A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem.
- React
- React General Resources
- React Community
- React Online Playground
- React Tutorials
- React General Tutorials
- React styling
- React Charts Tutorials
- React and Meteor
- React and Angular
- React and Bootstrap
- React and ClojureScript
- React and CoffeeScript
- React and Datatables
- React and Haskell
- React and SocketIO
- Server-Client with React
- Server Side Rendering
- Compiling React Tutorials
- Debugging React
- Authentication
- File Uploads
- React Tools
- React Native
- Flux
- Redux
- MobX
- Testing
- GraphQL
- Relay
- Apollo
- Flow
- Videos
- Books
- Demos
- Example Apps
- Real Apps
- Contribution
JavaScript Library for building User Interfaces
- React JSFiddle Integration with JSX
- React JSFiddle Integration without JSX
- Babel REPL
- React HTML to JSX Online Compiler
- React browser prototyping for components
- React Tutorial
- React.js Fundamentals
- React Primer
- ReactJS: Keep Simple. Everything can be a component!
- React.js Koans: Practical exercises that will help you learn React.js from square one
- React.js Introduction For People Who Know Just Enough jQuery To Get By
- LearnCode React Tutorials
- Thinkster React topics
- React tutorial - Cloning Yelp
- Learn React by building the Hacker News front page
- React.js in patterns
- React: CSS in JS
- React: CSS in JS techniques comparison
- Radium
- jsxstyle
- ReactCSS
- Aphrodite
- Glamor
- Styletron
- TypeStyle
- styled-components
- NgReact - React Components in Angular
- ng-React Update - React 0.9 and Angular Track By
- Using React for Faster Renders and Isomosphism in Angular
- Faster AngularJS Rendering
- Improving AngularJS long list rendering performance using ReactJS
- How can React and Flux help us create better Angular applications?
- Achieving Reasonable and Scalable Routing in AngularJS with Flux
- Better Bootstrap modals and popover with React.js
- A mixin-based design for a React.js Bootstrap component library
- Popover mixin
- Bootstrap TabbedArea component with React.js
- Bootstrap forms using React.js
- The Future of JavaScript MVC Frameworks
- The Case for React.js and ClojureScript
- A Reagent Framework For Writing SPAs
- Animating Web UI with React and Haskell
- stackage-view, built with Yesod and GHCJS+React
- TodoMVC example with Shade (Haste+React)
- react-haskell, to be used with Haste (blog post)
- blaze-react, blaze-html style React bindings using GHCJS (video tutorial)
- purescript-react bindings (example app)
- Socket.IO integration example
- Socket.IO integration example inside of a single React component
- Socket.IO integration employing separation of concerns
- Server/Client With React, Part 1: Getting Started
- Server/Client With React, Part 2: The Build System
- Server/Client With React, Part 3: Frontend Server
- Super-basic example of how server rendering works
- Server Side Rendering for ReactJS
- React Server Rendering
- JDK8 + Facebook React: Rendering single page apps on the server
- Server-side React with PHP – part 1
- Server-side React with PHP – part 2
- Server-rendered React components in Rails
- Server-rendered React + Flux in Rails
- Golang Isomorphic Hot Reloadable/React/Flummox/Css-Module Starter Kit
- Serverside rendering with React + Hapi
- Isomorphic React apps in PHP via dnode
- Webpack Howto by Pete Hunt
- React Webpack Cookbook
- AMD and CommonJS examples with Webpack
- Integrating JSX live reload into your React workflow
- React JS and a browserify workflow, part1
- React JS and a browserify workflow, part2
- Choosing the correct packaging tool for React JS
- Create React App
- React App SDK - CLI tools and templates for authoring React apps with a single dev dependency and zero configurations
- React Starter Kit — isomorphic web app boilerplate (Node.js, GraphQL, React, Babel, Webpack, CSS Modules, HMR)
- ASP.NET Core Starter Kit (C#) — Frontend: React, Babel, PostCSS, CSS Modules + backend: .NET Core, C#
- ASP.NET Core Starter Kit (F#) — Frontend: React, Babel, PostCSS, CSS Modules + backend: .NET Core, F#
- React Redux Universal Hot Example
- React Slingshot - React + Redux with Babel, hot reloading, testing, linting and working example app
- este - Robust and comfortable dev stack for mobile/offline/frontend first isomorphic web apps
- frontend-boilerplate - webpack-react-redux-babel-autoprefixer-hmr-postcss-css-modules-rucksack-boilerplate
- react-engine - A composite render engine for isomorphic express apps
- react-webpack-node - Boilerplate for an universal/isomorphic React + Redux/alt Flux
- react-native-nw-react-calculator - Mobile, desktop and website Apps with the same code
- StarHackIt - An ES6/ES7 full-stack starter kit with authentication and authorization code
- react-cordova-boilerplate - TodoMVC example for React to build a Cordova application
