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Kelvin edited this page Apr 9, 2021 · 4 revisions

Version 2.3.5. (April 9th, 2021) Add Economic Property NFIP Product

Updated Features:

  • Add new Economic Property NFIP product which returns the hypothetical insurance premiums for coverage of the structure and contents

Version 2.3.4. (March 26th, 2021) Bugfix for Leftover Endpoint Debugging


  • Remove an endpoint print left behind from debugging

Version 2.3.3. (March 26th, 2021) Add Commandline Prompt and New Location Nodes

Updated Features:

  • Add commandline prompts for missing arguments depending on the selected product
  • Location nodes for location.get_detail now also return the new data (floorElevation, building, floodType, residential)

Version 2.3.2. (March 1st, 2021) Update AVM and AAL CSV Column Names


  • Rename AAL Property data to damage
  • Rename AAL Area floodFactors to floodFactors_gr2

Version 2.3.1. (February 28th, 2021) Add AVM and AAL Products

Update Features:

  • AAL product is now available through fs.aal call. Subproducts are: get_summary functions
  • AVM product is now available through fs.avm call. Subproducts are: get_avm and get_provider functions


  • Documentation for AAL is now included
  • Documentation for the AAL calculator is now included
  • Documentation for AVM is now included
  • Documentation for AVM provider is now included

Version 2.2.5. (February 16th, 2021) Fix valid_fsid Not Set Correctly in Historic Event By Location


  • valid_fsid field was not set correctly in the Historic Event By Location calls when the input FSIDs did not have a historic event. Field now correctly displays False when there is no event.

Version 2.2.4. (February 11th, 2021) Fix Adaptation Detail geometry error


  • Adaptation Detail CSVs raised an unhandled error when the coordinates from the API returned an empty geometry. Error should now be handled and an empty lat/lng should used in the CSV in these cases

Version 2.2.3. (January 29th, 2021) Fix Adaptation Detail Not Writing Serving Data to CSV


  • Adaptation Detail CSVs did not have serving data. Fix adds the serving data to the CSV with an individual column per serving location (serving_city, serving_county, etc)

Version 2.2.2. (January 5th, 2021) Change FSID type to string to handle 32 bit integer overflow issue


  • Change FSID type to string to handle 32 bit integer overflow issue

Version 2.2.1. (Nov 12, 2020) CSV formatting bugfix for Location Detail Property


  • CSV formatting for the Location Detail Property product now produces the correct value for elevation

Version 2.2.0. (Nov 05, 2020) Update the consistency of the parameters with the wiki pages and methods. Minor bugfix

Update Features:

  • All products now use the search_items parameter for the primary input of FSIDs, addresses, lat/lng pairs, coordinates, and file names
  • The command line now uses -s instead of -i for search_items.
  • The Tiles product through the Python script now uses -s for coordinates instead of the coordinate parameter


  • Migrate the README to the Github Wiki. This should improve readability
  • Add examples for each product and each location type
  • Add pages for Location Types, Geometry, CSV Files, and Image Files
  • Add tables representing the returned objects for each product
  • Add a changelog page


  • CSV formatting for the Location Detail County product now produces the correct name column for the county

Version 2.1.2. (Nov 03, 2020) Bugfix for Returned Items:


  • Bugfix for returned items not returning in the same order of input. This bug was re-introduced from v2.1.1. ie: The order of search_items for the input are the same as the output order of the Objects
    • Input: [540225, 540226, 540227, 540228]
    • Output: [Object for 540225, Object for 540226, Object for 540227, Object for 540228]

Version 2.1.1. (Oct 21, 2020) Add a Coroutine Limiter:

New Features:

  • Add a Coroutine Limiter. This should prevent Timeout Errors due to the loop for large batches of data pulls. This should also improve the speed when the batch is large. The default is 100 coroutines.
    • Ex: fs = firststreet.FirstStreet(api_key, connection_limit=500)
    • Ex: fs = firststreet.FirstStreet(api_key, connection_limit=1000)

Version 2.1.0. (Oct 01, 2020) CSV Conversion Speedup and Explicit Throttle Parameters:

Updated Features:

  • Update the CSV conversion speed

    • Ex: 20000 FSIDs for the probability depth product now take about 68 seconds instead of 1310 seconds
  • Add explicit throttle parameters to the API initialization

    • Ex: fs = firststreet.FirstStreet(api_key, log=True, rate_limit=1, rate_period=1) now runs 1 request per second
    • Ex: fs = firststreet.FirstStreet(api_key, log=True, rate_limit=20000, rate_period=3600) runs 20000 request per hour

Version 2.0.1. (Aug 13, 2020) Bugfixes for Requests:

Bug Fixes:

  • Include certificate in request calls
  • Fix Keyword Error when creating CSV using lat/lng or address
  • Update output folder from data_csv to output_data (since tiles are also downloaded to the directory, and aren't CSVs)


  • Minor text update to README

Version 2.0.0. (Aug 05, 2020) Tiles Product, Valid ID, and bugfixes:

Note: In this and following releases, Python 3.6 will no longer be supported due to changes in the asynchronous call.

New Functionality:

  • Added Tiles Product: Tile product for Probability Depth and Historic Event is now available
  • Valid ID Field: Add a new column called valid_id that shows up if any input cannot be matched with a property

Bug Fixes:

  • Error Handle Fix (Error 500): Error 500 should no longer cause the process to crash
  • Output Order: Output from client and CSV from a product call is now ordered by the input
  • Renamed Limit to Connection Limit: In the README and on the product calls, Limit is now called Connection Limit to remove the confusion of call limits
  • File Header Fix: Files with headers should no longer error out
  • Historic Location-Summary CSV Fix: Calling Historic Location-Summary with CSV should no longer crash

Version 1.3.1. (Jul 15, 2020) Add Geometry Functionality:

New Functionality:

  • Add geometry functionality. Geometry of adaptations, historic, and locations can now be seen in both the CSV and returned objects

Version 1.2.0. (Jul 08, 2020) Additional functionality for alternate lookup types. Readme documentation update:

New Functionality:

  • Add lat/lng functionality
  • Add address functionality


  • Addresses issue #5 and shortening Python Installation instructions
  • Update README with new functionality
  • Add Jupyter Notebook extra step to README

Version 1.1.2. (Jun 30, 2020) API Endpoint Bugfix:

Bug Fixes:

  • Bug fix for the endpoint not pointing at the correct endpoint

Version 1.1.1. (Jun 29, 2020) Bugfix for commandline:

Bug Fixes:

  • Bug fix for adaptation.get_details_by_location through the commandline
  • Bug fix for historic.get_events_by_locationthrough the commandline

Version 1.1.0. (Jun 29, 2020) Features for Adaptation and Historic Products:

New Functionality:

  • Add get_details_by_location to adaptation, allowing users to get all associated adaptation project details for a given location FSID
  • Add get_events_by_location to historic, allowing users to get all associated historic events details for a given location FSID
  • Add link to the First Street Foundation API Data Dictionary

Version 1.0.0. (Jun 29, 2020) First Release:

New Functionality:

  • The first stable release supporting the First Street Foundation API
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