traffic Grapher
- fusioninventory/fusioninventory-agent - FusionInventory Agent
- kaimi-io/yandex-music-download - Yandex Music Downloader
- hollie/misterhouse - Perl open source home automation program. It's fun, it's free, and it's entirely geeky.
- techsneeze/dmarcts-report-parser - A Perl based tool to parse DMARC reports from an IMAP mailbox or from the filesystem, and insert the information into a database. ( Formerly known as imap-dmarcts )
- richterger/Perl-LanguageServer - Language Server for Perl
- mojolicious/minion - 🐙 Perl high performance job queue
- yuvi/gas-preprocessor - Perl script that implements a subset of the GNU as preprocessor that Apple's as doesn't
- cvicente/Netdot - Network Documentation Tool
- jwilk-archive/perl-friday - Perl code that is syntactically correct only on Fridays
- simmel/urxvt-resize-font - URxvt Perl extension for resizing the font
- henshin/filebuster - An extremely fast and flexible web fuzzer
- briandfoy/PerlPowerTools - Perl Power Tools
- CiscoCXSecurity/rdp-sec-check - rdp-sec-check is a Perl script to enumerate security settings of an RDP Service (AKA Terminal Services)
- perseo22/pacmanager - Perl/GTK Gnome SSH GUI on steroids. Configure SSH/Telnet connections: users, passwords, EXPECT regular expressions, macros, ...
- libwww-perl/libwww-perl - The libwww-perl collection is a set of Perl modules that provides a simple, consistent application programming interface to the World-Wide Web. The main focus of the library is providing classes and functions allowing to write WWW clients. It also contains modules that are of more general use and even classes to help implement simple HTTP servers.
- LudovicRousseau/pcsc-tools - Some tools to be used with smart cards and PC/SC
- mongodb-labs/mongo-perl-driver - Perl driver for the MongoDB
- noxxi/p5-ssl-tools - various standalone perl scripts
- proxmox/qemu-server - Proxmox VE's Virtual Machine Manager
- gottburgm/Exploits - Containing Self Made Perl Reproducers / PoC Codes
- melmothx/amusewiki - Text::Amuse-based publishing platform
- dreamwidth/dreamwidth - Dreamwidth's open source repository
- aziz0x48/vMass - vMass Bot 🪝 Vulnerability Scanner & Auto Exploiter Tool Written in Perl.
- manwar/perlweeklychallenge-club - Knowledge base for The Weekly Challenge club members using Perl, Raku, Ada, APL, Awk, Bash, BASIC, Bc, Befunge-93, Bourne Shell, BQN, Brainfuck, C3, C, CESIL, C++, C#, Clojure, COBOL, Coconut, Crystal, D, Dart, Dc, Elm, Emacs Lisp, Erlang, Excel VBA, Fennel, Fish, Forth, Fortran, Gembase, GNAT, Go, Haskell, Haxe, HTML, Idris, IO, J, Janet, Java, JavaScript, Julia, Kotlin, Lisp, Lua, M4, Miranda, Modula 3, MMIX, Mumps, Myrddin, Nim, Nix, Node.js, Nuweb, OCaml, Odin, Ook, Pascal, PHP, Python, Postscript, Prolog, R, Ring, Ruby, Rust, Scala, Scheme, Sed, Smalltalk, SQL, Swift, Tcl, TypeScript, Visual BASIC, WebAssembly, Wolfram, XSLT and Zig.
- LibreCat/Catmandu - Catmandu - a data processing toolkit
- shayneobrien/coreference-resolution - Efficient and clean PyTorch reimplementation of "End-to-end Neural Coreference Resolution" (Lee et al., EMNLP 2017).
- Perl-Critic/Perl-Critic - The leading static analyzer for Perl. Configurable, extensible, powerful.
- tadzik/rakudobrew - Perl 6 installation manager
- trizen/obmenu-generator - A fast menu generator for the Openbox Window Manager.
- datacharmer/mysql-sandbox - Quick and painless install of one or more MySQL servers in the same host.
- mvz/email-outlook-message-perl - Email::Outlook::Message Perl module for reading Outlook .msg files
- mdom/dategrep - print lines matching a time range
- justingit/dada-mail - Self-Hosted, Full Featured, Email Mailing List Manager. Announcement + Discussion Lists, Web-based Installer, Installs with minimal dependencies, sendmail/SMTP/Amazon SES supported
- teodesian/Selenium-Remote-Driver - Perl Bindings to the Selenium Webdriver server
- pplu/aws-sdk-perl - A community AWS SDK for Perl Programmers
- cbbrowne/autodoc - PostgreSQL Autodoc - dumps a Postgres schema in several useful documentary forms
- moose/Moose - Official repository for Moose
- lixmal/keepass4web - [deprecated] KeePass databases served on the web
- xbgmsharp/ipxe-buildweb - iPXE Prebuilt binary web interface
- Perl-Apollo/Corinna - Corinna - Bring Modern OO to the Core of Perl
- os-autoinst/os-autoinst - OS-level test automation
- Diego999/py-rouge - Full Python implementation of the ROUGE metric, producing same results as in the official perl implementation.
- Octopussy-Project/Octopussy - Octopussy - Open Source Log Management Solution
- evalEmpire/perl5i - A single module to fix as much of Perl 5 as possible in one go
- mozilla-bteam/bmo - bugzilla.mozilla.org source - report issues here: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=bugzilla.mozilla.org
- colorgcc/colorgcc - colorgcc is a perl script to colorize gcc output. I'm collecting random patches and changes
- andk/pause - Perl authors upload server
- abw/Template2 - Perl Template Toolkit v2
- zevenet/zlb - ZEVENET is now RELIANOID
- perl11/cperl - A perl5 with classes, types, compilable, company friendly, security
- reyjrar/es-utils - ElasticSearch Utilities
- Test-More/test-more - Test2, Test::More, Test::Simple and Test::Builder Perl modules for writing tests
- stevan/p5-mop-redux - A(nother) MOP for Perl 5
- finance-quote/finance-quote - Finance::Quote module for Perl
- smtpd/qpsmtpd - qpsmtpd is a flexible smtpd daemon written in Perl
- trizen/perl-scripts - A nice collection of day-to-day Perl scripts.
- openSUSE/obs-build - OBS build script, can be used with OBS or stand alone
- jimdigriz/freeradius-oauth2-perl - FreeRADIUS OAuth2 (OpenID Connect) using rlm_perl
- stevan/p5-mop-original - A MOP for Perl 5
- gbxyz/unbound-block-hosts - a script to convert Dan Pollock's ad blocking hosts file into Unbound local-data.
- famzah/langs-performance - C++ vs. Python vs. Perl vs. PHP vs. Java vs. NodeJS vs. Go vs. Ruby vs. Rust vs. Swift vs. D performance benchmark
- veripool/verilog-perl - Verilog parser, preprocessor, and related tools for the Verilog-Perl package
- mojomojo/mojomojo - A Catalyst & DBIx::Class powered Wiki.
- Aron-Tn/Mega-Bot - [NEW] : Mega Bot ☣ Scanner & Auto Exploiter
- sourceperl/mbtget - A simple Modbus/TCP client write in pure Perl.
- xslate/p5-Text-Xslate - Scalable template engine for Perl5
- miyagawa/remedie - perl based pluggable media center application
- dyne/gitzone - git-based zone management tool for static and dynamic domains
- trizen/sidef - A modern object-oriented programming language implemented in Perl.
- mschilli/log4perl - Log4j Implementation For Perl
- john-bokma/tumblelog - A static tumblelog generator available as both a Perl and Python version
- fayland/perl-net-github - Perl interface to GitHub
- foswiki/distro - START HERE! This is the Foswiki project "Distribution". It is a monolith repository with the core + default extensions.
- chasewnelson/SNPGenie - Program for estimating πN/πS, dN/dS, and other diversity measures from next-generation sequencing data
- trizen/straw-viewer - DEPRECATED Use https://github.com/trizen/pipe-viewer instead.
- PerlRedis/perl-redis - Perl binding for Redis database
- htrgouvea/spellbook - Framework for rapid development of offensive security tools
- sveinbjornt/DataURLToolkit - Various tools for working with Data URLs, incl. web application (http://dataurl.net), Mac OS X GUI app, command line tool, Perl modules and Apache module.
- miyagawa/web-scraper - Perl web scraping toolkit
- perltidy/perltidy - Perl::Tidy, a source code formatter for Perl
- jmcnamara/excel-writer-xlsx - Perl module to create Excel XLSX files.