- UniversalRelayBoilerplate - Boilerplate + examples for React Native (iOS, Android), React (isomorphic, Material-UI), Relay, GraphQL, JWT, Node.js, Apache Cassandra
- react-boilerplate - A highly scalable, offline-first foundation with the best developer experience and a focus on performance and best practices.
- Next.js - A minimalistic framework for server-rendered React applications
- gatsby - Transform plain text into dynamic blogs and websites using React.js
- react-blessed - A react renderer for blessed terminal interface library
- MJML - The only framework that makes responsive-email easy. Based on React
react-material - Material design components written with React.js and React Style
material-ui - A CSS Framework and a Set of React Components for Material Design
Ant Design - An enterprise-class UI design language and React-based implementation
UXCore - A React UI Component Set living for enterprise backend application
react-desktop - OS X and Windows UI components built with React
react-aim - Determine the cursor aim for triggering mouse events
React-iCheck - iCheck components built with React. Highly customizable checkboxes and radio buttons
react-async-input - Inputs that behave properly with async set{State,Props} calls
react-gravatar - React component for rendering a gravatar profile image
react-component-gallery — React component for creating an evenly spaced components
react-markdown-textarea - Component to create textareas for entering Markdown
react-markdown-area - Github flavored markdown editor with live preview
react-textarea-autosize - Textarea component for React which grows with content
react-treeview - Easy, light, flexible tree view made with React
react-tree-menu - A stateless tree menu component built with the Flux architecture in mind
react-stripe-checkout - Easily load Stripe Checkout as a React component
react-swipe - Brad Birdsall's swipe.js, as a React component
react-time - Component for React to render relative and/or formatted dates into
react-ago-component - Renders the approximate time ago in words from a specific past date
react-translate-component - Provides multi-lingual/localized text content
react-lorem-component - Renders lorem ipsum placeholder text
react-interpolate-component - Renders elements into a format string
react-proxy-loader - Hot Module Replacement and Code Splitting
ReactiveElements - Allows to use React.js component as HTML element
react-imageloader - A React component for wrangling image loading
react-loadqueueloader - A React component for managing loads with a load queue
react-loadermixin - A React mixin for giving components loading behavior
react-pressable - Add onRelease, onReleaseInside, onReleaseOutside, and onPress events
react-gcal-events-list - A Reusable component that pulls events from your google calendar
react-unmount-listener-mixin - React mixin for listenable componentWillUnmount
react-anything-sortable - A sortable component with IE8 compatibility
react-scroll-components - A set of components that react to page scrolling
react-frozenhead - Make your whole page a React component and render it on the server
react-document-title - declarative, nested, stateful document.title
react-datepicker by @misino - Datepicker component for application using Facebook React
react-datepicker by @Hacker0x01 - A simple and reusable datepicker component for React
react-table-component - React Table Component for creating a very basic html table
react-input-placeholder - Input is a small wrapper around React.DOM.input
react-infinite-scroll - An infinite scroll component for React
react-select-box - An accessible select box component for React
react-resizable - A tiny Resizable component based on react-draggable
react-dnd - Flexible HTML5 drag-and-drop mixin for React with full DOM control
js-object-to-table - JavaScript objects drawing themselves into a table using React
react-kaomoji - A React component for displaying Japanese emoticons
react-element-pan - React component for allowing panning of DOM-elements
react-anchor - Functional factory to create react anchor components
react-bootstrap-daterangepicker - A date/time picker for react (using Bootstrap)
react-bootstrap-datetimepicker - A react.js datetime picker for Bootstrap
react-bootstrap-multiselect - A multiselect component for react (with bootstrap)
react-commits-graph - A React component to render an svg graph of git commits
react-weather - Example React weather app using forecast.io's API
react-sparkline - React component for rendering simple sparklines
react-micro-bar-chart - React component for micro bar-charts rendered with D3
react-horizontal-bar-chart - Simple horizontal bar chart component, using D3 scales only
react-infinity - A UITableView Inspired list and grid display
react-spinkit - A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS for React
react-star-rating-input - React.js component for entering 0-5 stars
react-star-rating - A simple star rating component built with React.
