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GRASS GIS session library

A simple library to use GRASS GIS from python. You can specify the GRASS executable that you want to use with an enviromental variable called: GRASSBIN


In development


To install the stable version use:

$ pip install grass-session

To install the current development version use:

$ pip install git+


Set the GRASS GIS binary that you want to use with: export GRASSBIN=grass75:

>>> from grass_session import Session
>>> from grass.script import core as gcore
>>> with Session(gisdb="/tmp", location="location",
...              create_opts="EPSG:4326"):
...    print(gcore.parse_command("g.gisenv", flags="s"))
{u'GISDBASE': u"'/tmp/';",
 u'LOCATION_NAME': u"'epsg3035';",
>>> with Session(gisdb="/tmp", location="location", mapset="test",
...              create_opts=""):
...    print(gcore.parse_command("g.gisenv", flags="s"))
{u'GISDBASE': u"'/tmp/';",
 u'LOCATION_NAME': u"'epsg3035';",
 u'MAPSET': u"'test';",}


  1. Clone the repository:

    $ git clone [email protected]:zarch/grass_session.git
  2. Make sure that py.test, tox and pre-commit are installed:

    $ pip install -r requirements-testing.txt
  3. Install pre-commit hook in the local repository:

    $ pre-commit install

  4. Test locally with py.test:

    $ pytest -vv .

    To see the coverage use:

    $ pytest -v --cov=grass_session --cov-report=html .

    To test with different version of python or grass use:

    $ GRASSBIN=~/.local/bin/grassXX PYTHONPATH="pwd:$PYTHONPATH" pytest .

  5. Test against multiple Python environments using tox:

    $ tox
    _______________________ summary _____________________________
    py27: commands succeeded
    py36: commands succeeded
    py37: commands succeeded
    py38: commands succeeded
    congratulations :)