This is an Angular wrapper library for the Quill. To use this library you should get familiar with the Quill documentation as well since this documentation only explains details specific to this wrapper.
Version 17.0.0 will be the last release of this library. I recommend you to switch to using ngx-quill package which is better maintained and uses latest Quill verison.
Example application | StackBlitz example | Quill documentation
npm install
npm run build
npm install
npm run start
npm install ngx-quill-wrapper --save
Providing the global configuration is optional and when used you should only provide the configuration in your root module.
import { QuillModule } from 'ngx-quill-wrapper';
import { QUILL_CONFIG } from 'ngx-quill-wrapper';
import { QuillConfigInterface } from 'ngx-quill-wrapper';
const DEFAULT_QUILL_CONFIG: QuillConfigInterface = {
theme: 'snow',
modules: {
toolbar: true
placeholder: 'Empty canvas'
imports: [
providers: [
provide: QUILL_CONFIG,
This library provides two ways to create a Quill element, component for simple use cases and directive for more custom use cases.
Simply replace the element that would ordinarily be passed to Quill
with the quill component.
NOTE: Component provides default toolbar element which you can enable by setting the appropriate configuration to 'true' or by providing custom toolbar config. If you want to use a custom toolbar then you might want to use the directive instead.
<quill [config]="config" [(value)]="value">
<div quillToolbar><!-- Optional custom toolbar --></div>
<div quillContent><!-- Optional pre-filled content --></div>
[config] // Custom config to override the global defaults.
[modules] // Extra custom modules to register for the Quill.
// Formatting example: { 'modules/focus': Focus }
[value] // Input value of the Quill editor content (html).
[disabled] // Disables all functionality of Quill and modules.
[autoToolbar] // Only show toolbar when the editor is focused.
// Allows using same toolbar for multiple editors.
[realToolbar] // Use toolbar as it is without cloning the node.
[useQuillClass] // Use quill class (use provided default styles).
(valueChange) // Event handler for the input value change event.
(editorCreate) // Event handler for the Quill editor create event.
(contentChange) // Event handler for the Quill content change event.
(selectionChange) // Event handler for the Quill selection change event.
When using only the directive you need to provide your own theming or import the theme:
@import '~quill/dist/quill.snow.css' // Or quill.bubble.css if bubble theme is used
Quill directive can be used in correctly structured div element with optional custom configuration:
<div class="quill" [quill]="config" (contentChange)="onContentChange($event)">
<div class="quill-toolbar"><!-- Optional custom toolbar --></div>
<p>Existing content for the editor</p>
[quill] // Custom config to override the global defaults.
[modules] // Extra custom modules to register for the Quill.
// Formatting example: { 'modules/focus': Focus }
[disabled] // Disables all functionality of Quill and modules.
(editorCreate) // Event handler for the Quill editor create event.
(contentChange) // Event handler for the Quill content change event.
(selectionChange) // Event handler for the Quill selection change event.
theme // Theme to use: 'snow' or 'bubble' (Default: 'snow').
modules // Options for the Quill modules (Default: {toolbar: true}).
placeholder // Placeholder text to show when no content (Default: null).
For more detailed documentation with all the supported config options see the Quill documentation.
quill() // Returns the Quill instance reference for full API access.
clear(source?) // Clear the editor content (source: 'api', 'user', 'silent').
getValue() // Returns the current text content of the editor document.
setValue(value, source?) // Updates the editor content (source: 'api', 'user', 'silent').
Above functions can be accessed through the directive reference (available as directiveRef in the component).