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Sample CICS application for z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition (EE)

This repository contains a sample CICS COBOL application that uses the API Requester function of z/OS Connect EE to call a health insurance claim rule API hosted on the IBM Cloud. The CICS application is invoked as a REST API using z/OS Connect EE.

Diagram 1



  • Clone this repository git clone [email protected]:zosconnect/zosconnect-sample-cobol-apirequester.git
  • Allocate a PDS with 30 tracks for the jobs and sample source files
Average record unit
Primary quantity  . . 30
Secondary quantity    5
Directory blocks  . . 10
Record format . . . . FB
Record length . . . . 80
Block size  . . . . . 27920
Data set name type    PDS
  • Upload the following source and sample JCLs to your z/OS system and store on the PDS that was allocated
  • Customize the uploaded copy of compile.jcl for your environment and submit to compile the sample CICS COBOL program. The load module should be installed on a PDSE library that is accessible to the CICS region. Additional instructions are provided in the sample JCL. The expected return code is 0.

  • Customize the uploaded copy of vsam.jcl for your environment and submit to define the VSAM data set used by the CICS program. Additional instructions are provided in the sample JCL. The expected return code is 0.

  • Customize the uploaded copy of ciscdefn.jcl for your environment and submit to define the CICS resources. Additional instructions are provided in the sample JCL. The expected return code is 0.


  • Create the following directories (if not done yet) called resources/zosconnect/services, resources/zosconnect/apis, and resources/zosconnect/apiRequesters under your server path.

  • Recursively chown and chmod the output directories so your z/OS Connect server ID has access to them.

    cd /var/zosconnect/servers/<server-name>
    chown -R <serverID>:<serverGroup> ./resources
    chmod -R 750 ./resources
  • Setup definitions for the API Requester end-point (outbound) and the CICS IPIC connection (inbound) in server.xml. The server.xml should have the following entries added.

    <zosconnect_endpointConnection id="nodejsClaims"
    <zosconnect_cicsIpicConnection id="zconipic"

NOTE: Change the hostname and portnum to the actual hostname and port number of the CICS region where the CICS sample program (CLAIMCI0) was installed. A sample server.xml is included in the package. If you want to use the sample server.xml file then upload it to z/OS in binary mode to keep the contents in ASCII format.

  • To enable the CICS applications to call REST APIs through the z/OS Connect EE server, the communication stub in the CICS region needs to be configured. This requires setting up the following resources: TDQUEUE, URIMAP, and PROGRAM. Below is a sample URIMAP definition that handles HTTP client requests from the communication stub to the z/OS Connect EE server. In the sample, the same z/OS Connect EE server is used for the inbound request (API Provider) and outbound request (API Requester).

Diagram 1

Deploying the sample API

This repository includes the sample API (cicsClaimsAPI.aar), service (CICSClaimsService.sar) and API requester (claims.ara) archive files.

Follow the steps below to deploy the included archive files:

  • To deploy the sample service (CICSClaimsService.sar), follow the steps described in the Automated service archive management section of the z/OS Connect EE documentation in the IBM Knowledge Center. If transferring the file via ftp, ensure the file is transferred as binary.

  • To deploy the sample API (cicsClaimsAPI.aar), follow the steps described in the Automated API management section of the z/OS Connect EE documentation in the IBM Knowledge Center. If transferring the file via ftp, ensure the file is transferred as binary.

  • To deploy the sample API Requester (claims.ara), follow the steps described in the How to deploy an API requester automatically section of the z/OS Connect EE documentation in the IBM Knowledge Center. If transferring the file via ftp, ensure the file is transferred as binary.

Follow the steps below to generate and deploy from the sample projects / source provided:

  • On your IBM Explorer for z/OS (or any of the supported Eclipse environment), click on File -> Import then click on General -> Existing Projects into Workspace. Select the file included in the package (confirm that the CICSClaimsService project is selected under the Projects field) and click Finish. Repeat the same steps for (confirm that the CICSClaimsAPI project is selected under the Projects field).

  • To deploy the service from the API Toolkit, follow the steps described in the Deploying a service section of the z/OS Connect EE documentation in the IBM Knowledge Center.

  • To deploy the API from the API Toolkit, follow the steps described in the Deploying an API in the API toolkit section of the z/OS Connect EE documentation in the IBM Knowledge Center.

  • Create the ARA file and other API Requester artifacts using the z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition build toolkit and follow the steps described in the How to deploy an API requester automatically section of the z/OS Connect EE documentation in the IBM Knowledge Center. If transferring the file via ftp, ensure the file is transferred as binary.

    zconbt -f=claims.ara

Testing the sample API

At this point, the sample API is now ready for testing. Start by testing the REST API that is called from the CICS application.

