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Malthus edited this page Mar 16, 2019 · 12 revisions



  • Added new "Crash Landing" anomaly

Special Systems

  • Added new "Haunted" system

Fixes and Improvements

  • Surveyor Probe:
    • Alkree homeworld got a fancy new texture.
    • Surveyor fleet is no longer considered a boss, which should help communicating its strength and possibly encourge AI to fight it.
    • Changed model of the probe and its flunkies, making them look more like a probe.
    • Probe will no longer flip to berserker when in player-owned space. Nothing would stop it from flipping right next to player-owned space, but this should reduce needless frustration.
    • Probe strength overall reduced, and effectiveness of robotomite garrisons is decreased when fighting Merchants' titan or Avengers. Which should make it more likely they will make it to the probe and fight it, inflicting damage they are supposed to.
  • Orphan Gate:
    • The country on the other end of Orphan Gate is now called what it should and no technocracy would save them.
    • Reduced amount of resources on cluster's planets. Instead Voidhomes are producing resources to sustain the country. Destroying Voidhome would deny Sadrell those resources and anger them permanently.
    • Gate opening is firmly pushed into mid-game as the fine folks on the other side have mid-game tech.
  • Vazuran Menace:
    • raids until 2260 can only happen in uncolonized systems, from then on colonies can also be targeted as before
    • reduced planetary devastation from 100% to 50% and 25% with shield
    • raids now kill some pops (having a shield reduces casualties to a minimum)
    • Vazurans are now neutral to ai empires (their raid damage to them is simulated via events as the ai used to suicide their fleets all the time)
    • added followup event after first colony attack that leads to the planetary shield generator tech
  • Fixed game rule change to allow countries bombard non-hostile primitives once again. (Still need it to help AI deal with Surveyor)
  • Stuck in Glacier anomaly gained a new outcome connected to "Haunted System" addition.
  • Space Crystal Attack:
    • reworked planet modifiers to newly added planet features
    • prevented event from firing during colonisation
    • all possible outcomes now also involve rare crystals, the event was a net win before, the way it is now should be even more obvious to the player
  • Broken Clock:
    • Event activation pushed further away from mid-game start and made their inevitable disappearance back into the time rift more likely.
  • Lunar Age primitives got their armies now.
  • Final system spawned as part of "Food Constructor chain" will no longer have a broken ring segment like it used to. Instead it gets a unique damaged megastructure that can be repaired into size-12 habitat with extra benefits.


  • Haunted System: Strange signal is being broadcast across the system filled with debris. Solve its mystery and claim a unique ship as a reward.
  • Crash Landing: A ship crashed on a barren moon long ago.