react-data-components - React components and mixins for manipulating data
react-number-editor - Number editor (textfield) component for react
react-widgets - Suite of ui input widgets including combobox, multiselect, datepicker and more
react-video - React component to load video from Vimeo or Youtube
react-tagsinput - A simple react component for inputing tags.
react-portal - A transportation of (not just) modals and lightboxes to document.body
react-hotkeys - Declarative hotkey and focus area management for React
react-panels - A multipurpose tabbed panel with many features
react-input-color - React input color component with hsv color picker
react-ui-tree - React tree component with drag and drop support
react-frame - React components within an iframe for isolated css styling
react-scrollbar - Simple ScrollArea component built for React
react-experiments - Implement A/B tests with randomized parameterizations of your components
react-listview-sticky-header - Turn listview with section headers that stick to the top
react-expandable-listview - Create listview with expandable section headers
react-keydown - Lightweight keydown wrapper for React components
searchkit - Components to build user interfaces for elasticsearch
grommet - The most advanced UX framework for enterprise applications
react-resizable-and-movable - Resizable and movable component for React
react-sidebar - An app like sidebar for React including touch support
react-motion - An spring-based animation library, similar to Rebound.js
react-motion-menu - Motion menu component powered by React Motion
React Joyride - Create walkthroughs, tours and tooltips for your apps
react-file-reader-input - Complete control over styling + abstraction from file reading
react-sortable-pane - Resizable and sortable pane component for React
react-DnR - Dragable and Resizable window build with React.js
react-http-request - React component exposes network request functionality
react-https-redirect - Force a redirect to HTTPS when not on a local web server
rebass - Configurable React Stateless Functional UI Components
echarts-for-react - baidu Echarts(v3.0) components for React
react-pagespeed-score - A React component for display a dial-type chart of PageSpeed Insights
react-livestamp - A simple and html date countdown component for React
react-svg-pan-zoom - Adds pan and zoom features to the SVG images
react-virtualized - React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data
- react-magic - Automatically AJAXify plain HTML with the power of React
- react-toolbox - A set of React components implementing Google's Material Design specification
- tcomb-react - Library allowing you to check all the props of your React components
- react-responsive - Media queries in react for responsive design
- react-cursor - Functional state management abstraction for use with Facebook React
- Omniscient.js - Abstracting React components for fast top down render of immutable data
- Touchstonejs - React.js powered UI framework for developing beautiful hybrid mobile apps.
- Elemental - A UI Toolkit for React.js Websites and Apps
- StateTrooper - Centrally manage state for React applications with CSP
- Preact: Fast 3kb React alternative with the same ES6 API.
- riotjs - A React- like, 3.5KB user interface library
- Maple.js - Bringing the concept of web-components to React
- react-i13n - A performant, scalable and pluggable approach to instrumenting your React application
- react-icons - svg react icons of popular icon packs
- Keo - Plain functions for a more functional Deku approach to creating React components, with functional goodies such as pipe, memoize, etc...