- chromatic/little_plack_book - Using Plack and PSGI in Modern Perl Web Applications
- CiscoCXSecurity/udp-proto-scanner - udp-proto-scanner is a Perl script which discovers UDP services by sending triggers to a list of hosts
- shenwei356/bio_scripts - Practical, reusable scripts for bioinformatics
- nassosoassos/sail_align - SailAlign is an open-source software toolkit for robust long speech-text alignment implementing an adaptive, iterative speech recognition and text alignment scheme that allows for the processing of very long (and possibly noisy) audio and is robust to transcription errors. It is mainly written as a perl library but its functionality also depends on freely available software, namely HTK, srilm and sclite.
- mojolicious/mojo-pg - Mojolicious ❤️ PostgreSQL
- garu/Data-Printer - colored pretty-print of Perl data structures and objects
- ewels/clusterflow - A pipelining tool to automate and standardise bioinformatics analyses on cluster environments.
- arrogantrobot/23andme2vcf - convert your 23andme raw file to VCF | DEPRECATED, please see https://github.com/plantimals/2vcf
- moznion/Perl-Lint - Yet Another Perl Source Code Linter
- EntropyOrg/p5-Devel-IPerl - 🔬📚 Perl5 language kernel for Jupyter http://jupyter.org/
- PDLPorters/pdl - Scientific computing with Perl
- HariSekhon/DevOps-Perl-tools - 25+ DevOps CLI Tools - Anonymizer, SQL ReCaser (MySQL, PostgreSQL, AWS Redshift, Snowflake, Apache Drill, Hive, Impala, Cassandra CQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Couchbase N1QL, Dockerfiles), Hadoop HDFS & Hive tools, Solr/SolrCloud CLI, Nginx stats & HTTP(S) URL watchers for load-balanced web farms, Linux tools etc.
- fletcher/MultiMarkdown-CMS - Package to assist with publishing a web site using MMD and a few perl scripts
- pjcj/Devel--Cover - Code coverage metrics for Perl
- PerlFFI/FFI-Platypus - Write Perl bindings to non-Perl libraries with FFI. No XS required.
- andrewcmyers/civs - Condorcet Internet Voting System
- oalders/go-for-perl-hackers - Go Cheat Sheet for Perl Hackers
- agentzh/perl-systemtap-toolkit - Real-time analyzing and diagnosing tools for perl 5 based on SystemTap
- shogo82148/actions-setup-perl - Setup Perl environment Action
- gshank/html-formhandler - a Perl Moose HTML form handler
- elastic/elasticsearch-perl - Official Perl low-level client for Elasticsearch.
- thoughtpolice/eris - Serve your /nix/store directory over the internet ✨
- elliotchance/mbzdb - 🎵 Port of the MusicBrainz database to run on other RDBMSs with replication (previously named MB_MySQL.)
- dcouvin/CRISPRCasFinder - A Perl script allowing to identify CRISPR arrays and associated Cas proteins from DNA sequences
- stf-storage/stf - STF - Distributed Object Storage (Perl/MySQL/(Q4M|TheSchwartz|Resque|Redis)/Memcached)
- rcaputo/poe - POE is a portable perl multitasking and networking framework for any event loop.
- perl5-dbi/dbi - DBI - The Perl 5 Database Interface
- yanick/Template-Mustache - Drawing Mustaches on Perl, for fun and profit
- preaction/Statocles - Static website CMS
- semifor/Net-Twitter - A Perl interface to the Twitter APIs
- PerlGameDev/SDL - Rehashing the old perl SDL binding on cpan.org
- demanuel/NewsUP - Fully feature high performance binary usenet uploader/poster
- spencertipping/ni - Say "ni" to data of any size
- kensanata/oddmuse - A simple wiki engine written in Perl. No database required.
- Ensembl/ensembl - The Ensembl Core Perl API and SQL schema
- briandfoy/Learning-Perl-Sample-Files - Extra files for use with Learning Perl
- raszi/colorize - Log colorizer perl script
- mfazrinizar/FazScan - | FazScan is a Perl program to do some vulnerability scanning and pentesting |
- philpennock/sieve-connect - A client for the MANAGESIEVE Protocol
- brimorlabs/rdpieces - The home of the BriMor Labs rdpieces Perl script that tries to rebuild parsed RDP Bitmap Cache images
- book/perlsecret - The perl secret operators
- sisimai/p5-sisimai - Mail Analyzing Interface for email bounce: A Perl module to parse RFC5322 bounce mails and generating structured data as JSON from parsed results. Formerly known as bounceHammer 4: an error mail analyzer.
- maxmind/MaxMind-DB-Writer-perl - Create MaxMind DB database files
- samm-git/jvpn - Perl script to connect to the Juniper VPN with Host Checker enabled
- SteScho/manubulon-snmp - Set of Icinga/Nagios plugins to check hosts and hardware with the SNMP protocol.
- mrihtar/Garmin-FIT - Perl code for reading and conversion of Garmin FIT binary files
- stash/Feersum - A PSGI engine for Perl based on EV/libev
- andrewnimmo/rick-sanders-imap-tools - What is the IMAP Tools Set? It is a set of Perl programs for use with IMAP servers.
- line/line-bot-sdk-perl - LINE Messaging API SDK for Perl
- proxmox/pve-common - Proxmox Project's Common Perl Code
- HariSekhon/Spotify-tools - Spotify Tools - Playlists Backups, Spotify CLI, URI translator, duplication detection / removal, API search queries, API automation etc.
- EnlightenedPerlOrganisation/task-kensho - A Glimpse at an Enlightned Perl Distribution
- dequis/tmux-url-select - Keyboard based URL selector that integrates with tmux
- perlorg/perlweb - Various perl.org websites
- kraih/mango - 🙈 Pure-Perl non-blocking I/O MongoDB driver
- graphql-perl/graphql-perl - GraphQL in Perl 5
- grampajoe/Autodatamosh - Perl script that automatically datamoshes MPEG4-encoded AVI videos.
- gphat/chart-clicker - Extensible, Beautiful Charts for Perl
- wireghoul/doona - Network based protocol fuzzer
- szabgab/perlmaven.com - The source files of the Perl Maven articles
- Lallassu/DungeonGenerator - Dungeon generator for games.
- kensanata/hex-mapping - Tools to work with hex maps for roleplaying games. Usually web applications written in Perl and producing SVG output.
- ap/titlecase - John Gruber’s Title Case
- agentzh/old-openresty - Obsolete 1st generation of OpenResty written mostly in Perl. Please check out the new OpenResty based on Nginx and Lua instead.
- timbunce/devel-nytprof - Devel::NYTProf is a powerful feature-rich source code profiler for Perl. (Mostly in maintenance mode, so PRs are much more likely to be acted upon than Issues.)
- Perl/PPCs - This repository is for Proposed Perl Changes - proposals to change the Perl language.
- libwww-perl/WWW-Mechanize - Handy web browsing in a Perl object
- skx/dhcp.io - Dynamic DNS - Via Redis, Perl, and Amazon Route53.
- plu/Pithub - Perl Github v3 API
- memowe/contenticious - A simple file based "CMS" on Mojo steroids!
- Kelp-framework/Kelp - Main repository of the Kelp web framework
- bruceravel/demeter - Process and analyze X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy data using Feff and either Larch or Ifeffit.
- UUPharmacometrics/PsN - Perl-Speaks-NONMEM
- soarpenguin/perl-scripts - useful perl script and snippets of code.
- skaji/relocatable-perl - self-contained, portable perl binaries
- mharsch/arcstat - uses Perl to extract, format, and display kstats from the ZFS ARC
- masterzen/mysql-snmp - Net-SNMP perl agent for monitoring MySQL servers
- kbh3rd/shptosvg - Shapefile to SVG renderer in Perl
- gnp/psh - Perl Shell (psh) — Aspiring to be your primary login shell
- thaljef/Pinto - Curate your own repository of Perl modules
- lhost/sendxmpp - perl-script to send xmpp (jabber), similar to what mail(1) does for mail.
- dekkerlab/cworld-dekker - perl cworld module and collection of utility/analysis scripts for C data (3C, 4C, 5C, Hi-C)
- tobert/perl-ssh-tools - A more capable DSH / cluster ssh suite
- Perl-Toolchain-Gang/ExtUtils-MakeMaker - Perl module to make Makefiles and build modules (what backs Makefile.PL)
- grantm/bcvi - Back-channel vi
- trizen/menutray - An application menu through a GTK+ tray status icon.
