fastapi-tailwindcss-daisyui-starter is starter with tailwindcss and daisyui. you can easy controller you website and css styles。
- Python and Poetry
- Node.js and pnpm
git clone
cd <fastapi-tailwindcss-daisyui-starter dir>
poetry install
pnpm install
pnpm run tailwind # watch templates/html files change
poetry run python # start fastapi server
Now, you can visit fastapi server on http://localhost:8000
, change the template/xxx.html
watch browser fresh。
pydantic-settings Control the env DEBUG. if you set False, no browser refresh。
DEBUG = True
arel can inject reload script antd use websocket to control the file change
import arel
from fastapi_tailwindcss_daisyui_starter.config.config import settings
if settings.DEBUG:
hot_reload = arel.HotReload(paths=[arel.Path(".")])
app.add_websocket_route("/hot-reload", route=hot_reload, name="hot-reload")
app.add_event_handler("startup", hot_reload.startup)
app.add_event_handler("shutdown", hot_reload.shutdown)
templates.env.globals["DEBUG"] = settings.DEBUG
templates.env.globals["hot_reload"] = hot_reload
{% if DEBUG %} {{ hot_reload.script(url_for('hot-reload')) | safe }} {% endif %}
daisyui base tailwindcss, it's a plugin when where use it。
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
content: ["./fastapi_tailwindcss_daisyui_starter/templates/**/*.html"],
theme: {
extend: {},
plugins: [
Now you can enjoy it ! Good day~