- Blueprint - A React-based UI toolkit for the web
- ReactJS.NET
- React ASP.NET Boilerplate
- React Bootstrap
- React Bootstrap Components Playground
- React Rails
- React on Rails
- om - ClojureScript interface
- quiescent - A lightweight ClojureScript abstraction over React
- Reagent - A minimalistic ClojureScript interface to React.js
- react-haskell - React bindings for Haskell
- Express React views
- Express Coffee-React views - render coffee-react on the server
- React Page Middleware
- ngReact - React Components in Angular
- React Python
- React PHP
- React Laravel
- React Meteor
- Coffee React
- react-coffee - Build React components using natural CoffeeScript syntax
- coffee-react-transform - Provides React JSX support for Coffeescript
- sprockets-coffee-react - Sprockets preprocessor for CJSX
- react-kup - A simple, non-intrusive alternative to jsx for coffeescript
- turbo-react - Combine Turbolinks and React to apply DOM diffs
- react-bacon - A little module for using React with Bacon.js
- msx - React's JSX Transformer, tweaked to output calls to Mithril
- Backbone React Component
- react-backbone - Backbone-aware mixins for react
- NestedReact - transparent integration with Backbone Views and NestedTypes models
- backbone-reaction - React, Backbone and then some
- react.backbone - Plugin for React to make Backbone migration easier
- reactbone - React extensions for Backbone
- backbone-react-ui - React components for use with backbone and backbone paginator
- react-events - Declarative managed event bindings for react components
- react-mixin-manager - React mixin registration manager
- gsap-react-plugin - A GSAP plugin for tweening React.js component state
- react-topcoat by @plaxdan - Topcoat CSS components built with the React library
- react-topcoat by @arnemart - A collection of React components for Topcoat
- reactdown - Write React components using markdown syntax
- react-jade - Compile Jade to React JavaScript
- jade-react - Compile Jade templates to React.DOM expressions
- gulp-jade-react - Compile Jade templates into React de-sugared JSX with Gulp
- react-semantic-ui - React components for Semantic UI
- semantic-react - React wrappers for Semantic UI
- sbt-reactjs - React SBT Plugin using npm
- scalajs-react - A guilty affair between Scala.js and Facebook's React
- rpm-xtags-rivets-finch-react - RPM project: x-tags, rivets.js, finch.js, and React
- react-xtags - Using React to implement xtags
- jreact - React on server-side Java (with Rhino or Nashorn)
- React.hiccup - A complete replacement for JSX written in sweet.js
- react-play - Rendering React components in the Play Framework with JDK8's Nashorn
- rx-react - Utilitiels to works with React in a RxJS
- react-typescript - Wrapper to make react play nicely with typescript
- react-with-di - A hacked prototype of React.js with DI
- reactfire - ReactJS mixin for easy Firebase integration
- firedux - Firebase + Redux for ReactJS
- react-clickdrag-mixin - ClickDrag mixin for React component
- Rewrite the Admin UI of KeystoneJS in React
- react-masonry-mixin - Standalone mixin for Masonry (@desandro)
- react-packery-mixin - Standalone mixin for Packery (Metafizzy)
- react-dropzone - Simple HTML5 drag-drop zone with React.js.