- rurban/perl-compiler - B::C - Moved over from googlecode
- Real-Gecko/Filemin - File manager for Webmin written completely in perl
- pragma-/pbot - A pragmatic Perl IRCv3 bot
- eserte/bbbike - BBBike
- skx/templer - A modular extensible static-site-generator written in perl.
- perl5-dbi/DBD-mysql - MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
- plainblack/webgui - A free open source content management system and web application framework. The most widely deployed mod_perl application on the planet.
- pegex-parser/pegex-pm - Pegex Parser for Perl
- khrt/Raisin - Raisin - a REST API micro framework for Perl 🐫 🐪
- trizen/clyrics - An extensible lyrics fetcher, with daemon support for cmus and mocp.
- rcaputo/reflex - Reflex is a class library for writing reactive Perl programs. It provides base classes for reactive objects, and specific subclasses for various tasks.
- pkrumins/perl-tcp-proxy - A simple TCP proxy written in Perl. Uses IO::Socket::INET and IO::Select for multiplexing.
- Moham3dRiahi/WPGrabInfo - WP Grab Info v2
- ati/ljsm - perl script for LiveJournal blog backup
- SoylentNews/rehash - Forked from Slashcode, rehash is the codebase that powers SoylentNews.org, powered by mod_perl 2
- matutani/nocgen - NoC (Network-on-Chip) generator that generates Verilog HDL model of NoC consisting of on-chip routers
- blogs-perl-org/blogs.perl.org - Templates and stuff for the blogs.perl.org web site
- yoe/SReview - sreview review system
- hrbrmstr/cloc - 🔢 R package to the perl cloc script (which counts blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in source files/trees/archives)
- dod38fr/config-model - Perl module to create configuration editor with semantic validation
- anhsirk0/file-arranger - Simple & capable Directory arranger/cleaner
- libwww-perl/URI - The Perl URI module
- jonswar/perl-mason - Mason 2
- gbxyz/webidx - webidx is a client-side search engine for static websites.
- fletcher/SimplenoteSync - perl routine to sync folder of text files with your notes on Simplenote
- denny/ShinyCMS - ShinyCMS is an open source CMS. This is the Perl version, built with Catalyst and DBIC. (There is also a Ruby on Rails version: www.github.com/denny/ShinyCMS-ruby)
- aesuli/Amazon-downloader - Two perl scripts to download and parse Amazon's reviews
- htrgouvea/nozaki - HTTP fuzzer engine security oriented
- rjbs/Email-Sender - a perl library for sending email
- manwar/Design-Patterns - Design Pattern using Modern Perl.
- kraih/kefctl - Command line application for controlling KEF speakers
- ido50/Svsh - Process supervision shell for daemontools, perp, s6 and runit
- Grinnz/perldoc-browser - Perldoc Browser
- dpavlin/perl-cwmp - Perl ACS server implementing CWMP protocol to manage CPE clients
- xen-tools/xen-tools - xen-tools is a collection of simple perl scripts which allow you to easily create new Xen guest domains upon your Xen host server.
- vinuesa/get_phylomarkers - A pipeline to select optimal markers for microbial phylogenomics and species tree estimation using the multispecies coalescent and concatenation approaches
- sophiehuiberts/Bootimg-scripts - Perl scripts for unpacking and repackaging Android boot.img's. I did not write these, just sharing.
- pherkin/test-bdd-cucumber-perl - Test::BDD::Cucumber - Cucumber in Perl
- duckduckgo/p5-app-duckpan - DuckDuckHack OpenSource Development Application
- dgl/cgiirc - CGI:IRC web based IRC client
- agordon/dancer_bootstrap_fontawesome_template - A template for quick-starting applications using Perl's Dancer, Twitter's Bootstrap and Font-Awesome.
- vmbrasseur/Perl_Companies - A list of companies which use Perl. Initially generated from postings to jobs.perl.org.
- tobyink/p5-type-tiny - Perl 5 distribution Type-Tiny; see homepage for downloads and documentation.
- spezifanta/SteamCalculator-Scripts - Perl scripts, which parses the Valve's Steam store.
- preaction/Yancy - The Best Web Framework Deserves the Best Content Management System
- openresty/lemplate - OpenResty/Lua template framework implementing Perl's TT2 templating language
- jacquesg/p5-Git-Raw - Perl bindings to the Git linkable library (libgit2)
- Aralhach/bashobfus - A small bash minifier/obfuscator written in Perl.
- alx77/render_list_geo.pl - Perl script for automatic rendering tiles for renderd+mod_tile
- Sunhh/NGS_data_processing - Tool set for processing fasta/fastq/table formated data. Usually they are perl scripts.
- rschupp/PAR-Packer - (perl) Generate stand-alone executables, perl scripts and PAR files https://metacpan.org/pod/PAR::Packer
- PrefKarafuto/ex0ch - EXぜろちゃんねる ー ぜろちゃんねるプラスに便利な機能を追加していくプロジェクト
- Ensembl/ensembl-hive - EnsEMBL Hive - a system for creating and running pipelines on a distributed compute resource
- duckduckgo/duckduckgo-publisher - Generation of the static files of DuckDuckGo and its microsites.
- davorg/perlwebbook - A book. About Perl. And the Web.
- dasdom/CreateAppStoreBill - A perl script and tex files to create bills for the German tax office from Apple's financial reports.
- xtaran/unburden-home-dir - Automatically unburden $HOME from caches, etc. Useful for $HOME on SSDs, small disks or slow NFS homes. Can be triggered via an hook in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/.
- Ensembl/ensembl-compara - The Ensembl Compara Perl API and SQL schema
- dnsforge-repo/xteve - Latest Dockerized xTeVe v2.2.x IPTV proxy with Guide2go, zap2XML, Crond & Perl Support.
- rizen/Facebook-Graph - A perl module to help navigate the intricacies of the Facebook Graph API.
- onishi/perl5-devel-kytprof - Devel::KYTProf - Simple Perl code profiler
- jploski/epic-ide - EPIC - Eclipse Perl Integration (new official repository!)
- jberger/Zoidberg - A modular perl shell
- aki2o/plsense - Omni completion tool for Perl
- vti/showmethedesktop - Perl + VNC + WebSockets + HTML5 Canvas
- kablamo/git-spark - Plot your commit history on the command line with sparklines. A mash up of git and spark and Perl.
- waldner/croncal - Utility to convert a crontab file to a list of actual events within a date range.
- statico/cadubi - 🎨 Creative ASCII Drawing Utility By Ian (1997)
- masak/web - A Perl 6 web framework
- libwww-perl/URI-db - Perl module representing database URIs
- klenin/cats-main - Programming contest control system
- htrgouvea/zarn - A lightweight static security analysis tool for modern Perl Apps
- tao-bioinfo/gff3sort - GFF3sort: A Perl Script to sort gff3 files and produce suitable results for tabix tools
- rfc1036/rpsltool - A multi-target BGP configurations generator
- proxmox/pve-container - Proxmox VE container manager & runtime - read-only mirror
- motemen/Wight - Communicate with PhantomJS in Perl (Capybara+Poltergeist to Perl)
- ericblue/Perl-FitBit-API - Provides an OO API for fetching fitness data from fitbit.com. Currently there is no official API, however data is retrieved using XML feeds that populate the flash-based charts.
- danaj/Math-Prime-Util - Perl (XS) module implementing prime number utilities, including sieves
- bucardo/dbdpg - Perl Postgres driver DBD::Pg aka dbdpg
- ap/perldoc-complete - A bash completion helper for perldoc
- xslate/p5-Mouse - Lightweight class builder for Perl, as a subset of Moose
- swannman/pdf2gerb - Perl script converts PDF files to Gerber format
- sanko/Finance-Robinhood - Trade stocks and ETFs with free brokerage Robinhood and Perl
- Robertof/perl-www-telegram-botapi - Perl implementation of the Telegram Bot API
- RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM - Counterpart of SIGNALDuino, it's the code for FHEM to work with the data received from the uC
- nephri/FreeNas-DiskList - FreeNas "Disklist" script for report informations about installed hard drives, volumes and partitions
- lestrrat-p5/ZMQ - libzmq Perl binding
- learnbyexample/Perl_intro - 🐪 Introductory course for Perl 5 through examples, geared towards VLSI engineers
- houseabsolute/DateTime.pm - A date and time object for Perl
- ding-lab/hotspot3d - 3D hotspot mutation proximity analysis tool
- abh/pgeodns - Geographic Perl Nameserver
- xsawyerx/perl-android-scripts - Collection of Perl scripts (examples, programs) that run on Android using ASE
- sarahkadar/pflogsumm - NOT MAINTAINED
- rhuss/jmx4perl - JMX access tools and modules
- norbu09/Net--Dropbox - perl interface to the Dropbox API
- marioroy/mce-perl - Many-Core Engine for Perl
- manwar/perl-cool-snippets - Collection of Perl cool snippets.
