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[ new ] Tactic.Cong #1158

wants to merge 10 commits into from
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ Other major additions

* Function application in reflected terms (`Reflection.Apply`)

* Congruence helper macros in `Tactic.Cong`

Other major changes

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,4 +93,9 @@ Other minor additions
nothing-inv : Pointwise R nothing x → x ≡ nothing
just-inv : Pointwise R (just x) y → ∃ λ z → y ≡ just z × R x z

* New functions in `Reflection.Pattern`:
pattern-size : Pattern → ℕ
pattern-args-size : List (Arg Pattern) → ℕ
96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions README/Tactic/Cong.agda
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@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
-- The Agda standard library
-- Examples of how to use Tactic.Cong

{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

module README.Tactic.Cong where

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

-- Tactic.Cong provides a helper macro for using congruence when reasoning about
-- relations. It allows the "hole" that you are operating in to be inferred from
-- the relation instance you are operating on, through use of ⌞_⌟.

-- Tactic.Cong is inspired by the agda-holes project.

--import this to use ⌞_⌟ , lhs and rhs
open import Tactic.Cong.Common

open import Data.Integer
open import Data.Integer.Properties
open import Function.Base

-- Tactic.Cong is a very general parameterised module. Common use cases have
-- been bundled as sub-modules with fewer parameters.
-- Tactic.Cong.PropEq and its submodules use congruence of propositional
-- equality, which is the most common use case.
import Tactic.Cong.PropEq.ForAllTypes
import Tactic.Cong.PropEq.ForOneType

module _ where
open ≡-Reasoning
open Tactic.Cong.PropEq.ForAllTypes 0 _≡_ trans
-- This use of Tactic.Cong.PropEq.ForAllTypes is equivalent to:
-- open Tactic.Cong 0 _≡_ cong ℓSet projₗ projₛ _≡_ trans renaming (_≈⌊_⌋_ to _≡⌊_⌋_)
-- The arguments supplied to the module are:
-- * The recursion limit in the macro when evaluating the functions provided
-- to the macro. This can normally be very low (e.g. 0), and does not depend
-- on the complexity of terms used in your proofs. Increment it if you see
-- an error of the form "Tactic.Cong: evaluation limit reached".
-- * The type of the relation that "begin ... ∎" produces, which is not
-- necessarily propositional equality (see the ≤-Reasoning proof below, for
-- example).
-- * A proof of transitivity of _≡_ with respect to the relation.

-- example proofs using _≡⌊_⌋_ :

foo : (a b c d : ℤ) → (a + b) * (c + d) ≡ a * c + a * d + b * c + b * d
foo a b c d = begin
(a + b) * (c + d) ≡⟨ *-distribˡ-+ (a + b) _ _ ⟩
⌞ (a + b) * c ⌟ + (a + b) * d ≡⌊ *-distribʳ-+ c a b ⌋
a * c + b * c + ⌞ (a + b) * d ⌟ ≡⌊ *-distribʳ-+ d a b ⌋
a * c + b * c + (a * d + b * d) ≡⟨ +-assoc (a * c) _ _ ⟩
a * c + ⌞ b * c + (a * d + b * d)⌟ ≡⌊ +-comm (b * c) _ ⌋
a * c + ((a * d + b * d) + b * c) ≡⟨ sym $ +-assoc (a * c) _ _ ⟩
⌞ a * c + (a * d + b * d) ⌟ + b * c ≡⌊ sym $ +-assoc (a * c) _ _ ⌋
a * c + a * d + b * d + b * c ≡⟨ +-assoc (a * c + a * d) _ _ ⟩
a * c + a * d + ⌞ b * d + b * c ⌟ ≡⌊ +-comm (b * d) _ ⌋
a * c + a * d + (b * c + b * d) ≡⟨ sym $ +-assoc (a * c + a * d) _ _ ⟩
a * c + a * d + b * c + b * d ∎

bar : (a b c : ℤ) → a + b + c ≡ b + a + c
bar a b c = begin
⌞ a + _ ⌟ + _ ≡⌊ +-comm a _ ⌋
_ ∎

baz : (a b c : ℤ) → ⌞ a + b ⌟ + c ≡ b + a + c
baz a b c = ⌊⌋ lhs (+-comm a b)
-- The use of lhs above tells the macro to look for ⌞_⌟ in the left hand side
-- of the relation instance.

module _ where
open ≤-Reasoning
open Tactic.Cong.PropEq.ForOneType 0 _IsRelatedTo_ (λ {i = i} p q → step-≡ i q p)
-- This use of Tactic.Cong.PropEq.ForOneType is equivalent to:
-- open Tactic.Cong 0 _≡_ cong ⊤ω (constω 0ℓ) (constω ℤ) _IsRelatedTo_ (λ {A} {i = i} p q → step-≡ i q p) renaming (_≈⌊_⌋_ to _≡⌊_⌋_)
-- This is similar to the use of Tactic.Cong.PropEq.ForAllTypes, but it works
-- for relations that operate over only one specific type instead of any.

