App for notify the CPU Temperature on Raspberry Pi via Mail
git clone
Define your Variables:
mailserver = "" Add your SMTP-Mailserver
smtpport = 25 Add your SMTP-Mailserver Port mostly Port :25
smtpuser = "XXXX" Add your Username example : [email protected]
smtpasswd = "XXXXX" Add your Password for SMTP-Mail Delivery
recipient = "[email protected]" Add your Mailaddresss example : [email protected]
smtpsender = "[email protected]" Add your Mailaddress whatever you like
alarmtemp = 55 Change for testing to 20 only
Create Crontab Entry:
sudo vi /etc/cron.d/pi-alarm
*/15 * * * * pi /usr/bin/python /home/pi/rpi-cpu-alarm/
*/15 * * * * pi /usr/bin/python /home/pi/rpi-cpu-alarm/