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Persist in CBOR format

xcesco edited this page Sep 5, 2017 · 4 revisions

CBOR format

The annotation @BindType allows to persist Java class instance. For User class

public class User {
  public String email;
  public String name;
  public String surname;

When it is converted by Kripton, it will be converted in a CBOR representation similar to:


CBOR is a binary format. The above string representation is done converting every byte in a its two digit hesadecimal value.

As default behaviour, @BindType annotation persists all public fields and attribute with getter/setter.

It's supposed that you already include kripton-android-library or kripton-library in your dependencies.

Before serialize/deserialize java object in CBOR format, you need to include kripton-dataformat-cbor in project's dependency via maven:


Or via gradle

compile 'com.abubusoft:kripton-dataformat-cbor:2.0.1'

Moreover, you need to registry the CBOR context:

KriptonBinder.registryBinder(new KriptonCborContext());

Serialize from Java bean instance

Code to generate an CBOR version of User instance class:

BinderContext binderContext=KriptonBinder.bind(BinderType.CBOR);
// We use this buffer as output for serialization
KriptonByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new KriptonByteArrayOutputStream();
binderContext.serialize(user, buffer);

We can not use serialize method that produce directly a string value for CBOR format. We need to use an output stream as target.

Parse to Java bean instance

Code to parse CBOR and create a User instance:

BinderContext binderContext=KriptonBinder.bind(BinderType.CBOR);
User user=binderContext.parse(buffer.getByteBufferCopy(), User.class);

For CBOR format you can not use parse method with String input parameter, because it's a binary format. We need to use an stream as input.

Table of Contents

Query definition



Multithread supports


Annotations for data convertion

Annotations for SQLite ORM

Annotations for shared preferences

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