- aframe-react - A-Frame VR + React
- react-three - React bindings to create and control a 3D scene using three.js
- react-three-renderer - Render into a three.js canvas using React
- react-threejs - Simplest bindings between React & Three.js
- React Forms
- react-formal - Better form validation and value management for React, Provides minimal wiring
- react-forms - Forms library for React
- valuelink - full-featured two-way data binding with extended React links
- wingspan-forms - A dynamic form library for Facebook React
- newforms - Isomorphic form-handling for React
- formjs - A form generator for Reactjs
- react-form-builder - A Form Builder for React.js
- plexus-form - A dynamic form component for react using JSON-Schema
- tcomb-form - UI library for developing forms writing less code
- formsy-react - A form input builder and validator for React JS
- Learn Raw React: Ridiculously Simple Forms
- Winterfell - Generate complex, validated and extendable JSON-based forms in React
- Redux-Autoform - Create Redux-Forms dynamically out of metadata
- uniforms - Bunch of React components and helpers to easily generate and validate forms
- react-typeahead-search by @tonyspiro
- react-autocomplete by @rackt - WAI-ARIA compliant React autocomplete
- react-autosuggest by @moroshko - WAI-ARIA compliant React autosuggest component
- react-autocomplete by @eliseumds- Just tasting some ReactJS + RxJS
- react-autocomplete by @prometheusresearch - Autocomplete widget based on React
- instatype by @gragland - Simple react autocomplete component
- react-docgen - Extract information from React component files for documentation generation
- react-styleguide-generator - Easily generate a good-looking styleguide
- react-art - React Bridge to the ART Drawing Library
- react-canvas - High performance rendering for React components
- react-famous - Complex 3D animations UI at 60 FPS with Famo.us
- react-kinetic - HTML5 Canvas via KineticJS using React
- react-svg-morph - morph your svg components one into another
- mori - ClojureScript's persistent data structures and supporting API
- NestedTypes - fast mutable models with "pure render" support
- swarm - JavaScript replicated model (M of MVC) library
- caplet - JavaScript models library
- Immutable.js - Immutable Data Collections for Javascript
- cortex - A javascript library for centrally managing data with React
- avers - A modern client-side model abstraction library
- imvvm - Immutable Model-View-ViewModel for React
- morearty.js - Better state management for React in pure JavaScript
- valuable - An immutable data store for React
- react-resolver - Isomorphic library to recursively lazy-load data for React components
- freezer-js - Lightweight and reactive immutable data structure for React
- MobX - Simple, scalable state management
- baobab - JavaScript persistent and optionally immutable data tree with cursors
- baobab-react - React integration for Baobab
- datascript - Immutable database and Datalog query engine in ClojureScript
- immstruct - Immutable data structures with history for top-to-bottom properties in component based libraries like React
- seamless-immutable - Immutable data structures for JavaScript which are backwards-compatible with normal JS Arrays and Objects
- tydel - Typed Models and Collections, with React bindings
- extendable-immutable - Extend any Immutable.js data structure
- react-devtools - React Chrome Developer Tools
- react-transform-hmr - A React Transform that enables hot reloading React
- Nuclide - An open IDE for web and native mobile development, built on top of Atom
- babel-sublime - Syntax definitions for ES6 JavaScript with React JSX extensions
- babel-sublime-snippets - Next generation JavaScript and React snippets for Sublime
- atom-react - Atom React.js support
- vim-jsx - Vim JSX Syntax
- vim-react-snippets - Vim version of the snippets from sublime-react
- vim-babel - Wrapper around babel.js for vim
- web-mode.el - An autonomous emacs major-mode for editing web templates
- eslint-plugin-react - React specific linting rules for ESLint
- generator-react-webpack - Yeoman generator for ReactJS and Webpack
- generator-react-gulp-browserify - Yeoman generator for React
- generator-reactapp - Yeoman generator for react app with redux, webpack, gulp and restful.js etc.