- LibreCat/LibreCat - A publication management system
- hitode909/App-PRT - Command line tool for Perl code refactoring
- batchmcnulty/uberscan - Security program for recovering passwords and pen-testing servers, routers and IoT devices using brute-force password attacks.
- aleimba/bac-genomics-scripts - Collection of scripts for bacterial genomics
- vladak/ipv6gen - IPv6 prefix generator
- LyonsLab/coge - CoGe (Comparative Genomics) Platform
- fluent/fluent-logger-perl - A structured logger for Fluentd (Perl)
- DE-IBH/imvirt - detects several virtualizations
- comewalk/google-api-perl-client - Google APIs Client Library for Perl
- acme/git-pureperl - A Pure Perl interface to Git repositories
- symkat/Daemon-Control - Daemon::Control - Create init scripts in Perl
- SPORE/net-http-spore - Perl implementation for SPORE
- mtve/yazecminer - yet another ZEC miner
- makamaka/JSON - perl implementation of JSON encoder/decoder
- jizhang/perl-virtualenv - Virtual Environment for Perl
- Corion/www-mechanize-firefox - The API of WWW::Mechanize, combined with the Javascript-power of Firefox
- CiderWebmail/CiderWebmail - Perl/Catalyst/AJAX based Webmail
- aleex42/netapp-cdot-nagios - Nagios-Checks for monitoring NetApp cDOT-Systems via NetApp Perl API
- softpano/pythonizer - Translator (or more correctly transcriber) from Perl to Python
- sartak/webmachine-perl - A Perl port of Webmachine
- nigelhorne/ged2site - Create a family tree website from a Gedcom file
- neilhwatson/nustuff - Useful scripting and Linux configuration examples
- monitoring-plugins/monitoring-plugin-perl - Perl module Monitoring::Plugin - Nagios::Plugin
- KD8EYF/TRBO-NET - mototrbo perl modules for ARS TMS and LRRP
- jirutka/apcupsd-snmp - Apcupsd module for Net-SNMP
- gryf/tabbedalt - Extended tabbed plugin for rxvt-unicode (urxvt)
- genelet/mlm - Comprehensive open-source Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) Software
- diegok/resque-perl - Perl port of the original Ruby library. It's intended to work using the same backend to share tasks and be able to manage the system using ruby's resque-server webapp. Resque is a Redis-backed library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later.
- cotto/www-workflowy - unofficial reverse-engineered Perl 5 interface to Workflowy
- xsawyerx/module-starter - Module::Starter, a tool to help create solid Perl modules from scratch
- szabgab/perlweekly - A free, once a week e-mail round-up of hand-picked news and articles about Perl
- subogero/rename - Perl rename as a separate package
- mlawren/githook-perltidy - Run perltidy as a Git pre-commit hook
- mahlonsmith/shelldap - A handy shell-like interface for browsing LDAP servers and editing their content. It keeps command history, has sane autocompletes, credential caching, site-wide and individual configs, and it's fun to say. Shelldap! Shelldap! Shelldap!
- ingydotnet/mo-pm - Perl Micro Objects
- iinteractive/OX - the hardest working two letters in Perl
- gnustavo/Git-Hooks - Framework for implementing Git (and Gerrit) hooks
- egonozer/in_silico_pcr - Perl script for simulating PCR reactions. Extract sequences from a query based on primer sequences.
- zhou0/shadowsocks-perl - An asynchronous, non-blocking shadowsocks client and server written in Perl.
- TrackingSoft/Kafka - Perl implementation of Kafka API (official CPAN module)
- rjbs/App-Cmd - perl framework for testable, extensible command line apps
- mklement0/perli - Multi-platform Perl REPL
- metomi/fcm - 🔨 FCM: a modern Fortran build system + wrappers to Subversion for scientific software development
- jonswar/perl-chi - Perl CHI distribution
- ericblue/Perl-Belkin-WeMo-API - Perl-Belkin-WeMo-API
- cooldaemon/RabbitFoot - An asynchronous and multi channel Perl AMQP client. It uses Coro and AnyEvent::RabbitMQ.
- Blaizer/ModernPerl-sublime - Perl syntax highlighting for Sublime Text that isn't outdated
- ap/DBIx-Connector - Fast, safe DBI connection and transaction management
- vti/text-haml - Haml parser in Perl
- userjack6880/Open-Report-Parser - A Perl based tool to parse DMARC reports from an IMAP mailbox or from the filesystem, and insert the information into a database. Derived from Techsneeze's dmarcts-report-parser
- typester/kamaitachi - perl flash media server
- rurban/Cpanel-JSON-XS - Improved fork of JSON-XS
- perigrin/blawd - Simple Blogging Software in Perl, similar to blosxome or Jekyll
- openSUSE/MirrorCache - Download Redirector
- G4Vi/Perl-Dist-APPerl - Actually Portable Perl
- dagolden/Capture-Tiny - (Perl) Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS or external programs
- clip9/adbren - adbren - Rename and organize anime using this AniDB API client written in perl
- zehm/sendEmail - SendEmail is a lightweight, command line SMTP email client. If you have the need to send email from a command line, this free program is perfect: simple to use and feature rich. It was designed to be used in bash scripts, batch files, Perl programs and web sites, but is quite adaptable and will likely meet your requirements. SendEmail is written in Perl and is unique in that it requires NO MODULES. It has an intuitive and flexible set of command-line options, making it very easy to learn and use. SendEmail is licensed under the GNU GPL, either version 2 of the License or (at your option) any later version. [Supported Platforms: Linux, BSD, OS X, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, & Windows XP]
- yusukebe/App-revealup - HTTP Server app for viewing Markdown formatted text as slides
- tempire/perl-google-voice - Perl module to interact with Google::Voice
- Tekki/sql-ledger - 📚 The most advanced SQL-Ledger version.
- ingydotnet/io-all-pm - All in One Perl IO
- hexsum/pfqq - 【该项目已停止维护,请关注重构项目: Mojo-Webqq】使用Perl语言编写的webqq客户端框架(非GUI),支持旧版webqq的多重md5带盐登录密码算法以及新版smartqq的md5+rsa+tea+base64组合登录密码算法
- dr-iman/Drupal-Hunter - Drupal Exploiter Tool (Drupal Hunter)
- dann/p5-cpan-packager - CPAN::Packager is a tool to help you make packages from perl modules on CPAN.
- barbie/perl-jam - Perl Jam - a book about organising conferences
- tsee/ZeroMQ-Perl - Perl interface to 0MQ2
- textmate/perl.tmbundle - TextMate support for Perl
- passeriforma/Perl2Python - A tool to (try to) convert Perl scripts to Python
- olarerin/metaPlotR - A Perl/R pipeline for plotting metagenes
- noxxi/p5-io-socket-ssl - IO::Socket::SSL Perl Module
- dankogai/p5-encode - Encode - character encodings (for Perl 5.8 or better)
- bigpresh/Dancer-Plugin-Database - Dancer::Plugin::Database - easy database support for Dancer applications
- beppu/squatting - A Camping-inspired Web Microframework for Perl
- typester/perldojo - online perl testing!
- Trepan-Debuggers/Perl-Devel-Trepan - Perl port of trepanning debugger
- trapd00r/pimpd2 - Perl Interface for the Music Player Daemon 2 | http://search.cpan.org/dist/App-Pimpd/
- slauger/check_netscaler - A Nagios Plugin written in Perl for the Citrix ADC (formerly Citrix NetScaler). It uses the NetScaler NITRO API.
- pentestmonkey/ident-user-enum - ident-user-enum is a simple PERL script to query the ident service (113/TCP) in order to determine the owner of the process listening on each TCP port of a target system.
- njh/perl-net-sdp - Perl Module : Session Description Protocol (rfc2327)
- modernistik/Nmap-Parser - Parse nmap scan data with Perl (official repo)
- matteoacrossi/texprlcount - Perl script that evaluates the word count of a tex document according to the PRL length guidelines
- lukec/stripe-perl - Perl library to connect to the Stripe API
- kevinphilp/Perl-gtk3-Tutorial - Some notes on using Gtk3 with Perl
- msimerson/mail-dmarc - Mail::DMARC, a complete DMARC implementation in Perl
- leto/math--gsl - Perl interface to the GNU Scientific Library
- leejo/CGI.pm - The CGI.pm perl module
- jnthn/blizkost - Makes Perl 5 available as if it were just another Parrot language by embedding the Perl 5 interpreter.