-- example proof using _≡⌊_⌋_ :
qu : (a b c d : ℤ) → a + b + c ≤ d → b + a + c ≤ d
qu a b c d a+b+c≤d = begin
⌞ b + a ⌟ + _ ≡⌊ +-comm b _ ⌋
a + b + c ≤⟨ a+b+c≤d ⟩
d ∎

-- Note: To use this Tactic.Cong with _≡_ and cong from Cubical Agda instead, use
-- something like the following:
-- open import Tactic.Cong 2 _≡_ ℓSet projₗ projₛ _∙_ renaming (_≈⌊_⌋_ to _≡⌊_⌋_)
208 changes: 208 additions & 0 deletions src/Reflection/Apply.agda
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@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
-- The Agda standard library
-- Function application of reflected terms

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Data.Nat hiding (_⊔_)

module Reflection.Apply (limit : ℕ) where

open import Category.Monad
open import Data.Bool.Base
open import Data.List
open import Data.Maybe.Base hiding (_>>=_)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum.Base
open import Function.Base
open import Level hiding (suc)
open import Reflection hiding (map-Args ; returnTC ; _≟_ ; _>>=_) renaming (return to returnTC)
open import Reflection.Argument
open import Reflection.Argument.Visibility using () renaming (_≟_ to _≟ᵥ_)
open import Reflection.Pattern hiding (_≟_)
open import Reflection.Term
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_)
open import Relation.Nullary using (does)
open import Relation.Unary using (Decidable ; _⊢_)

Result : Set → Set
Result A = List ErrorPart ⊎ A

pattern ok v = inj₂ v
pattern err e = inj₁ e

module _ where
import Data.Sum.Categorical.Left (List ErrorPart) 0ℓ as S
open RawMonad S.monad

failed-app : Term → Arg Term → Result Term
failed-app t (arg _ a) = err (strErr "attempted to apply" ∷ termErr a ∷ strErr "to" ∷ termErr t ∷ [])

data Fuel : Set 0ℓ where
fuel : ℕ → Fuel

{- These functions take a term that needs to be embedded within another term
and corrects all de-Bruijn indices to existing variables to still refer to
the same variables after being embedded.

The first argument is the embedding depth to shift by.

The second is used during recursion to track the depth within the whole
term that is being transformed. Non-recursive calls to shift-index should
pass 0 for this argument.
shift-index : ℕ → ℕ → Term → Term
shift-index-args : ℕ → ℕ → Args Term → Args Term
shift-index-clauses : ℕ → ℕ → List Clause → List Clause

shift-index i j (var k args) with does (j ≤? k)
... | true = var (i + k) $ shift-index-args i j args
... | false = var k $ shift-index-args i j args
shift-index i j (con c args) = con c $ shift-index-args i j args
shift-index i j (def f args) = def f $ shift-index-args i j args
shift-index i j (meta x args) = meta x $ shift-index-args i j args
shift-index i j (lam v (abs s t)) = lam v $ abs s $ shift-index i (suc j) t
shift-index i j (pat-lam cs args) = let
cs = shift-index-clauses i j cs
args = shift-index-args i j args
in pat-lam cs args
shift-index i j (Π[ s ∶ arg v A ] t) = let
A = shift-index i j A
t = shift-index i (suc j) t
in Π[ s ∶ arg v A ] t
shift-index i j (sort s) = sort s
shift-index i j (lit l) = lit l
shift-index i j unknown = unknown

shift-index-args i j [] = []
shift-index-args i j (arg info a ∷ as) = let
a = shift-index i j a
as = shift-index-args i j as
in arg info a ∷ as

shift-index-clauses i j [] = []
shift-index-clauses i j (clause ps t ∷ cs) = let
t = shift-index i (j + pattern-args-size ps) t
cs = shift-index-clauses i j cs
in clause ps t ∷ cs
shift-index-clauses i j (absurd-clause ps ∷ cs) =
absurd-clause ps ∷ shift-index-clauses i j cs

app : ⦃ Fuel ⦄ → Arg Term → Term → Result Term
app-many : ⦃ Fuel ⦄ → Args Term → Term → Result Term
subst : ⦃ Fuel ⦄ → ℕ → Term → Term → Result Term
subst-args : ⦃ Fuel ⦄ → ℕ → Term → Args Term → Result (Args Term)
subst-clauses : ⦃ Fuel ⦄ → ℕ → Term → List (Clause) → Result (List Clause)

app a (var x args) = return $ var x (args ∷ʳ a)
app a (con c args) = return $ con c (args ∷ʳ a)
app a (def f args) = return $ def f (args ∷ʳ a)
app a (meta x args) = return $ meta x (args ∷ʳ a)
app a (pat-lam cs args) = return $ pat-lam cs (args ∷ʳ a)
app a @ (arg (arg-info v₁ _) x)
b @ (lam v₂ (abs _ t))
with does (v₁ ≟ᵥ v₂)
... | true = subst 0 x t
... | false = failed-app b a
app a @ (arg (arg-info v₁ _) x)
b @ (Π[ _ ∶ arg (arg-info v₂ _) _ ] t)
with does (v₁ ≟ᵥ v₂)
... | true = subst 0 x t
... | false = failed-app b a
-- catch all
app a t = failed-app t a

