Package: npm i @simple-html/grid -D
Only lit-html as dependency
V.5.0.0 will soon be release, currently on next while I use it in a application to see missing features/stuff I need use the application
API docs:
Source code: (have minimal sample of usage)
BundlePhobia: (bundle size)
import './index.css';
import { GridInterface, GridElement, GridConfig, Datasource } from '@simple-html/grid';
import "@simple-html/grid/dist/grid.css";
* create datasource
const datasource = new Datasource();
// add data
{ firstname: 'first1', lastname: 'last1' },
{ firstname: 'first2', lastname: 'last2' },
{ firstname: 'first3', lastname: 'last3' }
* create gridConfig
const gridConfig: GridConfig = {
columnsCenter: [
rows: ['firstname'],
width: 100
rows: ['lastname'],
width: 100
attributes: [
attribute: 'firstname'
attribute: 'lastname'
* create interface and add gridconfig and datasource to it
const gridInterface = new GridInterface(gridConfig, datasource);
* create element for the grid
const element = document.createElement('simple-html-grid') as GridElement; = '100%'; = '100%'; = 'flex';
- all UI rebuilt to optimise scrolling vert/horz
- usign less custom componets, more wrapped into 1 class with methods
- old grid had some really messy parts since all was to split into own classes/got expanded due to issues found at work in the begining, like 200 columns on a report
- gridinterface rebuilt from scratch
- needed to support pinned left/right
- tried to simplify more
- remove all duplicate functions it had, people can just use interface.getDatasource()
- merged into
- changed datasource defaults on filter
- number is greater than or equal
- text is equal
- so they can just use * to starts with/contains etc
- merged into
Need for version "5.0.0":
- virtual scrolling up/down
- virtual scrolling left/right middle section
- basic filter text/date/number
- checkbox filter
- checkbox on row
- selection by using left row selector only
- select all top/left
- when grouped, selecting selector on group row selects all row in group
- multisort with shift key and colum label click
- grouping with expand/collapse in group rows
- resize columns
- resize pinned left/right
- even /odd coloring to rows (also when selected)
- load setting
- support grouping/sorting/filter set
- save setting
- support grouping/sorting/filter set
- global readonly setting
- drag/drop column to change location
- row/cell (incl header)
- add input to row
- able to set placeholder with config
- row
- header
- add focus event to cell, so you can make dropdown etc
- row
- header
- add option to add focus button addFocusButton: "SHOW_IF_GRID_NOT_READONLY" | "SHOW_IF_GRID_NOT_READONLY_AND_CELL_NOT_READONLY" | "ALWAYS"
- option to stop manual editing, just allow paste/clear - useful for when you need dropdown/focus button to control when ends up there
- edit cells
- option to set blank rows to zero "0" - (blank = undefined, "" null)
- option to set zero "0" to blank "" - (blank = undefined, "" null)
- readonly (row)
- with callback, so you can also set it based on other row values
- set "red" background/scratched, so its easy to see its a readonly even i edit mode
- to skip this you just override the
- to skip this you just override the
- mandatory
[x] set "red" background/scratched, so its easy to see its a readonly even i edit mode
- to skip this you just override the
- to skip this you just override the
- menu label
- pin left
- pin right
- hide
- column chooser
- resize this column
- resize all columns
- collapse all groups
- expand all groups
- clear grouping
- menu filter
- clear filter
- clear all filters
- set is blank
- set is not blank
- operator (most used only, they can used advanced for others)
- advanced filter (filter dialog)
- menu row
- copy cell
- need a event/callback for this
- copy colum
- need a event/callback for this
- copy row
- copy in correct column order..
- allow select columns in selector in header, to limit columns getting copied
- need a event/callback for this
- paste cell
- event for when this happends, incase we need to edit others
- clear cell
- event for when this happends
- copy cell
- advanced search dialog
- support groups
- and groups
- or groups
- in/not in operator
- in/not in needs to look better, scrollbar needs css touchup
- support groups
- add current filter to footer
- total rows/filtered rows to footer
- clear filter with button in footer
- excel similar column filter, like we have in old grid
- this will only show first 50 rows.. important user knows this
- hold shift +contr and use mousewheel to scroll horizontal
- option to just display placehold on rows if they are the current entity, usefull to make grid with a lot of empty cell more clean, and placehold can be used as input helpers
- find all function
- replace value
- user arrow keys to navigate "row" cells & use tab key to navigate cells, hold shoft for reverse
- tab key with pinned columns and cells stacked
- arrow keys (if holding ALT key in)
- use arrow keys on filter (if holding ALT key in)
- focus on input, but we need to add a bounce/timeout to not filter on every keydown if typing fast
- edit cells callback/event (best way to really have controll is to add Entity handler to Datacontainer)
- option to override cell with callback, incase someone want svg and text etc, we can give them access to lit-html ctx for fast rendering
- make mandatory color only show if there is no value ?
- first/next/prev/last/new entity, need some stratagy on how we want grid behave, scroll to or just stay where it is?
- event when filter oprator is chnage from menu, incase you want to edit placehold for filter
- have a valueFormater to modify values instead of just a number and date formater
- this should be able to make it easier for custom formats on bools, etc
- added formaters for dot or comma as decimal
- date YYYY-MM-DD (iso8601)
- datetime YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
- date DD.MM.YYYYTHH:MM:SS (typical eu/norway)
- datetime DD.MM.YYYYTHH:MM:SS
- add simple date/time pickere
- datasource to generate changelog ?
- datasource allready have mark for deletion, so it should be able to give all if used correctly, it it might be nice to have built in
- this is mostly done, just have had time to test it much
- gridhub action for release/test/lock master branch
git clone
npm i
npm start
this is alias fornpm start grid01
third arg is sample subfolder ' openhttp://localhost:8080
Will make github action
npm run typedoc-grid
-> and commit..npm run build:all
npm run release
git push --follow-tags origin master
-> master depends on branch..npm run publish:all --tag @simple-html/[email protected]
-> set correct version
npm run build:demo