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Copyright (c) 2020-2021 UL HPC Team <[email protected]>
User Software Management for Uni.lu HPC Facility 3.0
This is the main page of the documentation for this repository, which relies on MkDocs and the Read the Docs theme. It proposes to detail the following elements:
- The organization and directory layout
- Complete Installation and Setup notes notes
- Overview of the proposed Easybuild Framework @ ULHPC
- Overview and Hierarchy of the proposed UL HPC Modules Bundles
- Slurm launchers and RESIF 3 User Software sets build instructions
- Contributing notes (including a summary of the (ULHPC) Git workflow) and semantic versioning information of this project
To limit the explosion of custom easyconfigs as was done in the past, the key objective of this project is to minimize the number of custom easyconfigs to the strict minimum and thus to submit a maximum of easyconfigs to the community for integration in the official easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs
- The proposed workflow is detailed in the Contributing notes, including:
- Setup instructions for Integration with Github to allow for Easyconfigs contributions
- guildelines to submit working Easyconfigs to easybuilders as Pull-Requests
- Instructions to perform upon merged Pull Request for repository cleanup
: You can submit bug / issues / feature request using the ULHPC/sw
Project Issue Tracker