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@alexander-akait alexander-akait released this 27 Nov 17:29
· 1525 commits to master since this release

4.0.0-beta.0 (2020-11-27)


  • drop support Node.js@6 and Node.js@8, minimum supported Node.js version is Node@10
  • the hot option is true by default
  • the hotOnly option was removed, if you need hot only mode, use hot: 'only' value
  • the default transportMode is switched from sockjs to ws (IE 11 and other old browsers doesn't support WebSocket, set sockjs value for transportMode if you need supports IE 11)
  • before, after and setup were removed in favor onBeforeSetupMiddleware (previously before) and onAfterSetupMiddleware options (previously after)
  • the clientOptions was renamed to the client option
  • the key, cert, pfx, pfx-passphrase, cacert, ca and requestCert options were moved to https options, please use https.{key|cert|pfx|passphrase|requestCert|cacert|ca|requestCert}
  • the sockHost, sockPath and sockPort options were removed in client option
  • the inline option (iframe live mode) was removed
  • the lazy and filename options were removed
  • the features option was removed
  • the log, logLevel, logTime, noInfo, quiet, reporter and warn options were removed in favor of built-in webpack logger, please read this to enable and setup logging output
  • the fs, index, mimeTypes, publicPath, serverSideRender, and writeToDisk options were moved in the dev option (webpack-dev-middleware options)
  • updating webpack-dev-middleware to v4, which includes many breaking options changes, please read
  • the stats option was removed, please use the stats option from webpack.config.js
  • the socket option was removed
  • the contentBase, contentBasePublicPath, serveIndex, staticOptions, watchContentBase, watchOptions were removed in favor of the static option
  • the disableHostCheck and allowedHosts options were removed in favor of the firewall option
  • server.listen() will find free port if the port is not set and the port argument is not passed, also print a warning if the port option and the port argument passed to server.listen() are different
  • the progress option is moved to the client option, set client: {progress: true}
  • the profile option was removed, to print profile data, set client: { progress: 'profile' }
  • client uses the port of the current location (location.port, equivalent to sockPort: 'location'), by default. To get previously behavior, set the client.port with the port you'd like to set
  • client uses the hostname of the current location (location.hostname), by default. To get previously behavior, set the with the hostname you'd like to set


  • compatibility with webpack@5
  • compatibility with webpack-cli@4
  • added the setupExitSignals option, it takes a boolean and if true (default on CLI), the server will close and exit the process on SIGINT and SIGTERM
  • update chokidar to v3


Unfortunately, due to the huge amount of changes it is very difficult to display all changes in a convenient form. Therefore, we offer you a couple of popular examples (feel free to send a PR with more examples).


Previously contentBase, contentBasePublicPath, serveIndex, staticOptions, watchContentBase and watchOptions

module.exports = {
  // ...
  devServer: {
    // Can be:
    // static: path.resolve(__dirname, 'static')
    // static: false
    static: [
      // Simple example
      path.resolve(__dirname, 'static'),
      // Complex example
        directory: path.resolve(__dirname, 'static'),
        staticOptions: {},
        // Don't be confused with `dev.publicPath`, it is `publicPath` for static directory
        // Can be:
        // publicPath: ['/static-public-path-one/', '/static-public-path-two/'],
        publicPath: '/static-public-path/',
        // Can be:
        // serveIndex: {} (options for the `serveIndex` option you can find
        serveIndex: true,
        // Can be:
        // watch: {} (options for the `watch` option you can find
        watch: true,


module.exports = {
  // ...
  devServer: {
    dev: {
      publicPath: '/publicPathForDevServe',


Previously disableHostCheck and allowedHosts

module.exports = {
  // ...
  devServer: {
    // Can be
    // firewall: ['', '']
    firewall: false,  


module.exports = {
  // ...
  infrastructureLogging: {
    // Only warnings and errors
    // level: 'none' disable logging
    // Please read
    level: 'warn',