Alpha preview with support for ESP32S2 and ESP32C3
1866 commits
to master
since this release
This release contains alpha support for ESP32S2 and ESP32C3. Beware that some features might be broken
- 5d9b98c9 IDF master cf457d412 (#5073)
- 11f89cdd WiFiClientSecure fix flipped cert/key in comment (#5065)
- 01c8cae0 Added method to change the ledc PWM frequency programmatically (#5003)
- 57cf2fb9 Fix possible string overflow in BTAdvertisedDeviceSet::toString()
- 41c372c1 [2.0.0] BtClassic Discovery with info without connect (#4811)
- 223acb35 C3 toolchain uses github as source
- f6c9faf4 [2.0.0] FS::name() returns the item name as in Arduino SD (#4892)
- 89e7893b [2.0.0] Add BLE characteristic callbacks overloads (#4832)
- 7a4e7066 Add setMTU function to BLEClient.cpp/.h (#4999)
- f3dca15a Fix TTGO Boards missing upload parameters,add Twatch revision (#5063)
- 9f1330c7 esp32s2 temp sensor (#5044)
- ec7aeb49 Removed ProS2 and added TinyS2 to boards.txt (#5037)
- 9a518cd3 LITTLEFS update - partition label and multiple partitions, idea copied from SPIFFS (#5023)
- 81b7c472 Serial::end hang (#5047)
- e6ba8c7a Add KSZ8081 support. (#5061)
- 72eb3f32 Add Adafruit esp32s2 boards with custom bootloader, partition and upload.extra_flags (#5056)
- 66b11ff2 Update
- 404a31f4 Initial Esp32c3 Support (#5060)
- 371f382d Fix Serial RX and add option for FIFO Full Threshold in Serial.begin
- 425619df Fix upload over USB CDC (USB serial must be set to 0)
- aeb4a13a ESP32S2 pinmap (#5015)
- 86459719 Fix delayMicroseconds() to use 64bit period
- 5502879a v2.0.0 Add support for ESP32S2 and update ESP-IDF to 4.4 (#4996)