- jmcnamara/spreadsheet-writeexcel - Perl module to write Excel binary files
- Geo-omics/scripts - Metagenomic pipeline and other general scripts used in the lab.
- awncorp/venus - OO Standard Library for Perl 5
- apache/mod_perl - Mirror of Apache mod_perl
- semifor/twirc - Twitter / IRC gateway in perl
- robinbowes/net-udap - Net::UDAP is a Perl module to configure the Logitech SqueezeBox Receiver (SBR) from a PC, i.e. without requiring a SqueezeBox Controller (SBC)
- mpaperno/spampd - SpamPD - Spam Proxy Daemon. A spam-filtering SMTP/LMTP proxy server using SpamAssassin in Perl. Since 2002.
- karupanerura/Aniki - The ORM as our great brother.
- grantm/Algorithm-CouponCode - Perl library to generate and validate 'CouponCode' strings
- FormFu/HTML-FormFu - HTML Form Creation, Rendering and Validation Framework. Just define the form, and let FormFu do the all heavy lifting.
- Debian/devscripts - Mirror of https://salsa.debian.org/debian/devscripts.git
- davidcarlisle/latexcgi - LaTeX server via perl cgi script, developed for learnlatex.org
- AMS-IX/arpsponge - AMS-IX ARPsponge Project
- vsTerminus/Mojo-Discord - Perl Modules that implement parts of the Discord API. Intended for Text Chat Bots.
- tokuhirom/Test-TCP - Test::TCP for perl
- perl5-dbi/DBD-MariaDB - Perl MariaDB driver
- mirod/xmltwig - XML, the Perl way
- mclenburg/plutoTV-tvheadend - Perl-Script to generate m3u and xmltv-epg from PlutoTV-API
- lstein/Perl-GD - Perl GD module for bitmap graphics
- kruser/atbat-mongodb - A Perl project that pulls data from MLB's AtBat servers and shoves them into a local MongoDB
- kokonior/Perl-Projects - Feel free to create new file, don't hesitate to pull your code, the most important thing is that the file name here must match your nickname so that file does not conflict with other people.
- joyrex2001/grpc-perl - Perl 5 implementation of gRPC using the official gRPC shared library.
- Dual-Life/autodie - Make functions succeed or die in Perl, with lexical scope.
- chicks-net/megamap - MegaRAID® Linux drive map
- vti/underscore-perl - Underscore-perl is a Perl clone of Underscore.js
- Tux/speedtest - Perl CLI for speedtest.net
- takehaya/Sys-Ebpf - Sys::Ebpf is a pure-perl library to read, modify and load eBPF programs and attach them to various hooks in the Linux kernel.In other words eBPF Loader for written in Perl.
- radiator-software/p5-net-ssleay - Net-SSLeay: Perl bindings for OpenSSL and LibreSSL
- pkkolos/urxvt-scripts - A small collection of perl extensions for the rxvt-unicode terminal emulator
- perl-workflow/perl-workflow - Workflow - simple, flexible system to implement workflows/state machines
- Perl-Toolchain-Gang/Module-Build - Perl module to configure and build modules (what backs most Build.PLs)
- Ovid/DB--Color - Syntax highlighting the Perl debugger
- OpensourceICTSolutions/zabbix-mysql-partitioning-perl - This script is a script written in Perl to partition the Zabbix database tables in time based chunks. We can use this script to replace the Zabbix housekeeper process which tends to get too slow once you hit a certain database size.
- moznion/aws-lambda-perl5-layer - Perl5 layer for AWS Lambda with runtime API
- hexsum/Mojo-SinaWeibo - 使用Perl语言编写的新浪微博客户端SDK,通过微博私信和微软小冰进行问答,提供小冰API接口,其他微博功能敬请期待
- dave-theunsub/gtk3-perl-demos - This repository is intended to give perl-Gtk3 users some example programs. It's not rocket surgery, you know.
- cqHack/DDoS-Script - A script written in perl for ddos with automatic detection of open and vulnerable port that gives up to 1.5 gb packages / s
- bgoglin/lltag - Automatic command-line mp3/ogg/flac file tagger and renamer
- stevan/promises-perl - An implementation of Promises in Perl
- skaji/perl-github-actions-sample - Perl meets GitHub Actions
- pawal/dnssec-monitor - DNSSEC-monitoring tools used many TLDs
- patrickleboutillier/jcscpu - Logical implementation, in Perl and Go, of the computer described in J. Clark Scott's book "But How Do It Know?".
- noordawod/gigasync - Rsync-based Perl script to incrementally mirror enormous directory trees.
- lukec/cpan-selenium-rc-perl - Test-WWW-Selenium Perl Selenium RC Driver
- jamadam/mojo-legacy - mojo for Perl-5.8.7
- greg-kennedy/dot_scr - Perl process that records DOSBox movies of Windows 3.1 screensavers, and posts to Twitter.
- gonzoua/EBook-EPUB - EBook::EPUB perl module for generating EPUB document
- gflohr/qgoda - Qgoda (pronounce: yagoda!) is an extensible static site generator with arbitrary taxonomies and cross-links and a strong focus on multilanguage facilities.
- fayland/perl-lingua-han - all Lingua::Han:: CPAN modules
- Corion/WWW-Mechanize-Chrome - automate the Chrome browser
- book/Git-Repository - Perl interface to Git repositories
- topaz/perl-mandelbrot - Interactive Mandelbrot set renderer/explorer for your terminal.
- tanjiti/perl_tools - perl小工具
- sass/perl-libsass - Perl bindings for libsass (CSS::Sass)
- salva/p5-Net-OpenSSH - Perl SSH client built on top of OpenSSH
- run4flat/C-Blocks - Embeding a fast C compiler directly into your Perl parser
- RalXYZ/moyu.sh - Junk file generator script
- OliverBoy/Luna - Club Penguin Server Emulator - AS2 Protocol
- mojolicious/mojo-assetpack - 🚜 Compress and convert CSS, Less, Sass and JavaScript files
- miyagawa/xml-atom - XML::Atom perl module
- libraryhackers/library-callnumber-lc - Perl and Python modules for normalizing Library of Congress call numbers
- KKBOX/mpdnsd-perl - Marco Polo DNS Daemon
- kingpong/perl-Test-Spec - rSpec-like test system for Perl
- jjazzboss/colorbindiff - A visual and colorized diff for binary files.
- isgphys/BaNG - Backup Next Generation for Linux & Mac using rsync (support hardlinks and btrfs snapshots), Web-Frontend, Statistics, History-Merger)
- htrgouvea/harpoon - [W.I.P] An ecosystem of crawlers for detecting: leaks, sensitive data exposure and attempts exfiltration of data
- geuma/pDLNA - perl DLNA MediaServer
- exercism/perl5 - Exercism exercises in Perl 5.
- ewaters/net-amqp - Implementation of the AMQ Protocol in Perl
- Dual-Life/Scalar-List-Utils - Scalar::Util, List::Util and Sub::Util perl modules
- timbunce/java2perl6 - Parse Java class files and generate corresponding Perl6 Class and Role files
- The-McGrail-Foundation/MIMEDefang - MIMEDefang is an e-mail filtering tool that works with the Sendmail “Milter” library. MIMEDefang lets you express your filtering policies in Perl rather than C, making it quick and easy to filter or manipulate your mail.
- skx/markdownshare.com - The code which was previously used at http://markdownshare.com/
- schwern/Sex - Perl teaches the birds and the bees
- saiftynet/Wordle - A command Line wordle clone
- pkrumins/social-scraper - Social scraper is a Perl program that scrapes reddit, digg, stumbleupon, delicious, furl, flickr, simpy, boingboing, wired for content that matches the given patterns.
- Perl-Toolchain-Gang/Test-Harness - Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
- Perl/docker-perl-tester - Docker images with pre-installed test modules and test dependencies for CPAN modules
- Perl-Apollo/oshun - Declarative data validation for variables and subroutines
- mojolicious/mojo-status - 🐳 Mojolicious server status
- kesor/p5-cucumber - Cucumber for Perl 5
- jric/epubtohtml - A simple perl script to convert epub documents to documents that browsers can natively browse.
- jonswar/perl-poet - Perl Poet distribution
- hachi/Perlbal - Perl HTTP Load Balancer
- eserte/cpan-testers-matrix - the code behind matrix.cpantesters.org
- eilara/Rx.pl - Microsoft Reactive Extensions clone for Perl
- CiscoCXSecurity/ssl-cipher-suite-enum - ssl-cipher-suite enum is a Perl script to enumerate supported SSL cipher suites supported by network services (principally HTTPS)
- BishopFox/ProxyListReliabilityCheck - Perl script to test the reliability of a list of open web proxies.
