#Sketch Plugin:App Asset export
Sketch plugin, One key to export Android/iOS App icons.
Export various size icons for Android / iOS / iPhone App.
ver 1.04 (2017/2/14) fixed can't export image in Sketch 42. ver 1.03 (2017/1/12) fixed Android's icon file name to lowcase.
ver 1.0.2 (2016/10/26) export Mac ICNS ver 1.0.1 (2016/10/25) add new Image Sizes in XCode 8 (iOS 10)
Click the Plugins -> App Asset Export -> Perferences to inputing icon output path (only once).
Click the Plugins -> App Asset Export -> Export App Icons output, bingo!
1 iOS AppIcon.xcassets
2 Android Icon
3 App Store Icon
App Asset Export ,Sketch 插件,一键输出生成Android/iOS/iPhone App 所需各种尺寸图标. 每种图标严格按设计标准输出.极大减轻了Icon设计者的输出工作量.
- 建一个1024x1024大小图层进行Icon设计
- 打开Plugins-->App Asset Export-->Perferences 配置各个平台输出路径(只需要一次)
- 打开Plugins-->App Asset Export-->Export App Icons 输出,bingo!

如iOS 不仅生成图标,还会自动在AppIcon.appiconse 目录下生成相应的Content.json文件,在XCode的项目能直接打开.
而传统的方式,是Sketch设计师输出图标,然后开发者工程师在Xcode 逐一拖入图标asset生成器中,而且如果拖入尺寸与对应机型要求图标尺寸不一致还是收到编译警告,部分情况下还会造成编译错误.整个过程相当繁琐.
Android 中会自动生成相应drawable目录,并将同名图标按要求放入.无论用Android Studio/Eclipse 均可直接编译.
###2.3 生成应用市场发布要求各种图标
各个应用市场对于尺寸要求不一样,本插件同样可以直接生成. 本插件能生成 Google play ,iTune,QQ,小米市场等各种尺寸
- Icons for iPhone-only Apps 参考 https://developer.apple.com/library/content/qa/qa1686/_index.html (注意与XCode最终输出结果对照,删掉一些多余尺寸)
文件名 | 图标尺寸 | 备注 |
AppIcon-Small.png | 29x29 | Setting |
[email protected] | 58x58 | Settings on devices with retina display |
[email protected] | 87x87 | Settings on iPhone 6 Plus |
40 x 40 | ||
[email protected] | 80 x 80 | Spotlight on devices with retina display |
[email protected] | 120x120 | Spotlight on iPhone 6 Plus |
[email protected] | 120x120 | Home screen on iPhone/iPod Touch with retina display |
[email protected] | 180x180 | Home screen on iPhone 6 Plus |
[email protected] | 40x40 | iPhone Notification iOS 7-10 with retina display |
[email protected] | 60x60 | iPhone Notification iOS 7-10 on iPhone 6 Plus |
- Icons for iPad-only Apps
文件名 | 图标尺寸 | 备注 |
AppIcon-Small-40.png | 40x40 | Spotlight on iPad |
[email protected] | 80x80 | Spotlight on iPad with retina display |
AppIcon-76.png | 76x76 | Home screen on iPad |
[email protected] | 152x152 | Home screen on iPad with retina display |
[email protected] | 177x177 | Home screen on iPadPro |
AppIcon-Small.png | 29x29 | Settings on iPad |
[email protected] | 58x58 | Settings on iPad with retina display |
AppIcon-20.png | 20x40 | iPad Notifications iOS 7-10 |
[email protected] | 40x40 | iPad Notifications iOS 7-10 with retina display |
- Icons for Android Apps
参考 https://www.creativefreedom.co.uk/icon-designers-blog/android-4-1-icon-size-guide-made-simple/
分辨率名称 | 图标尺寸 | 缩放比例 |
LDPI | 36 x 36 | |
MDPI | 48 x 48 | 1x |
HDPI | 72 x 72 | 1.5x |
XDPI | 96 x 96 | 2x |
XXDPI | 144 x 144 | 3x |
XXXDPI | 192 x 192 | 4x |
App Store Icon
iTunesArtwork 512x512 iTunesArtwork@2x 1024x1024
Google Play要求
GooglePlay 512x512
16x16 ,512x512
有五种分别是 90x90, 136x136,168x168,192x192, 224x224,
UI参数资源 https://developer.apple.com/ios/human-interface-guidelines/
https://beta.wikiversity.org/wiki/Topic:UI%E8%AE%BE%E8%AE%A1/%E7%A7%BB%E5%8A%A8%E5%BA%94%E7%94%A8 https://github.com/opoloo/androidicons
默认 18:32:51.353818 +0800 Sketch userDefaults.xcodeProjectPath =/Users/pro/Documents/tmpIcon
默认 18:32:51.354247 +0800 Sketch exportOther =1
默认 18:32:51.355091 +0800 Sketch checkExportDir2 /Users/pro/Documents/tmpIcon/appicon.iconset
默认 18:32:51.355310 +0800 Sketch checkExportDir /Users/pro/Documents/tmpIcon/appicon.iconset
默认 18:32:51.358311 +0800 Sketch Exception: TypeError: MSExportRequest.requestWithRect_scale_ is not a function. (In 'MSExportRequest.requestWithRect_scale_( rect ,scale)', 'MSExportRequest.requestWithRect_scale_' is undefined)
默认 18:32:51.358435 +0800 Sketch TypeError: MSExportRequest.requestWithRect_scale_ is not a function. (In 'MSExportRequest.requestWithRect_scale_( rect ,scale)', 'MSExportRequest.requestWithRect_scale_' is undefined)
line: 832
sourceURL: /Users/pro/Library/Application Support/com.bohemiancoding.sketch3/Plugins/AppAssetsExport.sketchplugin/Contents/Sketch/export.js
column: 50