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flowchart LR
   subgraph AccelByte Gaming Services
   KB[Kafka Connect]
   subgraph Extend Event Handler App
   SV["gRPC Server"]   
   KB --- SV
   KF --- KB

AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) capabilities can be enhanced using Extend Event Handler apps. An Extend Event Handler app is a gRPC server that receives AGS events through Kafka Connect and performs actions based on custom logic.


This repository provides a project template for an Extend Event Handler app written in Python. It includes an example to handle AGS userLoggedIn event and grant an item to the user. Additionally, it comes with built-in instrumentation for observability, ensuring that metrics, traces, and logs are available upon deployment.

You can clone this repository to begin developing your own Extend Event Handler app. Simply modify this project by including the AGS event spec files you need and implement custom logic to handle those events.

Project Structure

Here are some important folders you need to know to be able to start modifying this project.

├── src
│  └── app
│    ├── proto                   # AGS event spec files (*.proto) and code generated from them
│    └── services
│      ├──
│      └──      # Logic to handle AGS event is implemented here

❗ In the example included in this project, we focus solely on the userLoggedIn event. Therefore, only the AGS event spec files for IAM are included. For other events, the AGS event spec files are available here.


Before starting, you will need the following.

  1. Windows 11 WSL2 or Linux Ubuntu 22.04 or macOS 14+ with the following tools installed:

    a. Bash

    • On Windows WSL2 or Linux Ubuntu:

      bash --version
      GNU bash, version 5.1.16(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
    • On macOS:

      bash --version
      GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (arm64-apple-darwin23)

    b. Make

    • On Windows WSL2 or Linux Ubuntu:

      To install from the Ubuntu repository, run sudo apt update && sudo apt install make.

      make --version
      GNU Make 4.3
    • On macOS:

      make --version
      GNU Make 3.81

    c. Docker (Docker Desktop 4.30+/Docker Engine v23.0+)

    • On Linux Ubuntu:

      1. To install from the Ubuntu repository, run sudo apt update && sudo apt install docker-buildx docker-compose-v2.
      2. Add your user to the docker group: sudo usermod -aG docker $USER.
      3. Log out and log back in to allow the changes to take effect.
    • On Windows or macOS:

      Follow Docker's documentation on installing the Docker Desktop on Windows or macOS.

      docker version
      Server: Docker Desktop
         Version:          24.0.5

    d. Python 3.10

    • On Linux Ubuntu:

      To install from the Ubuntu repository, run sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3 python3-venv.

    • On Windows or macOS:

      Use the available installer here.

      python3 --version
      Python 3.10.12

    e. Postman

    • Use binary available here

    f. extend-helper-cli

    ❗ In macOS, you may use Homebrew to easily install some of the tools above.

  2. Access to AccelByte Gaming Services environment.

    a. Base URL:

    b. Create a Game Namespace if you don't have one yet. Keep the Namespace ID.

    c. Create an OAuth Client with confidential client type with the following permissions. Keep the Client ID and Client Secret.

    • For AGS Premium customers:
    • For AGS Starter customers:
      • Platform Store -> Fulfillment (Create)
  3. A published AGS Store. Take a note of the item id which is to be granted after a user in a certain namespace successfully logged in.


To be able to run this app, you will need to follow these setup steps.

  1. Create a docker compose .env file by copying the content of .env.template file.

    ⚠️ The host OS environment variables have higher precedence compared to .env file variables: If the variables in .env file do not seem to take effect properly, check if there are host OS environment variables with the same name. See documentation about docker compose environment variables precedence for more details.

  2. Fill in the required environment variables in .env file as shown below.

    AB_BASE_URL=     # Base URL of AccelByte Gaming Services demo environment
    AB_CLIENT_ID='xxxxxxxxxx'                 # Client ID from the Prerequisites section
    AB_CLIENT_SECRET='xxxxxxxxxx'             # Client Secret from the Prerequisites section
    AB_NAMESPACE='xxxxxxxxxx'                 # Namespace ID from the Prerequisites section
    ITEM_ID_TO_GRANT='xxxxxxxxxx'             # Item id from a published store we noted previously


To build this app, use the following command.

make build


To (build and) run this app in a container, use the following command.

docker compose up --build


Test in Local Development Environment

This app can be tested locally using Postman.

