See Installing Vyper to install vyper. See Tools and Resources for an additional list of framework and tools with vyper support. See Documentation for the documentation and overall design goals of the Vyper language.
See for learning Vyper by building a Pokémon game. See to use Vyper in a hosted jupyter environment!
Note: Vyper is constantly evolving, use with care and understand the risks associated with smart contract development.
See the Vyper documentation for build instructions.
To compile a contract, use:
vyper your_file_name.vy
generate bytecode
vyper -f bytecode file-name.vy > file-name.bin
generate abi
vyper -f abi file-name.vy > file-name.abi
There is also an online compiler available you can use to experiment with
the language and compile to bytecode
and/or IR
Note: While the vyper version of the online compiler is updated on a regular basis it might be a bit behind the latest version found in the master branch of this repository.
(Complete installation steps first.)
make dev-init
./ -m "not fuzzing"
Install hevm by downloading it from the releases page ( and making sure it is in your PATH. hevm tests can be enabled with --hevm
flag, and hevm tests can be selected with the -m hevm
marker. For instance, ./ -m "hevm" --hevm
A useful script to have in your PATH is something like the following:
$ cat ~/.local/bin/vyc
#!/usr/bin/env bash
PYTHONPATH=. python vyper/cli/ "$@"
To run a python performance profile (to find compiler perf hotspots):
PYTHONPATH=. python -m cProfile -s tottime vyper/cli/ "$@"
To get a call graph from a python profile, pip install gprof2dot
and xdot
, and run it like gprof2dot -f pstats stats | xdot -
. (See
The utility timer functions timeit
, profileit
and cumtimeit
are available in vyper/
- See Issues tab, and feel free to submit your own issues
- Add PRs if you discover a solution to an existing issue
- For further discussions and questions, post in Discussions or talk to us on Discord
- For more information, see Contributing