- szbalint/WWW--Curl - Perl binding for libcurl
- prepan-developers/prepan - Social Reviewing for Perl Modules
- PeterMartini/go-perl - Linking in Go code via XS
- peterkeen/proclaunch - A pure-perl process management system
- memcached/perl-Cache-Memcached - Cache::Memcached
- josephhughes/Sequence-manipulation - A range of different perl scripts for manipulating sequences, conducting alignments, consensus sequences, changing formats
- jensenja/graphite-snmp-collector - Asynchronous Perl to collect SNMP data to feed into Graphite
- Flameborn/Kiramoji - Kiramoji is a modified version of the popular anonymous message board: Kareha.
- Ensembl/ensembl-variation - The Ensembl Variation Perl API and SQL schema
- adriaandens/fagrant - Vagrant in 100 lines of (Perl) code
- vti/cpan-audit-deprecated - Check CPAN modules for known security vulnerabilities
- tonycoz/imager - Imager - image manipulation from perl.
- thibaultduponchelle/tryperl - 🍫 Try Perl: learn the basics of the Perl language in your browser
- rafl/devel-declare - Adding keywords to perl, in perl
- pjcj/Gedcom.pm - Gedcom - a Perl module to manipulate Gedcom genealogy files
- mdom/squaretag - Tag files using just the file name
- kngenie/ias3upload - simple Perl script for uploading files to Internet Archive through its S3-like interface
- ipinfo/perl - Official Perl client library for IPinfo API (IP geolocation and other types of IP data)
- ho-tex/pdfcrop - pdfcrop perl utility
- Hopper262/classic-mac-utils - Perl scripts to handle resource forks and other old Mac formats.
- Easy-Forex/Verify-emails - Quick perl script to check a list of email addresses for valid and bogus.
- ashb/trycatch - 'Native' try {} catch {} semantics for perl using Devel::Declare
- alvar-freude/Posemo - PostgreSQL Secure Monitoring
- ajensenwaud/dbs-tools - Perl tools to transform account / transaction data from DBS Bank into proper CSV
- vmware-archive/vsphere-automation-sdk-perl - [DEPRECATED] Please see README. Perl samples, language bindings, and API reference documentation for vSphere using the VMware REST API
- tokuhirom/optimize-perl-doc - how to optimize your perl code?
- stevan/BreadBoard - Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection for Perl
- sni/Monitoring-Livestatus - Livestatus Perl API to access runtime data from Nagios, Naemon, Icinga and Shinken.
- semifor/net-twitter-lite - A lighter weight (non-Moose) Perl interface to the Twitter API
- livedoor/Sledge - ancient Perl Web Application Framework.
- koknat/dif - 'dif' is a Linux preprocessing front end to gvimdiff/meld/kompare
- kasei/perlrdf - Deprecated in favor of the Attean package
- johnkerl/scripts - Productivity tools for Linux/Unix.
- hakobe/Guita - Gist clone for private use written in Perl
- getsentry/perl-raven - A perl sentry client
- CpanelInc/cPanel-PublicAPI - A perl module for interfacing with cPanel's various APIs
- chromatic/Modern-Perl - The Modern::Perl CPAN Distribution
- zigorou/perl-JSV - JSON Schema implementation for Perl
- xme/known_hosts_bruteforcer - Perl script to bruteforce SSH known_hosts files.
- worldmind/perlqual - Wrapper for some tests for Perl code quality
- vti/plack-middleware-socketio - Socket.IO Perl/Plack implementation DEPRECATED USE PocketIO INSTEAD
- shogo82148/Redis-Fast - fast perl binding for Redis database
- shogo82148/p5-aws-lambda - AWS Lambda Layer for Perl5
- rjray/rpc-xml - A Perl implementation of the XML-RPC specification
- pssc/squeezy - A command-line utility for controlling squeezebox network audio players via their squeezeserver.
- proxmox/pve-access-control - Access control framework
- pkrumins/perl-tcp-proxy2 - Program for my "A TCP Proxy in Perl" article
- perl-ldap/perl-ldap - Perl LDAP client library
- Ovid/hop - Higher Order Perl modules on the CPAN
- omniti-labs/resmon - Resmon is a lightweight utility for local host monitoring that can be queried by tools such as nagios over http. One of the main design goals is portability: that resmon should require nothing more than a default install of Perl. Built with the philosophy that "we are smart because we are dumb," that is, local requirements should be minimal to ease deployment on multiple platforms.
- nigelhorne/gedcom - Gedcom utility program
- jpa/Moose-Doc-JA - Perl Moose Documentation In Japanese
- joshua-hull/Reddit-Image-Scraper - Perl script to download imaged hosted at imgur.com linked from a subreddit at reddit.com
- jjatria/perl-opentelemetry - A Perl implementation of the OpenTelemetry standard
- htrgouvea/fuzzpm - Differential Fuzzer to hunt for logic bugs on Perl Modules
- dk/Net-Eboks - perl API for eboks.dk
- woodpeck/osm-revert-scripts - A collection of Perl scripts to handle reverts on OpenStreetMap
- sweharris/MMB_Utils - Perl library and utilities for manipulating BBC MMB and SSD files
- societe-generale/code2pg - Tool to help migrate application code from Oracle to PostgreSQL
- sludin/Protocol-ACME - A perl library that provides a simple interface to writing scripts for cert provisioning with Let's Encrypt.
- proxmox/pve-firewall - Firewall test scripts
- Perl-Toolchain-Gang/local-lib - local::lib - create and use a local lib/ for perl modules with PERL5LIB
- perlpunk/YAML-PP-p5 - A YAML 1.2 processor in perl
- net-amqp-rabbitmq/net-amqp-rabbitmq - Perl bindings to the librabbitmq-c AMQP library.
- MaxPerl/perl-Gtk3-Tutorial - a Tutorial about perl-Gtk3 based on the python tutorial found at https://developer.gnome.org/gnome-devel-demos/stable/tutorial.py.html.en
- lyokato/p5-oauth-lite2 - Perl Library for OAuth 2.0
- LetUsFsck/protokill - Here's a Perl script that can either be used as a protocol fuzzer, or a DoS tool
- gugod/Test-Continuous - (Perl) Run your tests suite continusouly when developing.
- Ensembl/Bio-DB-HTS - Git repo for Bio::DB::HTS module on CPAN, providing Perl links into HTSlib
- DrHyde/perl-modules-Number-Phone - Number::Phone and friends
- dpavlin/perl-Redis-obsolete - perl binding for Redis database - latest development is in melo's repository
- cosimo/TicketServer - Flickr-like Ticket Server implemented with Perl + DBI + MySQL
- cho45/Niro - Blogging System for personal use written in Perl.
- briandfoy/cpan-script - (Perl) Interact with CPAN from the command line
- bigpresh/Dancer-Plugin-SimpleCRUD - Quick and effortless CRUD (create/read/update/delete) operations based on database tables
- acme/net-amazon-s3 - Use the Amazon S3 - Simple Storage Service from Perl
- zeromq/perlzmq - version agnostic Perl bindings for zeromq
- stevan/p5-MOP - A Meta Object Protocol for Perl 5
- silnrsi/font-ttf - Font::TTF Perl Module
- sclorg/dancer-ex - Perl Dancer Example
- rjbs/Mail-DeliveryStatus-BounceParser - perl library to parse email bounce messages
- rickumali/RickUmaliVanityWebsite - This is the Perl source code that generates my vanity webpage (hosted at rickumali.com).
- Ovid/Role-Basic - Roles in Perl. Nothing else.
- nagios-plugins/nagios-plugin-perl - Perl module Nagios::Monitoring::Plugin
- mtw/Bio-ViennaNGS - A Perl extension and collection of utilities for Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) data analysis
- masukomi/jsonpath-perl - Perl port of JSONPath
- kubernetes-client/perl - Perl(5) client library for Kubernetes. Work In Progress.