- static-site-generator-webpack-plugin - Prerender isomorphic JavaScript apps to static HTML
- React Storybook - UI Component Dev Environment for React
- generator-sui-react - A yeoman generator for Schibsted User Interface (SUI) ReactJS components
- Racket - A yeoman generator for creating a universal react/redux web application
- react-templates - Lightweight templates for React
- teact - A JSX alternative based on composing functions in the Markaby / CoffeeKup / Teacup tradition
- react-googlemaps - React interface to Google maps
- react-maps - A map component for React
- react-google-maps - React.js Google Maps integration component
- react-gmaps - A Google Maps component for React.js
- react-map-gl - A React wrapper for MapboxGL-js plus overlay API
- google-map-react - Isomorphic google map React component
- react-mapbox-gl - A mapbox-gl-js wrapper to make the API react friendly
- react-d3 - Modular React charts made with d3.js
- react-chartjs - Common react charting components using chart.js
- react-stockcharts - Highly customizable stock charts with ReactJS and d3
- VictoryJS - A collection of composable React components for building interactive data visualizations
- Recharts - A charting library built on D3 with an awesome declarative API
Framework for building native apps using React
- React Native Official Site
- React Native GitHub
- React Native Newsletter
- React Native Playground
- React Native Awesome List
- React Native StackOverflow
- React Native Radio
- React Native Tutorial
- Building the F8 2016 App
- Introducing React Native: Building Apps with JavaScript
- Introduction to React Native: Building iOS Apps with JavaScript
- React Native Meets Async Functions
- Gesture detection in React Native – fixing unexpected panning
- Use The iOS Camera In Your React Native Mobile App
- Digital Smart Mirror lab with React Native
- The Beauty Of React Native: Building Your First iOS App With JavaScript (Part 1)
- The Beauty Of React Native: Building Your First iOS App With JavaScript (Part 2)
- A Mini-Course on React Native Flexbox
- A Complete Guide to Flexbox
- Test driving react native applications
- react-native-webpack-server - Build React Native apps with Webpack
- react-native-code-push - React Native plugin for the CodePush service
- Preview your React Native apps in your Github Pull Request
- react-native-fbsdk - A wrapper around the iOS Facebook SDK
- react-native-side-menu - Simple customizable component to create side menu
- react-native-mapbox-gl - A Mapbox GL react native module
- react-native-icons - Quick and easy icons in React Native
- react-native-vector-icons - 3000 Customizable Icons for React Native with support for NavBar/TabBar
- react-native-google-signin - Google Signin for React Native
XML-Like Syntax Extension to JavaScript
Application Architecture for Building User Interfaces
- Flux Application Architecture
- Flux: A simple architecture model to build Client-side apps
- Isomorphic Flux examples using Dispatchr and Fetchr from Yahoo
- Async requests with React.js and Flux
- Implementing Flux in CoffeeScript
- React: Flux Architecture
- Understanding Flux
- Yo in Flux
- React.js architecture - Flux VS Reflux
- Avoiding Event Chains in Single Page Applications
- ReactJS and Flux
- Deconstructing ReactJS's Flux
- Flux Step By Step
- Flux in practice
- What is the Flux Application Architecture?
- React + Flux Backed by Rails API: Part 1
- React + Flux Backed by Rails API: Part 2
- React + Flux Backed by Rails API: Part 3
- Flux solutions compared by example
- Flux Cargo-Culting
- The Case for Flux
- The Evolution of Flux Frameworks
- React with Flux by example - a simple Todo List dissected
- FOR FLUX SAKE! - a beginners tutorial
- Simple Counter App with React and Nuclear JS
- LearnCode.academy Flux Tutorial Series
Predictable State Container for JavaScript Apps
- react-redux - Official React bindings for Redux
- redux-devtools - DevTools for Redux with hot reloading, action replay, and customizable UI
- redux-form - A Higher Order Component using react-redux to keep form state
