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Releases: GCX-HCI/tray


05 May 07:00
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tray__authority is now deprecated. You'll see a big error in logcat when your are still using it. Instead the <applicationId>.tray will be used as authority.

If you rely on a specific authority of the ContentProvider (and you really don't) you can change it. Read the wiki for more information.

dependencies {
    compile 'net.grandcentrix.tray:tray:0.12.0'


07 Feb 13:06
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  • preference key cannot be empty #84, thx @eyedol
  • clearBut(TrayPreference) -> clearBut(AbstractTrayPreference) #89
dependencies {
    compile 'net.grandcentrix.tray:tray:0.11.1'


07 Sep 09:21
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Version 0.10.0 07.09.16
  • all accessor methods return boolean indicating the success of i.e. put, remove. They will never again throw an error. #69
  • new contains() method #74


31 May 17:02
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  • All features and changes of the 1.0.0-rc preview builds
  • #65 Fix deletion of non string migrated shared preferences.
Version 1.0.0 preview - postponed until the memory cache is ready
1.0.0-rc3 05.11.15
  • hotfix for listener on Android 6.0 which has caused a infinity loop #55
  • the sample project includes now a way to test the multi process support compared to the SharedPreferences
  • removed unnecessary write operation for every version check #54
1.0.0-rc2 24.09.15
  • added logging for all data changing methods. Enable via adb shell setprop log.tag.Tray VERBOSE
1.0.0-rc1 21.09.15
  • Android M Auto Backup feature support (see the Documentation)
    • split up database for user and device specific data (device specific data can now be excluded from the auto backup)
    • TrayPreferences has now an optional 3. constructor parameter TrayStorage.Type, USER or DEVICE indicating the internal database (required for Android M Auto Backup). Default is USER
  • New methods and changes
    • PreferenceAccessor#wipe() clears the preference data and it's internal data (version)
    • TrayPreferences#annexModule(String name) imports a module by name and wipes it afterwards. This allows renaming of preferences without losing data
    • AbstractTrayPreference#annex(ModularizedStorage<TrayItem>) allows a storage to import another storage, wipes the imported afterwards
    • Preference #onCreate(...) and #onUpgrade(...) aren't abstract anymore because they don't require an implementation
  • Deprecations (will be removed soon)
    • TrayAppPreferences is now deprecated. Use AppPreferences instead (renaming)
    • TrayModulePreferences is now deprecated. Use TrayPreferences instead to extend from for your own Preferences
  • Internal structure
    • new package structure. merged packages accessor, migration and storage into core
    • package provider contains a TrayStorage implementation with a ContentProvider. Is easy exchangeable with another TrayStorage implementation
    • ModularizedTrayPreference is now called AbstractTrayPreference
    • ModularizedStorage was renamed to TrayStorage

1.0.0 RC1

21 Sep 12:27
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1.0.0 RC1 Pre-release

Get it

compile 'net.grandcentrix.tray:tray:1.0.0-rc1'


  • Android M Auto Backup feature support (see the Documentation)
    • split up database for user and device specific data (device specific data can now be excluded from the auto backup)
    • TrayPreferences has now an optional 3. constructor parameter TrayStorage.Type, USER or DEVICE indicating the internal database (required for Android M Auto Backup). Default is USER
  • New methods and changes
    • PreferenceAccessor#wipe() clears the preference data and it's internal data (version)
    • TrayPreferences#annexModule(String name) imports a module by name and wipes it afterwards. This allows renaming of preferences without losing data
    • AbstractTrayPreference#annex(ModularizedStorage<TrayItem>) allows a storage to import another storage, wipes the imported afterwards
    • Preference #onCreate(...) and #onUpgrade(...) aren't abstract anymore because they don't require an implementation
  • Deprecations (will be removed soon)
    • TrayAppPreferences is now deprecated. Use AppPreferences instead (renaming)
    • TrayModulePreferences is now deprecated. Use TrayPreferences instead to extend from for your own Preferences
  • Internal structure
    • new package structure. merged packages accessor, migration and storage into core
    • package provider contains a TrayStorage implementation with a ContentProvider. Is easy exchangeable with another TrayStorage implementation
    • ModularizedTrayPreference is now called AbstractTrayPreference
    • ModularizedStorage was renamed to TrayStorage

Version 0.9.2

02 Jun 13:30
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  • getContext() is working in TrayModulePreference#onCreate
  • applied new code style

Version 0.9.1

18 May 10:32
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  • saving null with mPref.put(KEY, null) works now
  • access to preference with throwing methods instead of default value (throws ItemNotFoundException). Example: mPref.getString(KEY); instead of mPref.getString(KEY, "defaultValue");
  • WrongTypeException when accessing a preference with a different type and the data isn't parsable. Float (10.1f) -> String works, String ("10.1") -> Float works, String ("test") -> Float throws!
  • javadoc in now included in aar

Version 0.9

27 Apr 02:45
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first public release