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Tnf, the north face, the next framework. Tnf is focused on simple, performance and developer experience. Framework should be simple. CSR development should be simple. Type safety should be built-in.

Please consider following this project's author, sorrycc, and consider starring the project to show your ❤️ and support.


  • Simple, performance and developer experience focused.
  • Type safety built-in.
  • TanStack Router built-in.
  • Conventional global style with src/global.{less,css}.
  • Less, CSS Modules support built-in.
  • Tailwind CSS support built-in.
  • Framework unified plugin system which is compatible with umi and other frameworks.
  • Mock.
  • Conventional client entry with src/client.tsx.
  • Security built-in. Including doctor rules which is used in Ant Group.
  • Support SSR.
  • Support API routes and server functions.
  • AI based generator and other features.
  • Rust based for heavy computation tasks.
  • Easy to integrate with popular libraries.

Getting Started

Create a new project with the following command:

$ pnpm create tnf myapp --template=minimal
$ cd myapp
$ pnpm dev

Then you can generate a page with the following command.

$ npx tnf generate page foo

Then you can start the development server or build the project. After building, you can preview the product locally.

$ pnpm dev
$ pnpm build
$ pnpm preview


  • tnf build: Build the project.
  • tnf chat --message=<message> --model=<model> --verbose: Chat with AI assistant.
  • tnf config list/get/set/remove [name] [value]: Manage the config.
  • tnf dev: Start the development server.
  • tnf doctor: Check the project for potential issues.
  • tnf generate/g <type> <name>: Generate a new page (or component and other types in the future).
  • tnf preview: Preview the product after building the project.
  • tnf sync --mode=<mode>: Sync the project to the temporary directory.
  • tnf version: Print the version of tnf.


  • @umijs/tnf: The entry of tnf, including defineConfig, ...
  • @umijs/tnf/router: The router module, reexported from @tanstack/react-router.
  • @umijs/tnf/ssr: The ssr module, including Meta, Client and Server.
  • @umijs/tnf/ai: The ai module, including tools.


Config is loaded from .tnfrc.ts by default.


  • Type: [string, string][]
  • Default: []

Alias is used to replace the values in import statements. These values are passed to bundlers and TypeScript automatically.

export default {
  alias: [
    ['foo', './src/foo'],

NOTICE: You will need to run tnf dev to have the alias configuration in tsconfig.json automatically generated.


  • Type: 'webpack' | 'mako'
  • Default: 'mako'

The bundler to use.

NOTICE: webpack bundler is not implemented yet.


  • Type: { editor?: 'vscode' | 'vscode-insiders' | 'cursor' } | false
  • Default: false

Click the component to open in the editor.


  • Type: { port?: number; host?: string; https?: { hosts?: string[] }; ip?: string }
  • Default: { port: 8000, host: 'localhost' }

The development server configuration.


  • Type: { phantomDeps?: { exclude?: string[] } }
  • Default: {}

The doctor configuration.


  • Type: Record<string, string>
  • Default: {}

An object that maps package names to their corresponding paths.


  • Type: { modifyVars?: Record<string, string>; globalVars?: Record<string, string>; math?: 'always' | 'strict' | 'parens-division' | 'parens' | 'strict-legacy' | number; sourceMap?: any; plugins?: (string | [string, Record<string, any>])[];}
  • Default: {}

The configuration passed to lessLoader.


  • Type: { delay?: string | number }
  • Default: { delay: 0 }

In addition to supporting numbers, delay also supports string ranges, such as delay: '500-1000', which randomly selects a value between 500ms and 1000ms.And allowing the configuration to be overridden by the url parameter, such as /api/users?delay=3000.


  • Type: string
  • Default: 'root'

The mount element id.


  • Type: Plugin[]
  • Default: []

The plugins configuration. Checkout for more details.


  • Type: string
  • Default: /

The publicPath configuration.


  • Type: { target?: '17' | '18' | '19'; sources?: (filePath: string) => boolean }
  • Default: false

Enable react compiler for better performance.


  • Type: {}
  • Default: false

Enable react scan to detects performance issues in your React code.


  • Type: { defaultPreload?: 'intent' | 'render' | 'viewport'; defaultPreloadDelay?: number; devtool?: { options?: { initialIsOpen?: boolean; position?: 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right' | 'top-left' | 'top-right' }; } | false; convention?: any }
  • Default: { defaultPreload: 'intent', defaultPreloadDelay: 100 }

The router configuration. Checkout @tanstack/router-generator for convention config.


  • Type: { renderMode?: 'stream' | 'string' }
  • Default: { renderMode: 'stream' }

The ssr configuration.

Environment Variables

Environment variables are used to override the config.

  • PORT: The port to use.
  • HOST: The host to use.


How to specify a redirect route?

You can use redirect function in loader to specify a redirect route.

import { redirect, createFileRoute } from '@umijs/tnf/router';
const Route = createFileRoute('/foo')({
  loader: async () => redirect({ to: '/bar' }),

How to get the loader data from parent route?

First, define parent route with beforeLoad.

const parentRoute = createFileRoute('/foo')({
  beforeLoad: () => ({ foo: 'foo' }),

If it's root route, you can use createRootRouteWithContext instead.

const rootRoute = createRootRouteWithContext<{ root: string }>()({
  beforeLoad: () => ({ root: 'root' }),

Second, fetch the loader data in child route with context.

const childRoute = createFileRoute('/foo/bar')({
  // context: { root: 'root', foo: 'foo' },
  loader: async ({ context }) => ({ ...context }),


This project is inspired by: