English | 中文
V3 Admin Vite is a well-crafted backend management system template, built with popular technologies such as Vue3, Vite, TypeScript, and Element Plus
Powered by love! All source code is free and open-source. If you find it helpful, feel free to give a star to support!
Welcome to experience the brand-new version 5.0, currently in the beta stage. It will be a masterpiece!
Version 4.x will no longer be maintained unless there are critical bugs! Click to switch to the 4.x branch
Paid services are officially launched! If you don’t want to do it yourself but want to remove TS or other modules, try the lazy package! Click to check it out
Recommended Environment
- Latest version of
Visual Studio Code
- Install the recommended plugins in the
file node
20.x or 22+pnpm
9.x or 10+
Local Development
# Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/un-pany/v3-admin-vite.git
# Enter the project directory
cd v3-admin-vite
# Install dependencies
pnpm i
# Start the development server
pnpm dev
# Build for the staging environment
pnpm build:staging
# Build for the production environment
pnpm build
Local Preview
# Execute the build command first to generate the dist directory, then run the preview command
pnpm preview
Code Check
# Code linting and formatting
pnpm lint
# Unit tests
pnpm test
Commit Guidelines
New feature
Bug fix
Performance improvement
Code refactoring
Documentation and comments
Type-related changes
Unit tests related
Continuous integration, workflows
Revert changes
Chores (update dependencies, modify configurations, etc)
Online Preview: github-pages
Chinese Documentation: link
Zero to Hero Tutorial: link
Mobile Web App: mobvue
Electron Desktop Version: v3-electron-vite
Chinese Repository: gitee
Optional Group: check how to join
Donations: buy a coffee for the author
Releases & Changelog: releases
Simplified structure: No complex encapsulation, no complicated type gymnastics, just enough to meet the needs
Detailed comments: Every configuration item comes with as detailed comments as possible
Latest dependencies: Keeps all third-party dependencies up to date
Consistency: Unified code style, naming conventions, and comment style
User Management: Login, logout demonstration
Permission Management: Page-level permissions (dynamic routing), button-level permissions (permission directives, permission functions), route guards
Multiple Environments: Development, staging, and production environments
Multiple Themes: Normal, dark, and deep blue themes
Multiple Layouts: Left-side, top, and hybrid layouts
Homepage: Different dashboard pages for different users
Error Pages: 403, 404
Mobile Compatibility: Layouts compatible with mobile screen resolutions
Others: SVG sprite sheet, dynamic sidebar, dynamic breadcrumbs, tab navigation, content zoom and fullscreen, composable functions
Vue3: Vue3 + script setup with the latest Vue3 Composition API
Element Plus: The Vue3 version of Element UI
Pinia: The legendary Vuex5
Vite: Really fast
Vue Router: The routing system
TypeScript: A superset of JavaScript
pnpm: A faster, disk-space-saving package manager
Scss: Consistent with Element Plus
CSS Variables: Primarily controls layout and color in the project
ESLint: Code linting and formatting
Axios: Sends network requests
UnoCSS: A high-performance, flexible atomic CSS engine
A big thank you to all the contributors!