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@leewujung leewujung released this 16 Dec 11:14
· 703 commits to main since this release

This is a minor release that includes new features, enhancements, bug fixes, and linking to an echopype preprint.

New features

  • Allow converting ES60/70/80 files and handle various datagram anomaly (#409)
  • Add simple echogram plotting functionality (beta) (#436)


  • update_platform method for EchoData now include proper variable attributes and correctly selects time range of platform data variables corresponding to those of the acoustic data (#476, #492, #493, #488)
  • Improve testing for preprocess.compute_MVBS by running through real data for all supported sonar models (#454)
  • Generalize handling of Beam group coordinate attributes and a subset of variable attributes (#480, #493)
  • Allow optional kwargs when loading EchoData groups to enable delaying operations (#456)

Bug fixes

  • The gain factor for band-integrated Sv is now computed from broadband calibration data stored in the Vendor group (when available) or use nominal narrowband values (#446, #477)
  • Fix time variable encoding for combine_echodata (#486)
  • Fix missing ping_time dimension in AZFP Sv dataset to enable MVBS computation (#453)
  • Fix bugs re path when writing to cloud (#462)


  • Improvements to the "Contributing to echopype" page: Elaborate on the git branch workflow. Add description of PR squash and merge vs merge commit. Add instructions for running only a subset of tests locally (#482)
  • Add documentation about output_storage_options for writing to cloud storage (#482)
  • Add documentation and docstring for sonar_model in open_raw (#475)
  • Improve documentation of EchoData object by adding a sample of the xarray Dataset HTML browser (#503)
