GL Window a.k.a GLWND is a modern GL library that helps you quickly create GL GUI application
- Windows 32/64 bit
- MS Visual C++ 2019 or later
- Modern Open GL
- Interactive
- Keyboard Events
- Mouse Events
- Drag & Drop Events
- Vertex Array Object (VAO)
- Vertex Buffer Object (VBO)
- Pixel Buffer Object (PBO)
- Texture Manipulation
- Integrated Dear ImGUI
- Shader (GLSL)
- FT/GLUT Text Renderer
- Primitive Renderer
- Model Loader/Renderer
- Multi Views
- Debugging Error
- Etc
Released under the MIT license
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd GL-Window
$ setx
%CD%\glwnd\3rdparty\Load GL-Window.sln into VS then build them all
Take a look at examples