Tools for examining Apple's Metal shaders.
- extracts .metallib files to .air files.
- sampleshader/: contains:
- a Metal shader from Apple's HelloTriangle project
- the compiled metallib using Xcode 9.3's metal compiler
- the .air files recompiled to x86_64 and arm64 assembly using LLVM 6.0.0 to show that Metal shaders are valid LLVM Bitcode and can be processed using normal LLVM tools.
- - wrapper around Metal compiler to make examining bitcode easier
- - C++ to Metal compiler with patched LLVM to generate .air files
My code (, sampleshader/*.sh) is under the MIT license.
sampleshader/AAPLShaders.metal and sampleshader/AAPLShaderTypes.h are taken from Apple's HelloTriangle project. Their license can be found in sampleshader/AAPLShaders_LICENSE.txt (also MIT license)