The Admin Portal is a web-based application that allows administrators to manage and monitor the slots and reservations in a parking lot. The application includes the following features: This API is made these models:
- Role Model
- User Model
- Parking Model
- SlotType Model
- Slot Model
- Reservation model
- Booking Model
N/A Kinldy i can't config my google SMTP because i using it to some of my projects that's why i did;\'nt deployed the app on heroku as well
- Rails
- Ruby
- Postgresql
- Devise
- ActiveRecord Serializer
- Sidekiq
- Redis
- Rswag
Here are the steps to follow in order to get this project on your local computer.
rails v7.0.2 +
ruby v3.0.2 +
clone this repo by typing git clone
install the dependencies by typing bundle install
start the local server by running rails s
run the tests by typing rails rswag
👤 Victor Barh
- GitHub: @Vvic778
- Twitter: @victoirBarh
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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This project is MIT licensed.