This is a golang package for Memcached. It is a simple and easy to use package.
- Completed Memcached text protocol, includes meta text protocol.
- Integrated serialization and deserialization function
- Cluster support, multiple hash algorithm support, include: crc32, murmur3, redezvous and also custom hash algorithm.
- Fully connection pool features support.
- CLI tool support.
SASL support. - support TCP、UDP and Unix domain socket transport.
go get
Or you can install the CLI binary by running:
go install
More memcached-cli
usage could be found in CLI.
There is a simple example to show how to use this package. More examples could be found in the example directory.
package main
import (
func main() {
// 1. build client
// addrs is a string, if you have multiple memcached servers, you can use comma to separate them.
// e.g. "localhost:11211,localhost:11212,localhost:11213"
addrs := "localhost:11211"
// client support options, you can set the options to client.
// e.g. memcached.New(addrs, memcached.WithDialTimeout(5*time.Second))
client, err := memcached.New(addrs)
if err != nil {
// 2. use client
// now, you can use the client API to finish your work.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
version, err := client.Version(ctx)
if err != nil {
println("Version: ", version)
if err = client.Set(ctx, "key", []byte("value"), 0, 0); err != nil {
if err = client.Set(ctx, "key2", []byte("value2"), 0, 0); err != nil {
items, err := client.Gets(ctx, "key", "key2")
if err != nil {
for _, item := range items {
println("key: ", item.Key, " value: ", string(item.Value))
Now, we have implemented some commands, and we will implement more commands in the future.
Command | Status | API Usage | Description |
---- | ----- | STORAGE COMMANDS | --- |
Set | ✅ | Set(ctx context.Context, key string, value []byte, flags, expiry uint32) error |
Set a key-value pair to memcached |
Add | ✅ | Add(ctx context.Context, key string, value []byte, flags, expiry uint32) error |
Add a key-value pair to memcached |
Replace | ✅ | Replace(ctx context.Context, key string, value []byte, flags, expiry uint32) error |
Replace a key-value pair to memcached |
Append | ✅ | Append(ctx context.Context, key string, value []byte, flags, expiry uint32) error |
Append a value to the key |
Prepend | ✅ | Prepend(ctx context.Context, key string, value []byte, flags, expiry uint32) error |
Prepend a value to the key |
Cas | ✅ | Cas(ctx context.Context, key string, value []byte, flags, expiry uint32, cas uint64) error |
Compare and set a key-value pair to memcached |
---- | ----- | RETRIEVAL COMMANDS | --- |
Gets | ✅ | Gets(ctx context.Context, keys ...string) ([]*Item, error) |
Get a value by key from memcached with cas value |
Get | ✅ | Get(ctx context.Context, key string) (*Item, error) |
Get a value by key from memcached |
GetAndTouch | ✅ | GetAndTouch(ctx context.Context, expiry uint32, key string) (*Item, error) |
Get a value by key from memcached and touch the key's expire time |
GetAndTouches | ✅ | GetAndTouches(ctx context.Context, expiry uint32, keys ...string) ([]*Item, error) |
Get a value by key from memcached and touch the key's expire time |
----- | ----- | OTHER COMMANDS | --- |
Delete | ✅ | Delete(ctx context.Context, key string) error |
Delete a key-value pair from memcached |
Incr | ✅ | Incr(ctx context.Context, key string, delta uint64) (uint64, error) |
Increment a key's value |
Decr | ✅ | Decr(ctx context.Context, key string, delta uint64) (uint64, error) |
Decrement a key's value |
Touch | ✅ | Touch(ctx context.Context, key string, expiry uint32) error |
Touch a key's expire time |
MetaGet | ✅ | MetaGet(ctx context.Context, key []byte, options ...MetaGetOption) (*MetaItem, error) |
Get a key's meta information |
MetaSet | ✅ | MetaSet(ctx context.Context, key, value []byte, options ...MetaSetOption) (*MetaItem, error) |
Set a key's meta information |
MetaDelete | ✅ | MetaDelete(ctx context.Context, key []byte, options ...MetaDeleteOption) (*MetaItem, error) |
Delete a key's meta information |
MetaArithmetic | ✅ | MetaArithmetic(ctx context.Context, key []byte, delta uint64, options ...MetaArithmeticOption) (*MetaItem, error) |
Arithmetic a key's meta information |
MetaDebug | ✅ | MetaDebug(ctx context.Context, key []byte, options ...MetaDebugOption) (*MetaItemDebug, error) |
Debug a key's meta information |
MetaNoop | ✅ | MetaNoop(ctx context.Context) error |
Noop a key's meta information |
Version | ✅ | Version(ctx context.Context) (string, error) |
Get memcached server version |
FlushAll | ✅ | FlushAll(ctx context.Context) error |
Flush all keys in memcached server |
- Go 1.21 or higher
- Python (for pre-commit hooks) or just
brew install pre-commit
on MacOS - Docker (for running memcached in tests)
- Clone the repository:
git clone cd memcached
- Install pre-commit hooks:
pip install pre-commit # or MacOS # brew install pre-commit pre-commit install
- Install golangci-lint:
go install
go test -v -race -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic ./...
This project follows the standard Go code style guidelines and uses golangci-lint for additional checks. The configuration can be found in .golangci.yml.
Key points:
- Follow Go standard formatting (enforced by gofmt )
- Ensure all code is properly tested
- Write clear commit messages
- Document public APIs