50 | 50 | install_doc(__package__, __doc__)
51 | 51 |
52 | 52 | # install modules quickref and tutorial to the containing package
53 |
| -from . import quickref, tutorial |
| 53 | +from sage.combinat import quickref, tutorial |
54 | 54 | install_dict(__package__, {'quickref': quickref, 'tutorial': tutorial})
55 | 55 | del quickref, tutorial
56 | 56 |
57 | 57 | from sage.misc.lazy_import import lazy_import
58 | 58 |
59 |
| -from .combinat import (CombinatorialObject, |
| 59 | +from sage.combinat.combinat import (CombinatorialObject, |
60 | 60 | bell_number, bell_polynomial, bernoulli_polynomial,
61 | 61 | catalan_number, euler_number,
62 | 62 | fibonacci, fibonacci_sequence, fibonacci_xrange,
65 | 65 | polygonal_number, stirling_number1, stirling_number2,
66 | 66 | tuples, unordered_tuples)
67 | 67 |
68 |
| -from .expnums import expnums |
| 68 | +from sage.combinat.expnums import expnums |
69 | 69 |
70 | 70 | from sage.combinat.chas.all import *
71 | 71 | from sage.combinat.crystals.all import *
72 |
| -from .rigged_configurations.all import * |
| 72 | +from sage.combinat.rigged_configurations.all import * |
73 | 73 |
74 | 74 | from sage.combinat.dlx import DLXMatrix, AllExactCovers, OneExactCover
75 | 75 |
76 | 76 | # block designs, etc
77 | 77 | from sage.combinat.designs.all import *
78 | 78 |
79 | 79 | # Free modules and friends
80 |
| -from .free_module import CombinatorialFreeModule |
81 |
| -from .debruijn_sequence import DeBruijnSequences |
| 80 | +from sage.combinat.free_module import CombinatorialFreeModule |
| 81 | +from sage.combinat.debruijn_sequence import DeBruijnSequences |
82 | 82 |
83 |
| -from .schubert_polynomial import SchubertPolynomialRing |
| 83 | +from sage.combinat.schubert_polynomial import SchubertPolynomialRing |
84 | 84 | lazy_import('sage.combinat.key_polynomial', 'KeyPolynomialBasis', as_='KeyPolynomials')
85 |
| -from .symmetric_group_algebra import SymmetricGroupAlgebra, HeckeAlgebraSymmetricGroupT |
86 |
| -from .symmetric_group_representations import SymmetricGroupRepresentation, SymmetricGroupRepresentations |
87 |
| -from .yang_baxter_graph import YangBaxterGraph |
| 85 | +from sage.combinat.symmetric_group_algebra import SymmetricGroupAlgebra, HeckeAlgebraSymmetricGroupT |
| 86 | +from sage.combinat.symmetric_group_representations import SymmetricGroupRepresentation, SymmetricGroupRepresentations |
| 87 | +from sage.combinat.yang_baxter_graph import YangBaxterGraph |
88 | 88 |
89 | 89 | # Permutations
90 |
| -from .permutation import Permutation, Permutations, Arrangements, CyclicPermutations, CyclicPermutationsOfPartition |
91 |
| -from .affine_permutation import AffinePermutationGroup |
| 90 | +from sage.combinat.permutation import Permutation, Permutations, Arrangements, CyclicPermutations, CyclicPermutationsOfPartition |
| 91 | +from sage.combinat.affine_permutation import AffinePermutationGroup |
92 | 92 | lazy_import('sage.combinat.colored_permutations', ['ColoredPermutations',
93 | 93 | 'SignedPermutation',
94 | 94 | 'SignedPermutations'])
95 |
| -from .derangements import Derangements |
| 95 | +from sage.combinat.derangements import Derangements |
96 | 96 | lazy_import('sage.combinat.baxter_permutations', ['BaxterPermutations'])
