VoiceText Web API Haskell wrapper library
basicAuth "basic_auth_username" ""
ttsParams "Hello, world." Show
addVolume 120 $
addSpeed 150 $
addPitch 50 $
addEmotionLevel 2 $
addEmotion Happiness $
addFormat Ogg $
ttsParams "こんにちは" Takeru
call ttsToFile
import Network.VoiceText
main = do
let b = basicAuth "basic_auth_username" ""
let p = ttsParams "Hello, world." Show
ttsToFile "./test.wav" b p
call tts
, and use response Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal.ByteString
import Network.VoiceText
main = do
let b = basicAuth "basic_auth_username" ""
let p = ttsParams "Hello, world." Show
bytes <- tts b p
print bytes
For example, play the voice data using Sound.ALUT.
- stack.yaml
resolver: lts-2.22
- location: .
- location:
git: https://github.com/zaneli/network-voicetext.git
commit: 54ce62af6c4decb023a36a39c081d0411c8cc11d
extra-dep: true
- OpenAL-
- example.cabal
build-depends: base >=4.6 && <4.8
, network-voicetext >=0.0
, bytestring >=0.10
, word8 >=0.1
, OpenAL >=1.6
, ALUT >=2.3
import Network.VoiceText
import Sound.ALUT
import Data.Word8
import Data.ByteString.Internal (toForeignPtr)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import qualified Foreign.C.Types as CT
import qualified Sound.OpenAL.AL.Buffer as AL
main = do
mr <- createVoice
playVoice mr
createVoice :: IO (AL.MemoryRegion Word8)
createVoice = do
[message] <- getArgs
(Right bytes) <- tts (basicAuth "basic_auth_username" "") (ttsParams message Show)
let (fptrw, _, ptrLength) = toForeignPtr $ toStrict bytes
withForeignPtr fptrw $ \ptr -> do
let size = CT.CInt $ fromIntegral ptrLength
return $ AL.MemoryRegion ptr size
playVoice :: AL.MemoryRegion a -> IO ()
playVoice mr = withProgNameAndArgs runALUTUsingCurrentContext $ \_ _ -> do
(Just device) <- openDevice Nothing
context <- createContext device []
currentContext $= context
buffer <- createBuffer $ FileImage mr
[source] <- genObjectNames 1
queueBuffers source [buffer]
play [source]
sleep 1
closeDevice device
return ()