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@thabbott thabbott released this 15 Mar 19:35
· 827 commits to main since this release


  • Add ARCOERA5 interface for accessing ARCO ERA5 model level data. This interface requires the metview python package.
  • Add ARCO ERA5 tutorial notebook highlighting the new interface.
  • Add support to output contrail warming impact in ATR20

Breaking changes

  • Reduce CocipParams.met_level_buffer from (200, 200) to (40, 40). This change is motivated by the observation that the previous buffer was unnecessarily large and caused additional memory overhead. The new buffer is more in line with the typical vertical advection path of a contrail.


  • Raise ValueError when list[Flight] source is provided to Cocip and the copy_source parameter is set to False. Previously the source was copied in this case regardless of the copy_source parameter.
  • Fix broken link in the model level notebook.


  • The datalib.parse_pressure_levels now sorts the pressure levels in ascending order and raises a ValueError if the input pressure levels are duplicated or have mixed signs.
  • Add new MetDataSource.is_single_level property.
  • Add ecmwf.Divergence (a subclass of MetVariable) for accessing ERA5 divergence data.
  • Update the specific humidity interpolation notebook to use the new ARCOERA5 interface.
  • Adds two parameters to CoCipParams, compute_atr20 and global_rf_to_atr20_factor. Setting the former to True will add both global_yearly_mean_rf and atr20 to the CoCiP output.
  • Bump minimum pytest version to 8.1 to avoid failures in release workflow.