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VeganCheck v2.1.0
We proudly announce VeganCheck.me v2.1.0
We completed the redesign of VeganCheck.me with this update and introduce some new features!
- JavaScript:
- Added a suitable substitute to the share-button if
navigator.share == undefined
- Added a prompt that links to the VeganCheck.me iOS Shortcut
- Added a prompt to install the PWA
- Added font-caching in the ServiceWorker
- Added a "Buy us a coffee" modal
- Added an OCR-feature [Experimental] to the ingredients-checker [#140]
- Added OLED-Mode
- Refactored modals [#143]
- Added a suitable substitute to the share-button if
- Added a light-mode
- Added icon-font for the Nutriscore-display
- Redesigned the offline-page
- Added OLED-Mode
- Other:
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0
Many thanks to the contributors of this version:
- @philipbrembeck [Lead]
- @gitgauner [SEO, accessibility, testing & bug-finding]
- @DeepLcom [Translations]
Dependencies / Databases
Also many thanks to:
- BarCode-reader @iemadk
- OpenFoodFacts/OpenBeautyFacts API @openfoodfacts
- Brocade.io API @ferrisoxide
- Open EAN Database
- is-vegan @hmontazeri
- pwa-install-promt @JacobDB
Please consider donating to OpenFoodFacts, since their Open Data approach on food information is what makes VeganCheck.me possible!