- graphviz-perl/Graph - Perl class for direct graph data structures and algorithms
- gisle/mozilla-ca - Perl module that provides Mozilla's CA cert bundle in PEM format
- gbarr/perl-libnet - perl libnet library
- fayland/chinese-perl-book - free book in Chinese "Master Perl Today"
- elmex/Construder - A 3D Game written in Perl - inspired by Minecraft
- davorg-cpan/perlanet - Simple Planet Clone in Perl
- dams/curses-toolkit - Curses::Toolkit perl module
- Camelcade/Devel-Camelcadedb - Perl module for debugging with Perl5 plugin for IntelliJ
- Util/Blue_Tiger - Perl 5 to Perl 6 Translator
- teodesian/playwright-perl - Perl bindings for playwright
- sysread/Reddit-API - Reddit API for perl
- sushdm/git_svn_externals - A perl script to clone an SVN repository with externals, using git-svn
- rudism/NetAuthority - Historical perl code that ran the original NetAuthority.org site
- riusksk/StrutScan - Struts2 Vuls Scanner base perl script
- reyjrar/DreamCatcher - DNS Monitoring Suite
- ReneNyffenegger/PerlModules - (Very) simple scripts for some Perl modules, intended as copy paste templates.
- ranguard/text-vcard - Perl package to edit and create vCard(s) (RFC 2426)
- raku-community-modules/raku-bench - Benchmark and compare Raku implementations against Perl
- pflanze/functional-perl - Functional programming on Perl 5
- petdance/file-next - File::Next, a file finding module for Perl 5
- p5-RedisDB/RedisDB - Perl extension to access Redis
- njlg/perl-rethinkdb - A Pure Perl RethinkDB Driver
- micans/bash-utils - Unix terminal histograms and bar charts (hissyfit). Small data/file munge, morph, find and count scripts/functions in various languages, mostly bash and perl. For apparix see the apparix repository that is a sibling to this one.
- metacpan/MetaCPAN-Client - Home of the official MetaCPAN Perl API client.
- markstos/CGI--Application - A Perl framework for building reusable web-applications
- fujiwara/aswrap - AWS assume role credential wrapper
- fayland/perl-www-contact - WWW::Contact - Get contacts/addressbook from Web
- Farow/hexchat-scripts - Perl scripts for HexChat
- duncs/perl-nagios-object - A group of modules for parsing a Nagios configuration and representing it as objects in perl.
- briandfoy/cpan-security-advisory - CPAN Security Advisory Database
- bigpresh/Dancer-Plugin-Auth-Extensible - Authentication framework for Dancer-based web applications
- aquaron/Business-Stripe - Perl bindings for Stripe payment system
- AndyA/Test-Harness - Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
- adobe-type-tools/perl-scripts - Command-line Perl Scripts
- yuki-kimoto/gitweblite - Git repository browser. This is gtiweb.cgi clone to modern perl.
- xtaran/wApua - web browser for WAP WML pages
- wllm-rbnt/asn1template - A CLI tool that converts DER or PEM encoded ASN.1 structures into an equivalent textual description compatible with OpenSSL's ASN1_generate_nconf(3) function
- typester/object-container-perl - simple object container
- tokuhirom/FormValidator-Lite - very lite and fast validation library for perl
- rkitover/net-ssh2 - Net::SSH2 perl module using libssh2
- ntruchsess/perl-firmata - Perl implementation of the firmata client. Originally authored by Aki Mimoto (amimoto) this repository was transfered to Norbert Truchsess (ntruchsess) in 02/2013. Anybody willing to contribute is very wellcome! Please submitt pull-requests against branch 'dev'
- mpeters/html-template - Perl HTML::Template module
- mklement0/whichpm - Locates installed Perl modules.
- MadsAlbertsen/miscperlscripts - Small collection of random useful perl scripts
- lynxlynxlynx/gemrb-mods - Repository of my GemRB mods and tools not included with GemRB itself
- licheng/gccfilter - gccfilter is a perl filter to colorize and simplify (or expand) gcc diagnostic messages. gccfilter is particularly aimed at g++ (i.e. dealinging with C++) messages which can contain lot of template-related errors or warnings difficult to sort out.
- jmlynesjr/wxPerl-wxBook-Examples - wxPerl examples ported from "Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets" - "The wxBook"
- grickit/Gambot - Gambot is a modular IRC bot written in Perl.
- drforr/Perl-Mogrify - Transmogrify Perl5 code to Perl6 with a plugin system
- audreyt/pugs - A Perl 6 Implementation
- xsawyerx/guacamole - Guacamole is a parser toolkit for Standard Perl. It provides fully static BNF-based parsing capability to a reasonable subset of Perl.
- vti/sockjs-perl - SockJS Perl Plack/PSGI implementation
- USGCRP/gcis - Global Change Information System
- unspecific/nmap-tools - Set of tools written in Perl circa 2002
- tobeychris/hipchat-room-message-APIv2 - This is a simple perl script that will use Hipchat's API v2 to message a room after passing in the room name, authentication token and a message. Also includes features for selecting the colour, notifying the room, passing in an html message, using a proxy and using API v1 should you so choose.
- skx/chronicle2 - Chronicle is a simple blog compiler, written in Perl with minimal dependencies.
- rjbs/Email-MIME - perl library for parsing MIME messages
- pjf/ipc-system-simple - Perl module to make running system commands and capturing errors as simple as possible.
- Perl-Toolchain-Gang/ExtUtils-CBuilder - Compile and link C code for Perl modules
- naoya/perl-Text-LTSV - Text::LTSV - Labeled Tab Separated Value manipulator
- mkjellman/perlcassa - a Perl client for Apache Cassandra
- mjgardner/test-class - Test::Class - an xUnit testing framework for Perl 5.x
- mbeijen/File-MimeInfo - Perl module for determining file types using the freedesktop.org shared mime-info database
- mbarbon/devel-statprofiler - Low-overhead statistical Perl profiler for production use
- makamaka/JSON-PP - JSON::PP for perl core module
- Juniper/netconf-perl - Perl library for Netconf
- ingydotnet/yaml-pm - YAML Perl Module
- hotwolf/HSW12 - Assembler and IDE for NXP/Freescale/Motorola's HC11, HC12, S12, S12X, and XGATE CPUs
- hndko/revsliderautoexploiter - Tools Auto Exploiter Plugin Revslider
- hakobe/p5-Fiber - Ruby like Fiber on Perl
- gray/webservice-google-reader - Perl interface to the Google Reader API
- fm4dd/nagios4dd - Collection of scripts and plugins for the open source monitoring system Nagios.
- fasheng/vimwiki2org - Convert VimWiki files to Emacs Org-Mode
- dpavlin/perl-Mifare-MAD - pretty print Mifare Classic MAD - Mifare Application Directory from dump files
- dluxhu/perl-parallel-forkmanager - Parallel::ForkManager
- dgerzo/bruteforceblocker - BruteForceBlocker is a perl script, that works along with pf firewall. Its main purpose is to block SSH bruteforce attacks via firewall.
- cyberisltd/ProxyDetect - Perl script to detect the existence of transparent proxies
- cpan-testers/CPAN-Reporter - (Perl) Adds CPAN Testers reporting to CPAN.pm
- bradchoate/text-textile - Text::Textile -- Perl module for handling Textile format
- bingos/devel-patchperl - (perl) Patch perl source a la Devel::PPort's buildperl.pl
- bgoglin/llgal - Command-line online gallery generator
- abh/colobus - Perl NNTP server
- billzt/gff3sort - GFF3sort: A Perl Script to sort gff3 files and produce suitable results for tabix tools
- ironcamel/App-p - Steroids for your perl one-liners. Does that mean steroids for your steroids? Is that even possible?
- sni/Thruk - Thruk is a multibackend monitoring webinterface for Naemon, Nagios, Icinga and Shinken using the Livestatus API.
- imapsync/imapsync - Imapsync is an IMAP transfers tool. The purpose of imapsync is to migrate IMAP accounts or to backup IMAP accounts. IMAP is one of the three current standard protocols to access mailboxes, the two others are POP3 and HTTP with webmails, webmails are often tied to an IMAP server. Upstream website is
- cryptostorm/cstorm_widget - The Perl source code to the Cryptostorm widget
- KTamas/pflogsumm - NOT MAINTAINED
- brianwrf/myPadBuster - It is a Python+Perl script to exploit ASP.net Padding Oracle vulnerability.
- jmapio/jmap-perl - JMAP Proxy implemented in Perl
- rurban/App-perlall - create and work with /usr/local/bin/perl5.*
- marcschwartz/WriteXLS - CRAN Package WriteXLS: Cross-platform Perl based R function to create Excel 2003 (XLS) and Excel 2007 (XLSX) files from one or more data frames. Each data frame will be written to a separate named worksheet in the Excel spreadsheet. The worksheet name will be the name of the data frame it contains or can be specified by the user.
- azizz98/vMass - vMass Bot 🪝 Vulnerability Scanner & Auto Exploiter Tool Written in Perl.
