ecs-console is a tool for launching one-time ECS tasks and running ecs-exec or portforwarding on ECS
When using a CLI tool such as Ralis console in a production environment, there is a need to start and stop a one-time ECS task each time.
This tool hides the start-stop process, so developers can start shells and perform port forwarding without being aware of the task start-stop process.
$ go install
Download the appropriate binary
You can see the detailed options in the -h option
$ ecs-console exec -h
ecs-console exec
ecs-console exec [command options] [arguments...]
--cluster value ECS Cluster Name
--task-def value ECS Taskdefinition arn
--command value command passing to ecs-exec (default: "/bin/bash")
--container value container name for ecs-exec (default: "app")
--subnets value subnets name for task
--security-groups value sg for task
--help, -h show help (default: false)
$ ecs-console portforward -h
ecs-console portforward
ecs-console portforward [command options] [arguments...]
--cluster value ECS Cluster Name
--task-def value ECS Taskdefinition arn
--container value container name for ecs-exec (default: "app")
--subnets value subnets name for task
--security-groups value sg for task
--remote-port value remote port
--local-port value local port
--help, -h show help (default: false)