- redux-thunk - Thunk middleware for redux
- redux-logger - Logger middleware for redux
- reselect - Selector library for Redux
- normalizr - Normalizes nested JSON according to a schema
- redux-saga - An alternative side effect model for Redux apps
- redux-observable - RxJS middleware for Redux
- redux-analytics - Analytics middleware for Redux
- redux-undo - Higher order reducer to add undo/redo functionality to redux state containers
- redux-search - Redux bindings for client-side search
- redux-mock-store - A mock store for your testing your redux async action creators and middleware
- redux-immutable - Create an equivalent function of Redux combineReducers that works with Immutable.js state
- redux-react-i18n - An i18n solution for redux/react
- Getting Started with Redux
- Building React Applications with Idiomatic Redux
- Redux Tutorial
- Redux with React introduction for beginners
- Getting Started with React, Redux and Immutable: a Test-Driven Tutorial: Part 1
- Getting Started with React, Redux and Immutable: a Test-Driven Tutorial: Part 2
- Server-Side Rendering with Redux and React-Router
- Deep Introduction to Redux
- Unit Testing Redux Apps
- Secure Your React and Redux App with JWT Authentication
- Build an Image Gallery Using React, Redux and redux-saga
- A simplified approach to calling APIs with redux
- [React Redux based blood donor demo application] (https://github.com/smanne/reduxnor)
- LearnCode.academy Redux Tutorials Series
Simple, scalable state management for JavaScript Apps
- Ten minute introduction to MobX and React
- Manage Complex State in React Apps with MobX
- Refactor from Redux to MobX in real world SoundCloud Client in React
React Testing
- Approaches to testing React components - an overview
- Unit testing React components without a DOM
- The missing piece to the React testing puzzle
Query Language
- GraphQL Introduction
- First Thoughts on GraphQL
- Learn GraphQL
- Modeling Queries in a GraphQL Like Way
- Thin and Graphy
- GraphQL and g2sd
- GraphQL Overview - Getting Started with GraphQL and Node.js
- Writing a Basic API with GraphQL
- Building a GraphQL Server with Node.js and SQL
- GraphQL Tour: Variables
- graphql-js - A reference implementation of GraphQL for JavaScript
- react-transmit - Relay-inspired library based on JavaScript Promises
- graphql-ruby - Ruby implementation of Facebook's GraphQL
- graphql-java - GraphQL Java implementation
- sangria - Scala GraphQL client and server library
- graphql-php - A PHP port of GraphQL reference implementation
- graphene - GraphQL in Python made simple
- graphqllib - GraphQL implementation for Python
- graphql-dotnet - GraphQL for .NET
- graphql-go - GraphQL for Go/Golang
- graphql-bookshelf - Some help defining GraphQL schema around BookshelfJS models
- GraphpostgresQL - GraphQL for PostgreSQL
- graffiti - Node.js GraphQL ORM
- sql-to-graphql - Generate a GraphQL API based on your SQL database structure
- graphql-sequelize - GraphQL & Relay for MySQL & Postgres via Sequelize
Data-Driven React Applications
- graphql-relay-js - A library to help construct a graphql-js server supporting react-relay
- react-router-relay - Relay integration for React Router
- relay-local-schema - Use Relay without a GraphQL server
- relay-codemod - Codemod scripts based for on jsodeshift to update Relay APIs
Data stack based on GraphQL
Static Type Checker for JavaScript
- Pete Hunt: React: Rethinking best practices - JSConf EU 2013
- Pete Hunt: React: Rethinking Best Practices (updated) - JSConf.Asia 2013
- Tom Occhino and Jordan Walke: JS Apps at Facebook - JSConfUS 2013
- Pete Hunt: High performance functional programming with React and Meteor -- Devshop 11
- Stoyan Stefanov: Introduction to React - LAWebSpeed meetup
- Pete Hunt: Be Predictable, Not Correct - Mountain West JavaScript 2014
- Pete Hunt: The Secrets of React's Virtual DOM - FutureJS 2014
- Hacker Way: Rethinking Web App Development at Facebook
- Christopher Chedeau: Why does React Scale? - JSConf2014
- Christopher Chedeau: React's Architecture - OSCON 2014
