Extensions and syntactic sugar to enrich the Swift standard library, iOS frameworks, and SwifterSwift.
pod 'SweeterSwift'
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/yonat/SweeterSwift", from: "1.2.6")
- Auto Layout
- Bundle
- Codable
- DateFormatter
- NotificationCenter
- NSAttributedString
- NSManagedObjectContext
- String
- Swift Standard Library
- TimeInterval
- UIApplication
- UILabel / UITextView
- UIStackView
- UIView
Add button at the center of view:
view.addConstrainedSubview(button, constrain: .centerX, .centerY)
Put label over textField:
view.constrain(label, at: .leading, to: textField)
view.constrain(textField, at: .top, to: label, at: .bottom, diff: 8)
Add child view controller covering all but the bottom margin:
addConstrainedChild(vc, constrain: .bottomMargin, .top, .left, .right)
App name with reasonable fallback to process name:
let appName = Bundle.main.name
App info string with name, version, and build number:
let appInfo = Bundle.main.infoString // "MyApp 1.0 #42"
Create object from a dictionary:
let decodableObject = MyDecodableClass(dictionary: aDictionary)
Export object to a dictionary:
let aDictionary = encodableObject.dictionary
Create with format:
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter(format: "cccc, MMMM dd")
Post a local notification using NotificationCenter.default
notify(notificationName, userInfo: infoDictionary)
Respond to a local notification from NotificationCenter.default
observeNotification(notificationName, selector: #selector(someFunc))
Create from HTML:
let attributedString = NSAttributedString(htmlString: "Hello, <b>world</b>!")
Turn a substring into a link:
mutableAttributedString.link(anchorText: "Hello", url: "https://ootips.org")
Dump contents to console for debugging:
Create a copy of the store for backup or for using later as initial setup:
Separate CamelCase into capitalized words:
let words = "winterIsComing".unCamelCased // "Winter Is Coming"
Change CamelCase into snake_case:
let key = "winterIsComing".camelToSnakeCased // "winter_is_coming"
Index of current enum case in allCases
let index = MyEnum.someCase.index
Unwrap collection, shorthand for compactMap { $0 }
let nonOptionals = optionalsCollection.compact
Avoid retain cycles when passing a member function as an @escaping closure:
var closure = weak(self, in: MyClass.someFunction)
Standard time intervals:
let myInterval: TimeInterval = .year + .month + .week + .day + .hour + .minute
Find the top-most view controller:
let topVC = UIApplication.topViewController()
Present modal over the top view controller:
Create a label with links by using a UITextView
to auto-detect links and simulate UILabel
let hyperlinkedLabel = UITextView(simulatedLabelWithLinksInText: "More at https://ootips.org")
Remove an arranged subview from the view hierarchy, not just the stack arrangement:
Remove all arranged subviews from the view hierarchy, not just the stack arrangement:
Search the view hierarchy recursively for a subview that meets a condition:
let blueSubview = view.viewInHierarchy(where { $0.backgroundColor == .blue })
Search the view hierarchy recursively for a subview with a specific class:
let button = view.viewWithClass(UIButton.self)