Releases: vanus-labs/vanus-connect
Releases · vanus-labs/vanus-connect
What's Changed
New feature:
- Tencent Cloud COS Source by @wenfengwang in #81
- TencentCloud Cloud Function Sink by @wenfengwang in #82
- sink es support upsert by @xdlbdy in #78
- update source mysql by @xdlbdy in #80
- add sink-k8s by @hwjiangkai in #85
- add postgres source by @xdlbdy in #83
- add sink doris by @xdlbdy in #88
Bugs fixed:
- tencentcloud cos source and function sink by @wenfengwang in #84
- fix fieishu sink and http sink by @xdlbdy in #90
- docs: add readme for sink-tencent-scf and source-tencent-cos by @wenfengwang in #91
New Contributors
- @hwjiangkai made their first contribution in #85
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0
What's Changed
- chore(deps): bump netty-codec-http2 from 4.1.59.Final to 4.1.61.Final in /connectors/sink-aws-s3 by @dependabot in #45
- build: fix java dockefile by @xdlbdy in #74
- fix: mongo connector by @wenfengwang in #77
- fix: error converting from int to base64 for KafkaWorker by @Michaelg22 in #79
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.0
What's Changed
- Add files via upload by @Michaelg22 in #47
- Vance website by @Michaelg22 in #48
- Delete docs directory by @Michaelg22 in #49
- Add files via upload by @Michaelg22 in #50
- Vance-Website-Update by @Michaelg22 in #51
- Vance website by @Michaelg22 in #52
- Vance website by @Michaelg22 in #53
- feat: add templates & third part of proto by @wenfengwang in #58
- feat: add mongodb connector by @wenfengwang in #55
- Revert "feat: add mongodb connector" by @wenfengwang in #60
- Kafka source add by @Michaelg22 in #64
- feat: add mongodb connector by @wenfengwang in #61
- Kafka readme by @JieDing in #66
- source-aws-sns by @SLyyq10 in #54
- Update operator by @JieDing in #65
- Update JDK version by @JieDing in #67
- Bump jackson-databind from 2.11.2 to in /connectors/source-kafka by @dependabot in #68
- build: bump dockerfile jdk version to 17 by @xdlbdy in #70
- Fix dockerfile by @JieDing in #71
- fix: add rbac-permission to load configmaps by @JieDing in #72
New Contributors
- @Michaelg22 made their first contribution in #47
- @wenfengwang made their first contribution in #58
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0
What's Changed
- feat: add crd and controller by @JieDing in #1
- docs: add pr template by @JieDing in #2
- docs: update vance yaml file by @JieDing in #3
- fix: re-org the repo structure by @JieDing in #4
- docs: mv go.mod and Dockerfile by @JieDing in #5
- docs: mv go.mod and Dockerfile by @JieDing in #6
- fix: update go.mod by @JieDing in #7
- feat: add source-http by @JieDing in #8
- feat: update gitignore by @JieDing in #9
- feat: add sink-http by @JieDing in #10
- feat: add a new connector source-alicloud-billing by @JieDing in #11
- fix: update go.mod by @JieDing in #12
- feat: add a new connector source-aws-billing by @JieDing in #13
- feat: add a new connector sink-elasticsearch by @JieDing in #14
- feat: add a new connector sink-feishu-bot by @JieDing in #15
- docs: update http source README by @JieDing in #16
- docs: update sink-http README by @JieDing in #17
- docs: update source-http README by @JieDing in #18
- docs: update connectors by @JieDing in #19
- docs: update of HTTP Source by @JieDing in #21
- docs: update of HTTP Sink by @JieDing in #22
- doc: add aws and alicoud biling readme by @xdlbdy in #20
- docs: modify docs by @xdlbdy in #23
- feat: add feishubot by @JieDing in #24
- fix: add other files of feishu bot by @JieDing in #25
- fix: rm config.json by @JieDing in #26
- fix: add config.json of feishu bot by @JieDing in #27
- docs: modify image by @xdlbdy in #28
- docs: update of sink-feishu-bot by @JieDing in #29
- docs: modify readme by @xdlbdy in #30
- style: goimports code by @xdlbdy in #31
- fix: update package name based on changes of cdk by @JieDing in #32
- chore: update pr-template by @JieDing in #33
- fix: update package name to adapt to changes on cdk-java by @JieDing in #34
- fix: update wrong dependencies and split HttpAdapter to a single file by @JieDing in #35
- feat: add a new connector-Display by @JieDing in #36
- chore: update cdk-java version by @JieDing in #38
- feat: add source-aws-s3 by @JieDing in #39
- fix: fix source aws billing config by @xdlbdy in #40
- feat: add mysql source and sink by @xdlbdy in #37
- feat: add source github by @SLyyq10 in #41
- chore(deps): bump netty-codec-http2 from 4.1.49.Final to 4.1.61.Final in /connectors/sink-aws-s3 by @dependabot in #42
- feat: add source-aws-sqs by @JieDing in #43
- pom changed by @SLyyq10 in #44
New Contributors
- @JieDing made their first contribution in #1
- @xdlbdy made their first contribution in #20
- @SLyyq10 made their first contribution in #41
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #42
Full Changelog: