Bash-scripting repository
This repository represents my configuration for Unix-Like (or Linux) systems through the execution of bash scripts.
$ git clone ""
$ cd bash-scripting
$ sudo chmod +x ${scriptFileName}.sh
$ /.${scriptFileName}.sh
In this repository you can see a script for unlock linux-system when you try to update system for few times generating an error on front-end block, and an automate installation script for installation of all necessary software
Bash command | Description |
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade |
update/upgrade your system |
$ sudo apt install ${packageName} |
install a package |
$ sudo chmod +x ${fileName}.sh |
allow permission of all files for executing with admin rights |
$ sudo chmod +777 ${fileName}.sh |
allow permissiono of this file for executing with admin rights |
$ mkdir/rm folderName |
create and remove a directory |
$ touch fileName.extension |
create a file with exestions defined in file |
ctrl + r, ctrl + a, ctrl + e |
reversed search, put start lined, put end line |
Read the file linux-bash-terminal-commands for a complete dive with all the commands used during the courses
- Linux Bash Shell Terminal Command Basics at