This repository contains my Arch Linux Gruvbox-themed setup and the software I use daily. It aims to provide a simple, minimal, and visually appealing workflow and environment.
All my Gruvbox themed wallpapers are available in docs/
For code editing, I use Neovim with LazyVim. The configuration for LazyVim is located at /config/nvim/lua/config/lazy.lua and utilizes the Gruvbox theme developed by morhetz.
As a terminal manager and multiplexer, I use Tmux with the Tmux Plugin Manager (TPM) to install add-ons, including the Gruvbox theme developed by egel. The configuration file for Tmux is located at /config/.tmux.conf and for TPM at /config/tmux/**.
My primary browser is Firefox, with the Gruvbox by rgnx theme. For the home page, I use the open-source Night Tab extension.
I use Spotify for listening to music and podcasts, with the Spicetify add-on to implement themes. I use the Skaytacium/Gruvify theme.