app-many [] t = return t
app-many (a ∷ as) t = do
ta ← app a t
app-many as ta

subst i x (var j args) with compare i j
... | less m k = do
args ← subst-args i x args
-- decrement j by one since λ was eliminated
return $ var (m + k) args -- j ≡ suc (m + k)
... | greater _ _ = do
args ← subst-args i x args
-- j refers to variable named inside eliminated λ
return $ var j args
subst ⦃ fuel (suc n) ⦄
i x (var j args) | equal _ = do
args ← subst-args ⦃ fuel (suc n) ⦄ i x args
app-many ⦃ fuel n ⦄ args (shift-index i 0 x)
subst ⦃ fuel zero ⦄
i x (var j []) | equal _ = return (shift-index i 0 x)
subst ⦃ fuel zero ⦄
_ _ (var j (_ ∷ _)) | equal _ = err (strErr "evaluation limit reached" ∷ [])
subst i x (con c args) = do
args ← subst-args i x args
return $ con c args
subst i x (def f args) = do
args ← subst-args i x args
return $ def f args
subst i x (lam v (abs s t)) = do
t ← subst (suc i) x t
return $ lam v (abs s t)
subst i x (meta m args) = do
args ← subst-args i x args
return $ meta m args
subst i x (sort s) = return $ sort s
subst i x (lit l) = return $ lit l
subst i x unknown = return unknown
subst i x (pat-lam cs args) = do
cs ← subst-clauses i x cs
args ← subst-args i x args
return $ pat-lam cs args
subst i x (Π[ s ∶ arg v A ] t) = do
A ← subst i x A
t ← subst (suc i) x t
return $ Π[ s ∶ arg v A ] t

subst-args i x [] = return []
subst-args i x (arg v a ∷ as) = do
a ← subst i x a
as ← subst-args i x as
return $ arg v a ∷ as

subst-clauses i x [] = return []
subst-clauses i x (clause ps t ∷ cs) = do
t ← subst (i + pattern-args-size ps) x t
cs ← subst-clauses i x cs
return $ clause ps t ∷ cs
subst-clauses i x (absurd-clause ps ∷ cs) = do
cs ← subst-clauses i x cs
return $ absurd-clause ps ∷ cs

{- Apply an argument to a term. Fails if the recusion limit is reached or an
attempt is made to apply an argument to non-function-like term.
apply : Term → Arg Term → Result Term
apply f x = app ⦃ fuel limit ⦄ x f

{- Retrieve any trailing arguments in a term -}
term-args : Term → Maybe (Args Term)
term-args (var _ args) = just args
term-args (con _ args) = just args
term-args (def _ args) = just args
term-args (pat-lam _ args) = just args
term-args (meta _ args) = just args
-- catch all
term-args other = nothing

{- Like term-args, but contains only the visible arguments -}
term-vis-args : Term → Maybe (List Term)
term-vis-args t = do
args ← term-args t
just $ (λ {(arg _ t) → t}) $ filter is-vis args
open Data.Maybe.Base using (_>>=_)
args = term-args t
is-vis : Decidable ((λ {(arg (arg-info v _) _) → v}) ⊢ (_≡ visible))
is-vis (arg (arg-info v r) x) = v ≟ᵥ visible

{- Conveniently convert a Result into a TC -}
Result→TC : {A : Set} → Result A → TC A
Result→TC (err e) = typeError e
Result→TC (ok v) = returnTC v
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions src/Reflection/Pattern.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module Reflection.Pattern where
open import Data.List.Base hiding (_++_)
open import Data.List.Properties
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Nat.Base
open import Data.String as String using (String; braces; parens; _++_; _<+>_)
import Reflection.Literal as Literal
import Reflection.Name as Name
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,3 +99,16 @@ absurd ≟ absurd = yes refl

[] ≟s (_ ∷ _) = no λ()
(_ ∷ _) ≟s [] = no λ()

pattern-size : Pattern → ℕ
pattern-args-size : List (Arg Pattern) → ℕ

pattern-size (Pattern.con _ ps) = pattern-args-size ps
pattern-size = 0
pattern-size (Pattern.var _) = 1
pattern-size (Pattern.lit _) = 0
pattern-size (Pattern.proj _) = 0
pattern-size Pattern.absurd = 0

pattern-args-size [] = 0
pattern-args-size (arg _ p ∷ ps) = pattern-size p + pattern-args-size ps
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Reflection/TypeChecking/Monad.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ open Builtin public
( TC; bindTC; unify; typeError; inferType; checkType
; normalise; reduce
; catchTC; quoteTC; unquoteTC
; catchTC; quoteTC; unquoteTC ; quoteωTC
; getContext; extendContext; inContext; freshName
; declareDef; declarePostulate; defineFun; getType; getDefinition
; blockOnMeta; commitTC; isMacro; withNormalisation
Expand Down