97 | 97 |
98 | 98 | # RSK
99 |
| -from .rsk import RSK, RSK_inverse, robinson_schensted_knuth, robinson_schensted_knuth_inverse, InsertionRules |
| 99 | +from sage.combinat.rsk import RSK, RSK_inverse, robinson_schensted_knuth, robinson_schensted_knuth_inverse, InsertionRules |
100 | 100 |
101 | 101 | # HillmanGrassl
102 | 102 | lazy_import("sage.combinat.hillman_grassl", ["WeakReversePlanePartition", "WeakReversePlanePartitions"])
103 | 103 |
104 | 104 | # PerfectMatchings
105 |
| -from .perfect_matching import PerfectMatching, PerfectMatchings |
| 105 | +from sage.combinat.perfect_matching import PerfectMatching, PerfectMatchings |
106 | 106 |
107 | 107 | # Integer lists
108 |
| -from .integer_lists import IntegerListsLex |
| 108 | +from sage.combinat.integer_lists import IntegerListsLex |
109 | 109 |
110 | 110 | # Compositions
111 |
| -from .composition import Composition, Compositions |
112 |
| -from .composition_signed import SignedCompositions |
| 111 | +from sage.combinat.composition import Composition, Compositions |
| 112 | +from sage.combinat.composition_signed import SignedCompositions |
113 | 113 |
114 | 114 | # Partitions
115 |
| -from .partition import (Partition, Partitions, PartitionsInBox, |
| 115 | +from sage.combinat.partition import (Partition, Partitions, PartitionsInBox, |
116 | 116 | OrderedPartitions, PartitionsGreatestLE,
117 | 117 | PartitionsGreatestEQ, number_of_partitions)
118 | 118 |
121 | 121 | lazy_import('sage.combinat.skew_partition', ['SkewPartition', 'SkewPartitions'])
122 | 122 |
123 | 123 | # Partition algebra
124 |
| -from .partition_algebra import SetPartitionsAk, SetPartitionsPk, SetPartitionsTk, SetPartitionsIk, SetPartitionsBk, SetPartitionsSk, SetPartitionsRk, SetPartitionsPRk |
| 124 | +from sage.combinat.partition_algebra import SetPartitionsAk, SetPartitionsPk, SetPartitionsTk, SetPartitionsIk, SetPartitionsBk, SetPartitionsSk, SetPartitionsRk, SetPartitionsPRk |
125 | 125 |
126 | 126 | # Raising operators
127 | 127 | lazy_import('sage.combinat.partition_shifting_algebras', 'ShiftingOperatorAlgebra')
128 | 128 |
129 | 129 | # Diagram algebra
130 |
| -from .diagram_algebras import PartitionAlgebra, BrauerAlgebra, TemperleyLiebAlgebra, PlanarAlgebra, PropagatingIdeal |
| 130 | +from sage.combinat.diagram_algebras import PartitionAlgebra, BrauerAlgebra, TemperleyLiebAlgebra, PlanarAlgebra, PropagatingIdeal |
131 | 131 |
132 | 132 | # Descent algebra
133 | 133 | lazy_import('sage.combinat.descent_algebra', 'DescentAlgebra')
137 | 137 | ['VectorPartition', 'VectorPartitions'])
138 | 138 |
139 | 139 | # Similarity class types
140 |
| -from .similarity_class_type import PrimarySimilarityClassType, PrimarySimilarityClassTypes, SimilarityClassType, SimilarityClassTypes |
| 140 | +from sage.combinat.similarity_class_type import PrimarySimilarityClassType, PrimarySimilarityClassTypes, SimilarityClassType, SimilarityClassTypes |
141 | 141 |
142 | 142 | # Cores
143 |
| -from .core import Core, Cores |
| 143 | +from sage.combinat.core import Core, Cores |
144 | 144 |
145 | 145 | # Tableaux
146 | 146 | lazy_import('sage.combinat.tableau',
147 | 147 | ["Tableau", "SemistandardTableau", "StandardTableau", "RowStandardTableau", "IncreasingTableau",
