yarn add vwo-fme-react-native-sdk
For iOS, install the CocoaPods dependencies by running below command. Supports iOS version 12.0 and above.
cd ios && pod install
For more detailed documentation, please refer here.
import { init } from 'vwo-fme-react-native-sdk';
import {
} from 'vwo-fme-react-native-sdk/src/types';
let vwoClient;
// initialize sdk
useEffect(() => {
const initializeSDK = async () => {
const options: VWOInitOptions = { sdkKey: SDK_KEY, accountId: ACCOUNT_ID };
try {
vwoClient = await init(options);
// console.log('VWO init success');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error initialising', error);
}, []);
// create user context
const userContext: VWOContext = { id: 'unique_user_id', customVariables: {key_1: 0, key_2: 1} };
// get feature flag
const flagResult: GetFlagResult = await vwoClient.getFlag('feature_key', userContext);
// check if flag is enabled
const isEnabled = flagResult.isEnabled();
// get the variable value for the given variable key and default value
const variableValue = flagResult.getVariable('feature_flag_variable_key', 'default_value');
// track event for the given event name with event properties
const eventProperties = { 'amount': 99 };
vwoClient.trackEvent('vwo_event_name', userContext, eventProperties);
// send attributes data
const attributes = { attr1: value1, attr2: value2 };
vwoClient.setAttribute(attributes, userContext);
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