On a browser, type the following for an Accepted health insurance claim:

This will return the following results:

 "claimType": "MEDICAL",
 "claimAmount": 100,
 "status": "Accepted",
 "reason": "Normal claim"

and type the following for a Rejected health insurance claim.

This will return the following results:

  "claimType": "MEDICAL",
  "claimAmount": 350,
  "status": "Rejected",
  "reason": "Amount exceeded 300.00. Claim require further review."

NOTE: If you prefer to run the health claim business rule locally, you can get the sample source code (sample-3.js) provided in the GitHub Sample on Node.js clients.

Next step is to test the CICS sample application that calls the health insurance claim REST API.

To test the API using the z/OS Connect EE API Editor, refer to the section on Examining, testing, starting and stopping an API section of the z/OS Connect EE documentation in the IBM Knowledge Center.

Use the POST action in the cicsClaimsAPI and specify the following values to get a status of Accepted from the health insurance claim REST API call:

  • Type 00000001 under claimID
  • Type MEDICAL under claimType
  • Type 100.00 under claimAmount
  • Type 01/01/2020 under serviceDate
  • Type AMBULANCE under Description
  • Type GENERAL HOSPITAL under ServiceProvider

To test the API using curl, type the following:

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{"CICSClaimsServiceOperation":{"CLAIMCI0_CONT":{"REQ_CLAIM_CONTAINER":{"REQ_CLAIM_RECORD":{"REQ_CLAIM_DETAILS":{"ClaimType":"MEDICAL","ClaimAmount":100,"ServiceDate":"01/01/2020","Description":"AMBULANCE","ServiceProvider":"GENERAL HOSPITAL"}}}}}}' 'http://<hostname>:<port>/cics/health/claims/00000001'

Below is the sample output, note that the ClaimStatus field was set to OKAY. This is the value set by the CICS application when the claim is Accepted.

  "CICSClaimsServiceOperationResponse": {
    "CLAIMCI0_CONT": {
        "OutputMessage": "SUCCESS: CLAIM RECORD SUBMITTED FOR 00000001",
        "CICSResponseCode": 0,
        "CICSResponseCode2": 0,
        "RSP_CLAIM_RECORD": {
          "ClaimID": "00000001",
          "RSP_CLAIM_DETAILS": {
            "ClaimAmount": 100,
            "ServiceDate": "01/01/2020",
            "Description": "AMBULANCE",
            "ServiceProvider": "GENERAL HOSPITAL",
            "ClaimStatus": "OKAY",
            "ClaimType": "MEDICAL"

Use the POST action in the cicsClaimsAPI and specify the following values to get a status of Rejected from the health insurance claim REST API call:

  • Type 00000002 under claimID
  • Type MEDICAL under claimType
  • Type 250.00 under claimAmount
  • Type 01/02/2020 under serviceDate
  • Type DOCTOR VISIT under Description
  • Type DR JOHN DOE under ServiceProvider

To test the API using curl, type the following:

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{"CICSClaimsServiceOperation":{"CLAIMCI0_CONT":{"REQ_CLAIM_CONTAINER":{"REQ_CLAIM_RECORD":{"REQ_CLAIM_DETAILS":{"ClaimType":"MEDICAL","ClaimAmount":250,"ServiceDate":"01/02/2020","Description":"DOCTOR VISIT","ServiceProvider":"DR JOHN DOE"}}}}}}' 'http://<hostname>:<port>/cics/health/claims/00000002'

Below is the sample output, note that the ClaimStatus field was set to PEND. This is the value set by the CICS application when the claim is Rejected.

  "CICSClaimsServiceOperationResponse": {
    "CLAIMCI0_CONT": {
        "OutputMessage": "SUCCESS: CLAIM RECORD SUBMITTED FOR 00000002",
        "CICSResponseCode": 0,
        "CICSResponseCode2": 0,
        "RSP_CLAIM_RECORD": {
          "ClaimID": "00000002",
          "RSP_CLAIM_DETAILS": {
            "ClaimAmount": 250,
            "ServiceDate": "01/02/2020",
            "Description": "DOCTOR VISIT",
            "ServiceProvider": "DR JOHN DOE",
            "ClaimStatus": "PEND",
            "ClaimType": "MEDICAL"


© Copyright IBM Corporation 2020


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


Contains a sample CICS COBOL and IMS COBOL application that uses the API Requester function of z/OS Connect EE.








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