148 | 148 | "Tableaux", "SemistandardTableaux", "StandardTableaux", "RowStandardTableaux", "IncreasingTableaux"])
149 |
| -from .skew_tableau import SkewTableau, SkewTableaux, StandardSkewTableaux, SemistandardSkewTableaux |
150 |
| -from .ribbon_shaped_tableau import RibbonShapedTableau, RibbonShapedTableaux, StandardRibbonShapedTableaux |
151 |
| -from .ribbon_tableau import RibbonTableaux, RibbonTableau, MultiSkewTableaux, MultiSkewTableau, SemistandardMultiSkewTableaux |
152 |
| -from .composition_tableau import CompositionTableau, CompositionTableaux |
| 149 | +from sage.combinat.skew_tableau import SkewTableau, SkewTableaux, StandardSkewTableaux, SemistandardSkewTableaux |
| 150 | +from sage.combinat.ribbon_shaped_tableau import RibbonShapedTableau, RibbonShapedTableaux, StandardRibbonShapedTableaux |
| 151 | +from sage.combinat.ribbon_tableau import RibbonTableaux, RibbonTableau, MultiSkewTableaux, MultiSkewTableau, SemistandardMultiSkewTableaux |
| 152 | +from sage.combinat.composition_tableau import CompositionTableau, CompositionTableaux |
153 | 153 |
154 | 154 | lazy_import('sage.combinat.tableau_tuple',
155 | 155 | ['TableauTuple', 'StandardTableauTuple', 'RowStandardTableauTuple',
156 | 156 | 'TableauTuples', 'StandardTableauTuples', 'RowStandardTableauTuples'])
157 |
| -from .k_tableau import WeakTableau, WeakTableaux, StrongTableau, StrongTableaux |
| 157 | +from sage.combinat.k_tableau import WeakTableau, WeakTableaux, StrongTableau, StrongTableaux |
158 | 158 | lazy_import('sage.combinat.lr_tableau', ['LittlewoodRichardsonTableau',
159 | 159 | 'LittlewoodRichardsonTableaux'])
160 | 160 | lazy_import('sage.combinat.shifted_primed_tableau', ['ShiftedPrimedTableaux',
165 | 165 | ["StandardSuperTableau", "SemistandardSuperTableau", "StandardSuperTableaux", "SemistandardSuperTableaux"])
166 | 166 |
167 | 167 | # Words
168 |
| -from .words.all import * |
| 168 | +from sage.combinat.words.all import * |
169 | 169 |
170 | 170 | lazy_import('sage.combinat.subword', 'Subwords')
171 | 171 |
172 |
| -from .graph_path import GraphPaths |
| 172 | +from sage.combinat.graph_path import GraphPaths |
173 | 173 |
174 | 174 | # Tuples
175 |
| -from .tuple import Tuples, UnorderedTuples |
| 175 | +from sage.combinat.tuple import Tuples, UnorderedTuples |
176 | 176 |
177 | 177 | # Alternating sign matrices
178 | 178 | lazy_import('sage.combinat.alternating_sign_matrix', ('AlternatingSignMatrix',
196 | 196 | ['ParkingFunctions', 'ParkingFunction'])
197 | 197 |
198 | 198 | # Trees and Tamari interval posets
199 |
| -from .ordered_tree import (OrderedTree, OrderedTrees, |
| 199 | +from sage.combinat.ordered_tree import (OrderedTree, OrderedTrees, |
200 | 200 | LabelledOrderedTree, LabelledOrderedTrees)
201 |
| -from .binary_tree import (BinaryTree, BinaryTrees, |
| 201 | +from sage.combinat.binary_tree import (BinaryTree, BinaryTrees, |
202 | 202 | LabelledBinaryTree, LabelledBinaryTrees)
203 | 203 | lazy_import('sage.combinat.interval_posets', ['TamariIntervalPoset', 'TamariIntervalPosets'])
204 | 204 | lazy_import('sage.combinat.rooted_tree', ('RootedTree', 'RootedTrees',
205 | 205 | 'LabelledRootedTree', 'LabelledRootedTrees'))
