GTKTerm is a GTK+ serial port terminal
See for documentation.
--help or -h : this help screen
--config or -c : load configuration
--port or -p : serial port device (default /dev/ttyS0)
--speed or -s : serial port speed (default 9600)
--bits or -b : number of bits (default 8)
--stopbits or -t : number of stopbits (default 1)
--parity <odd | even> or -a : parity (default none)
--flow <Xon | CTS> or -w : flow control (default none)
--delay or -d : end of line delay in ms (default none)
--char or -r : wait for a special char at end of line (default none)
--file or -f : default file to send (default none)
--echo or -e : switch on local echo
As Gtkterm is often used like a terminal emulator, the shortcut keys are assigned to , rather than just . This allows the user to send keystrokes of the form X and not have Gtkterm intercept them.
L -- Clear screen
R -- Send file
Q -- Quit
S -- Configure port
V -- Paste
C -- Copy
B -- Send break
The RS485 flow control is a software user-space emulation and therefore may not work for all configurations (won't respond quickly enough). If this is the case for your setup, you will need to either use a dedicated RS232 to RS485 converter, or look for a kernel level driver. This is an inherent limitation to user space programs.
GtkTerm has a few dependencies-
- Gtk+2.0 (version 2.6 or higher)
- vte (version 0.20 or higher)
- intltool (version 0.40.0 or higher)
Once these dependencies are installed, most people should simply run:
./configure make
And to install:
make install