- Christian Johansen: Functional UI Programming - flatMap 2014
- Pete Hunt: React RESTful UI Rendering - Strange Loop 2014
- Stefano Masini: Refactoring to React - Amsterdam Javascript MVC meetup 10 sep 2014
- Pete Hunt: How Instagram.com Works - OSCON 2014
- Bill Fisher and Jing Chen: React and Flux - NewCircle Training 2014
- Vagmi Mudumbai: Building single page apps with React.JS - JSFoo 2014
- Ben Anderson: Reactive, Component-based UIs with React - E4E Developer Conf 2014
- Sebastian Markbage: Minimal API Surface Area - JSConf EU 2014
- Pete Hunt, Aaron Murray, and Contra Schof: Facebook React at the Famo.us Meetup 8/13/14
- Steven Luscher: Decomplexifying Code with React - Powered by JavaScript conf 2014
- James Pearce: An Introduction to ReactJS - All Things Open 2014
- Avik Chaudhuri: JavaScript Testing and Static Type Systems at Scale - Scale 2014
- Jonathan Beebe: Real World React - Nodevember 2014
- Pete Hunt: Secrets of the Virtual DOM - JSConf.au 2014
- Dave Smith: Angular + React = Speed - ng-conf 2015
- Ilya Boyandin: Interactive Data Visualization with React: Taming the Complexity of Changing State - OpenVis 2015
- React Native & Relay: Bringing Modern Web Techniques to Mobile - f8 2015)
- Flux: A Unidirectional Data Flow Architecture for React Apps - ACM Applicative 2015
- Michael Chan: React.js on Rails
- What's new in React Native
- Building and Deploying Relay with Facebook
- Supercharge your React.js Development with Taylor Hakes
- Citrusbyte Presents GraphQL: A Horizontal Platform with Nick Schrock
- Laney Kuenzel: Mutations and Subscriptions in Relay - JSConf 2015
- Pete Hunt: Immediate Mode UIs with React - SFJS Meetup 2015
- learnreact.com — 3ish minute videos on React.js
- Learn ReactJS (make a Pokedex!) - part 1
- Learn ReactJS (make a Pokedex!) - part 2
- React.js Components - part 1
- React.js Components - part 2
- Advanced Input Validation With React
- ReactJS: Dealing with the Server
- Building UIs with ReactJS
- React.js Internals
- React in 7 Minutes
- jFlux - Going from MVC to FLUX
- Learn React in steps - BigBinary
- Keep up with React - BigBinary
- React Native Intro
- Building a Simple ToDo App With React Native and Firebase
- React & Flux by: Christian Lilley
- React for beginners
- React For Everyone
- react.rocks - Pinterest-style directory of online demos with available code
- react-hn - A React & react-router-powered implementation of Hacker News
- react-pokemon - A React component for displaying Pokémon
- React + Backbone TodoMVC
- React + NestedTypes TodoMVC
- react-rxjs-todomvc - TodoMVC implementation with React and RxJS
- react-mvc - A sample chat application written with React and pure MVC
- react-observe-todomvc - TodoMVC implementation built on top of React and Object.observe
- react-lights-out - Simple demo of the React framework's power and flexibility
- todomvc-swarm - React TodoMVC implementation using Swarm for real-time collaboration
- reactodo - Multiple localStorage TODO lists, built with React
- lifequote - React port of a life insurance quick quoting application
- reactor-demo - Isomorphic Javascript app with React
- imgsible - React-based Imgur-like isomorphic demo app
- wow-realm-status-react - WoW Realm Status: React Edition
- react-json-editor - A generic JSON editor
- react-todos - Backbone's example TODO app with React JS for views
- github-issues-viewer - A gitub issues viewer build in react + backbone
- wolfenstein3D-react - Wolfenstein with the rendering layer written in React
- Flux ImmutableJS TodoList
- Hapi+React+Flux user management system
- Redux TodoMVC
- react-babel-webpack - CRUD demo app featuring React, React Router, Flux, Webpack, Bootstrap
- isomorphic500 - Isomorphic JS app built with React and Fluxible
- fil - A playground for in-browser interpreters (Redux)
- sound-redux - A Soundcloud client built with React / Redux
- react-pomodoro - A Pomodoro timer for developers
- Do - Notes management application built with React and Redux
Your contributions and suggestions are heartily♡ welcome. (✿◠‿◠)