ARCHIVED: This is now the default behaviour of go run with go version 1.11+
Like go run, but instead of running a file it runs a package which can be pinned in vendor.
A few reasons:
- you can pin the version you use to generate code using
go dep
- you can have different versions per project
- you dont need to install the binary on your path at all
This is particularly nice when committing go generated code so you are in control of when the generator updates.
For example if you were using campoy/jsonenums to generate some code you would install gorunpkg on your gopath. This is the only part that needs to be gopath wide and is small enough that it should be stable.
go get
add the dep to projects Gopkg.toml:
required = [""]
fetch and pin the dep:
dep ensure
add some code using it:
//go:generate gorunpkg -type=Pill
package painkiller
type Pill int
const (
Placebo Pill = iota
Acetaminophen = Paracetamol
then go generate:
go generate ./...