Your world-class reading companion
A web app that helps you listen to any written material (instead of reading on your screen), in a variety of languages.
- You can use it to listen to news pages or blog pages, as if they were podcasts
- You can use it to proof-read, or should we say, proof-listen to your writing
- You can use it to record voice-overs
- and much more...
View the app at
Older versions of this project: v4 | v3 | v2
Allow your readers to instantly listen to your pages
- On your blog pages, load Listen as an iframe in a suitable way. Make sure the iframe size is at least 360px by 780px for optimal UI experience.
- Make sure to allow cross origin requests (CORS) on your website server from origin, so that Listen can fetch article HTML from your server.
- If you use no-code hosting methods, consult your hosting provider's documentation to enable CORS
- If you control the code on your server, see for instructions
- Send your article through URL parameters. See below section for details.
- You can also first check if user has at least one voice of a specific langauge, with my simple helper function. The result of this function can be then used to condiitionally determine if Listen should be offered for that user.
- On your blog page, add a button or text such as
Listen to this article
- Hyperlink the text or the button, to open Listen in a new tab. Send your article through URL parameters. See below section for details.
Pass the link as a URL parameter
Pass the article text as a URL parameter. URL encode the text for sanity.
- To detect language of article: Google compact langauge detector v3 via cld3-asm (
- To extract article text from HTML: Mozilla Readability (
For help with anything on the app or to report a bug, create an issue here