  1. Run this app by using the command below.

    docker compose up --build
  2. Open Postman, create a new gRPC request, and enter localhost:6565 as the URL.

    Postman new grpc request

    ⚠️ If you are running grpc-plugin-dependencies stack alongside this project as mentioned in Test Observability: Use localhost:10000 instead of localhost:6565. This way, the gRPC server will be called via Envoy service within grpc-plugin-dependencies stack instead of directly.

  3. Since we are interested in userLoggedIn event, select UserAuthenticationUserLoggedInService/OnMessage method.

    Postman new grpc request

  4. Send a userLoggedIn event to the gRPC server by copying and pasting the sample Kafka event JSON below, then click Invoke. For the sample provided in this Extend app template, ensure that you provide valid values for at least namespace and userId.

      "payload": {
         "userAccount": {
            "userId": "string",
            "emailAddress": "string",
            "country": "string",
            "namespace": "string"
         "userAuthentication": {
            "platformId": "string",
            "refresh": true
      "id": "string",
      "version": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "namespace": "string",
      "parentNamespace": "string",
      "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "clientId": "string",
      "userId": "string",
      "traceId": "string",
      "sessionId": "string"

    For other AGS events: You can find the information and the corresponding sample Kafka event JSON here.

  5. If successful, the response will appear as shown below, and you will also be able to see the item granted to the user you are using for this test.

    Postman new grpc request

    Granted entitlement

Test Observability

To be able to see the how the observability works in this app locally, there are few things that need be setup before performing tests.

  1. Uncomment loki logging driver in docker-compose.yaml

     # logging:
     #   driver: loki
     #   options:
     #     loki-url: http://host.docker.internal:3100/loki/api/v1/push
     #     mode: non-blocking
     #     max-buffer-size: 4m
     #     loki-retries: "3"

    ⚠️ Make sure to install docker loki plugin beforehand: Otherwise, this project will not be able to run. This is required so that container logs can flow to the loki service within grpc-plugin-dependencies stack. Use this command to install docker loki plugin: docker plugin install grafana/loki-docker-driver:latest --alias loki --grant-all-permissions.

  2. Clone and run grpc-plugin-dependencies stack alongside this project. After this, Grafana will be accessible at http://localhost:3000.

    git clone
    cd grpc-plugin-dependencies
    docker compose up

    ❗ More information about grpc-plugin-dependencies is available here.

  3. Perform testing. For example, by following Test in Local Development Environment.


To deploy this app to AGS, follow the steps below.

  1. Create a new Extend Event Handler app on Admin Portal. Keep the Repository URI.

  2. Download and setup extend-helper-cli (only if it has not been done previously).

  3. Perform docker login with extend-helper-cli using the following command.

    extend-helper-cli dockerlogin --namespace <my-game> --app <my-app> --login

    ❗ For your convenience, the above extend-helper-cli command can also be copied from Repository Authentication Command under the corresponding app detail page.

  4. Build and push this project docker image to AccelByte ECR using the following command.

    extend-helper-cli image-upload --work-dir <my-project-dir> --namespace <my-game> --app <my-app> --image-tag v0.0.1

    ⚠️ Make sure to perform docker login (step 3) before executing the above command.

  5. Open Admin Portal, go to Extend -> Event Handler. And then select the extend app.

  6. To deploy selected image tag, click Image Version History and select desired image tag to be deployed.

  7. Click Deploy Image, confirm the deployment and go back to App Detail by clicking Cancel.

  8. Wait until app status is running.

For more information on how to deploy an Extend Event Handler app, see here.

Next Step

Proceed create your own Extend Event Handler app by modifying this project. See here for more details.


A sample Extend Event Handler app written in Python







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