206 | 206 |
207 |
| -from .combination import Combinations |
| 207 | +from sage.combinat.combination import Combinations |
208 | 208 |
209 |
| -from .set_partition import SetPartition, SetPartitions |
210 |
| -from .set_partition_ordered import OrderedSetPartition, OrderedSetPartitions |
| 209 | +from sage.combinat.set_partition import SetPartition, SetPartitions |
| 210 | +from sage.combinat.set_partition_ordered import OrderedSetPartition, OrderedSetPartitions |
211 | 211 | lazy_import('sage.combinat.multiset_partition_into_sets_ordered',
212 | 212 | ['OrderedMultisetPartitionIntoSets',
213 | 213 | 'OrderedMultisetPartitionsIntoSets'])
214 |
| -from .subset import Subsets, subsets, powerset, uniq |
215 |
| -from .necklace import Necklaces |
| 214 | +from sage.combinat.subset import Subsets, subsets, powerset, uniq |
| 215 | +from sage.combinat.necklace import Necklaces |
216 | 216 | lazy_import('sage.combinat.dyck_word', ('DyckWords', 'DyckWord'))
217 | 217 | lazy_import('sage.combinat.nu_dyck_word', ('NuDyckWords', 'NuDyckWord'))
218 |
| -from .sloane_functions import sloane |
| 218 | +from sage.combinat.sloane_functions import sloane |
219 | 219 | lazy_import('sage.combinat.superpartition', ('SuperPartition',
220 | 220 | 'SuperPartitions'))
221 | 221 |
222 | 222 | lazy_import('sage.combinat.parallelogram_polyomino',
223 | 223 | ['ParallelogramPolyomino', 'ParallelogramPolyominoes'])
224 | 224 |
225 |
| -from .root_system.all import * |
226 |
| -from .sf.all import * |
227 |
| -from .ncsf_qsym.all import * |
228 |
| -from .ncsym.all import * |
| 225 | +from sage.combinat.root_system.all import * |
| 226 | +from sage.combinat.sf.all import * |
| 227 | +from sage.combinat.ncsf_qsym.all import * |
| 228 | +from sage.combinat.ncsym.all import * |
229 | 229 | lazy_import('sage.combinat.fqsym', 'FreeQuasisymmetricFunctions')
230 |
| -from .matrices.all import * |
| 230 | +from sage.combinat.matrices.all import * |
231 | 231 | # Posets
232 |
| -from .posets.all import * |
| 232 | +from sage.combinat.posets.all import * |
233 | 233 |
234 | 234 | # Cluster Algebras and Quivers
235 |
| -from .cluster_algebra_quiver.all import * |
| 235 | +from sage.combinat.cluster_algebra_quiver.all import * |
236 | 236 |
237 |
| -from . import ranker |
| 237 | +from sage.combinat import ranker |
238 | 238 |
239 |
| -from .integer_vector import IntegerVectors |
240 |
| -from .integer_vector_weighted import WeightedIntegerVectors |
241 |
| -from .integer_vectors_mod_permgroup import IntegerVectorsModPermutationGroup |
| 239 | +from sage.combinat.integer_vector import IntegerVectors |
| 240 | +from sage.combinat.integer_vector_weighted import WeightedIntegerVectors |
| 241 | +from sage.combinat.integer_vectors_mod_permgroup import IntegerVectorsModPermutationGroup |
242 | 242 |
243 | 243 | lazy_import('sage.combinat.q_analogues', ['gaussian_binomial', 'q_binomial', 'number_of_irreducible_polynomials'])
244 | 244 |
245 |
| -from .species.all import * |
| 245 | +from sage.combinat.species.all import * |
246 | 246 |
247 | 247 | lazy_import('sage.combinat.kazhdan_lusztig', 'KazhdanLusztigPolynomial')
248 | 248 |
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