- rocky/Perl-Devel-Trepan - Perl port of trepanning debugger
- ahloiscreamo/NewJeans - Dotfile for Dec 2022 | I3WM | Rosé Pine colorscheme
- Izder456/dotfiles - My OpenBSD Dotfiles
- sgnix/kelp - A web framework light, yet rich in nutrients.
- metacpan/metacpan-client - Home of the official MetaCPAN Perl API client.
- openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-server - Open Food Facts database, API server and web interface - 🐪🦋 Perl, CSS and JS coders welcome 😊 For helping in Python, see Robotoff or taxonomy-editor
- vti/cpan-audit - Check CPAN modules for known security vulnerabilities
- Logitech/slimserver - Server for Logitech Squeezebox players. This server is also called Logitech Media Server
- Evernote/evernote-sdk-perl - Evernote SDK for Perl
- rfc1036/kit-censura - Software used to censor the Internet in Italy
- PrefKarafuto/New_0ch_Plus - 開発が停止した2ch/5chライク電子掲示板スクリプト「ぜろちゃんねるプラス」の再開発を目的としたプロジェクト
- pjf/autodie - Make functions succeed or die in Perl, with lexical scope.
- Ovid/Cor - Corinna - Bring Modern OO to the Core of Perl
- jonasbn/perl-workflow - Workflow - simple, flexible system to implement workflows/state machines
- davorg/perlanet - Simple Planet Clone in Perl
- ddclient/ddclient - This is the new home for ddclient. Ddclient is a Perl client used to update dynamic DNS entries for accounts on 'Dynamic DNS Network Services' free DNS service. It currently supports a lot of different routers and a few different services.
- Moham3dRiahi/XBruteForcer - X Brute Forcer Tool 🔓 WordPress , Joomla , DruPal , OpenCart , Magento
- c99tn/vMass - vMass Bot 🪝 Vulnerability Scanner & Auto Exploiter Tool Written in Perl.
- holbertonschool/Betty - Holberton-style C code checker written in Perl
- HariSekhon/Templates - DevOps Templates for Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Terraform, Docker, Jenkins, CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Lambda, AWS CodeBuild, GCP Cloud Build, Vagrant, Puppet, Python, Bash, Go, Perl, Java, Scala, Groovy, Maven, SBT, Gradle, Make, Jenkinsfile, Makefile, Dockerfile, docker-compose.yml, Vagrantfile, M4 etc...
- ewels/ClusterFlow - A pipelining tool to automate and standardise bioinformatics analyses on cluster environments.
- evernote/evernote-sdk-perl - Evernote SDK for Perl
- rwx-777/WPA2-FritzBox-Pswd-Wordlist-Generator - This Script will produce all of the WPA2 Passwords used by various Router companies aswell as Fritzbox. All of these Passwords will be 16 Numbers in length. So it could get a bit large.
- grondilu/libbitcoin-perl - bitcoin perl library
- muennich/urxvt-perls - Perl extensions for the rxvt-unicode terminal emulator
- bscan/PerlNavigator - Perl Language Server that includes syntax checking, perl critic, and code navigation
- yanick/Vim-X - Write Perl functions within Vim
- dreamwidth/dw-free - Dreamwidth's open source repository
- jwilk/perl-friday - Perl code that is syntactically correct only on Fridays
- ARON-TN/Mega-Bot - [NEW] : Mega Bot ☣ Scanner & Auto Exploiter
- sonar-perl/sonar-perl - Community Perl Plugin for SonarQube
- NozakiLabs/nozaki - HTTP fuzzer engine security oriented
- htrgouvea/uranus - [W.I.P] An ecosystem of crawlers for detecting: leaks, sensitive data exposure and attempts exfiltration of data
- xsawyerx/gitflux - A Perl port of gitflow. Really? Yes, really!
- gooddata/DBD-MariaDB - Perl MariaDB driver
- dsully/perl-crypt-openssl-x509 - Perl interface to OpenSSL's X509 module.
- vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-perl - [DEPRECATED] Please see README. Perl samples, language bindings, and API reference documentation for vSphere using the VMware REST API
- skx/dns-api.org - The code which was previously used at https://dns-api.org/
- chromatic/modern_perl_book - Modern Perl: the book
- aron-tn/Mega-Bot - [NEW] : Mega Bot ☣ Scanner & Auto Exploiter
- manwar/design-patterns - Design Pattern using Modern Perl.
- sandialabs/scot - Sandia Cyber Omni Tracker (SCOT)
- openSUSE/opi - OBS Package Installer (CLI)
- japhb/perl6-bench - Benchmark and compare Perl 6 implementations against perl5
- Nordaaker/convos - Convos 👥 is the simplest way to use IRC in your browser
- ronilaukkarinen/weed - Heavily Xchat inspired beautiful irssi theme.
- hzhou/MyDef - Programming in the next paradigm -- your way
- yannk/ControlFreak - a process supervisor in Perl
- cooldaemon/AnyEvent-RabbitMQ - An asynchronous and multi channel Perl AMQP client.
- hknutzen/Netspoc - A network security policy compiler. Netspoc is targeted at large environments with a large number of firewalls and admins. Firewall rules are derived from a single rule set. Supported are Cisco IOS, NX-OS, ASA and IPTables.
- trinitum/RedisDB - Perl extension to access Redis
- sjdy521/Mojo-Webqq - 【重要通知:WebQQ将在2019年1月1日停止服务,此项目目前已停止维护,感谢大家四年来的一路陪伴】使用Perl语言(不会没关系)编写的smartqq/webqq客户端框架(非GUI),可通过插件提供基于HTTP协议的api接口供其他语言或系统调用
- sjdy521/Mojo-Weixin - 使用Perl语言(不会没关系)编写的个人账号微信/weixin/wechat客户端框架(非GUI),可通过插件提供基于HTTP协议的api接口供其他语言或系统调用
- x86scale/nipe - An engine to make Tor network your default gateway
- x86scale/spellbook - [Work in Progress] Micro-framework for rapid development of reusable security tools
- sjdy521/pfqq - 【该项目已停止维护,请关注重构项目: Mojo-Webqq】使用Perl语言编写的webqq客户端框架(非GUI),支持旧版webqq的多重md5带盐登录密码算法以及新版smartqq的md5+rsa+tea+base64组合登录密码算法
- sjdy521/Mojo-SinaWeibo - 使用Perl语言编写的新浪微博客户端SDK,通过微博私信和微软小冰进行问答,提供小冰API接口,其他微博功能敬请期待
- x86scale/nozaki - HTTP fuzzer engine security oriented
- mdom/termpub - Epubreader for the terminal
- GouveaHeitor/nipe - An engine to make Tor network your default gateway
- GouveaHeitor/spellbook - [Work in Progress] Micro-framework for rapid development of reusable security tools
- GouveaHeitor/nozaki - HTTP fuzzer engine security oriented
- Camelcade/Perl5-IDEA - Perl5 plugins for IntelliJ IDEA
- tpf/perldotcom - The source code for Perl.com
- annmuor/freeaudit - Packaging audit toolkit using vulners.com vulnerability database
- mongodb/mongo-perl-driver - Perl driver for the MongoDB
- felisPasseridae/Perl2Python - A tool to (try to) convert Perl scripts to Python
- gryf/tabbed - Extended tabbed plugin for rxvt-unicode (urxvt)
- liyanage/build-entropy-php - The Perl-based build system used to build the Entropy PHP distribution
- portcullislabs/rdp-sec-check - rdp-sec-check is a Perl script to enumerate security settings of an RDP Service (AKA Terminal Services)
- Perl5-FFI/FFI-Platypus - Write Perl bindings to non-Perl libraries with FFI. No XS required.
- portcullislabs/udp-proto-scanner - udp-proto-scanner is a Perl script which discovers UDP services by sending triggers to a list of hosts
- Anon6372098/FazScan - | FazScan is a Perl program to do some vulnerability scanning and pentesting |
- openSUSE-zh/opi - OBS Package Installer (CLI)
- portcullislabs/ssl-cipher-suite-enum - PERL script to enumerate supported SSL cipher suites supported by network services (principally HTTPS).
- dnsmichi/manubulon-snmp - Set of Icinga/Nagios plugins to check hosts and hardware with the SNMP protocol.
- sisimai/p5-Sisimai - Mail Analyzing Interface for email bounce: A Perl module to parse RFC5322 bounce mails and generating structured data as JSON from parsed results. Formerly known as bounceHammer 4: an error mail analyzer.
- GouveaHeitor/security-spellbook - My collection of custom scripts, plugins, exploits and others small things
- msgpack/msgpack-perl - MessagePack serializer implementation for Perl / msgpack.org[Perl]