Releases: frontendnetwork/veganify
New Contributors
- @cankaratepe23 made their first contribution in #494
- @NilsJacobsen made their first contribution in #617
Full Changelog: v3.2.0...v3.4.0
New Contributors
- @cankaratepe23 made their first contribution in #494
- @NilsJacobsen made their first contribution in #617
Full Changelog: v3.2.0...v3.3.0
🚀 Features
- Dev: Added Staging Environment - by @philipbrembeck (79b1d)
- ENV: Added Production environment - by @philipbrembeck (5431a)
- ESLint: Added Typescript Linting rules - by @philipbrembeck (7e455)
- Million: Added Million package to optimize DOM - by @philipbrembeck (c13d8)
- Promotional: Added Social Proof ProductHunt - by @philipbrembeck (7c07b)
- Scanner: Add mirroring on user facingMode - by @philipbrembeck (ef0e5)
- deps: Added VeganCheck library for API calls - by @philipbrembeck (fc153)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Pin yarn version - by @MichalBryxi (99bec)
- Pin yarn version" - by @philipbrembeck (89d0f)
- Pin yarn version - by @MichalBryxi (3fc7c)
- Upgrade typescript from 5.0.4 to 5.1.3 - by @snyk-bot (c5b9c)
- Upgrade @frontendnetwork/vegancheck from 1.1.10 to 1.1.11 - by @snyk-bot (e50b3)
- Upgrade next from 13.4.4 to 13.4.7 - by @snyk-bot (38409)
- Upgrade @types/node from 20.2.5 to 20.3.2 - by @snyk-bot (7ca22)
- Upgrade next from 13.4.10 to 13.4.12 - by @snyk-bot (398dc)
- Console:
- Remove console warning in production - by @philipbrembeck (85476)
- ESLint:
- Fixed Linting errors - by @philipbrembeck (c465e)
- Import orders - by @philipbrembeck (3822a)
- Scanner:
- FacingMode - by @philipbrembeck (2a5d2)
- l10n:
- Translated
- by @philipbrembeck (61b4c)
- Translated
View changes on GitHub
🚀 Features
- Changed repo link - by @philipbrembeck (a0eae)
- Czech locale file & translations - by @MichalBryxi (0f9a2)
- Added Czech translation to Next.js - by @philipbrembeck (f9b86)
- Scanner - by @philipbrembeck (b023e)
- Scanner - by @philipbrembeck (73339)
- Scanner - by @philipbrembeck (861f8)
- Scanner - by @philipbrembeck (5ceaf)
- Scanner - by @philipbrembeck (735fa)
- Scan: Added Quaqqa2 - by @philipbrembeck (8d7f7)
- Scanner: Fixed scanner zoom - by @philipbrembeck (4f0a1)
- TS: Converted existing pages to TypeScript - by @philipbrembeck (6daec)
- l10n: Added "month" string - by @philipbrembeck (59664)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- TS:
- Changed strings to boleans - by @philipbrembeck (9bd18)
- emergency:
- Pipeline - by @philipbrembeck (923cd)
- Deploy - by @philipbrembeck (e4280)
View changes on GitHub
🚀 Features
- Removed "surprise" language - by @philipbrembeck (cdaf3)
- Lint:
- Added ESLint - by @philipbrembeck (e4f6b)
- Tests:
- Added playwright tests - by @philipbrembeck (15e8c)
- Added more front-end tests - by @philipbrembeck (a7db3)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Dependencies: Merge conflicts - by @philipbrembeck (1cd18)
View changes on GitHub
Use the VeganCheck PWA – Use our API – Use our Ingredients API
VeganCheck v3.0.2
This release is all about testing & listing. Learn more about the implemented test in our documentation!
What's Changed
- Refactored SCSS to use mixins instead of _mq.scss & added source-map (#180)
- Added skeleton loading (#181, #182)
- Fixed API response Handling
- Added FE Tests (#212)
- Added ESLint (#224)
Full Changelog: v3.0.1...v3.0.2
Most of our API is now publicly available as a GitHub repo: JokeNetwork/
Many thanks for the continuous support of the project:
- @gitgauner for cross-device testing
- @fastrcloud for code review and peer-programming
- @philipbrembeck for keeping this repo alive
- @openfoodfacts for providing us with an awesome and free API!
- @Uberspace for providing us with the best hosting infrastructure!
- All the folks on the Mastodon server for helping us improving our app and alpha- and beta-testing!
Premium Supporters

Use the VeganCheck PWA ✷ Use our API ✷ Use our Ingredients API
VeganCheck v3.0.1
Shortly after our rebase to Next.js, we've added several new features and also added all features the old VeganCheck v2.x-PHP contained. v3.x is feature complete for now - But don't worry, we will find things to add to our roadmap!
What's Changed
- Improved deploy workflow (#164) - Now using yarn instead of npm
- Updated dependencies (#171, #162, #158, #156)
- Further optimized images (#161)
- Anonymized usage statistics via Ackee are now implemented (#157)
- Implemented a language switcher in
(#163) - Even more components are now written in TypeScript
- Added a share menu fallback (#170)
- Added "Share to Mastodon" (#154)
Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.0.1
Most of our API is now publicly available as a GitHub repo: JokeNetwork/
Many thanks for the continuous support of the project:
- @gitgauner for cross-device testing
- @fastrcloud for code review and peer-programming
- @philipbrembeck for keeping this repo alive
- @openfoodfacts for providing us with an awesome and free API!
- @Uberspace for providing us with the best hosting infrastructure!
- All the folks on the Mastodon server for helping us improving our app and alpha- and beta-testing!
Premium Supporters

➤➤ Use the VeganCheck PWA ✷ Use our API ✷ Use our Ingredients API
VeganCheck v3.0
We proudly announce v3.0
This update changes everything:
We completely moved from PHP as our backend to a Node.js API and from HTML/PHP as our Frontend to Next.js!
➤➤ Use the VeganCheck PWA ✷ Use our API ✷ Use our Ingredients API
VeganCheck v2.1.0
We proudly announce v2.1.0
We completed the redesign of with this update and introduce some new features!
- JavaScript:
- Added a suitable substitute to the share-button if
navigator.share == undefined
- Added a prompt that links to the iOS Shortcut
- Added a prompt to install the PWA
- Added font-caching in the ServiceWorker
- Added a "Buy us a coffee" modal
- Added an OCR-feature [Experimental] to the ingredients-checker [#140]
- Added OLED-Mode
- Refactored modals [#143]
- Added a suitable substitute to the share-button if
- Added a light-mode
- Added icon-font for the Nutriscore-display
- Redesigned the offline-page
- Added OLED-Mode
- Other:
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0
Many thanks to the contributors of this version:
- @philipbrembeck [Lead]
- @gitgauner [SEO, accessibility, testing & bug-finding]
- @DeepLcom [Translations]
Dependencies / Databases
Also many thanks to:
- BarCode-reader @iemadk
- OpenFoodFacts/OpenBeautyFacts API @openfoodfacts
- API @ferrisoxide
- Open EAN Database
- is-vegan @hmontazeri
- pwa-install-promt @JacobDB
Please consider donating to OpenFoodFacts, since their Open Data approach on food information is what makes possible!
➤➤ Use the VeganCheck PWA ✷ Use our API ✷ Use our Ingredients API
VeganCheck v2.0.0
We proudly announce v2.0.0
VeganCheck is now available with a complete new design & many more data sources!
Full Changelog: v1.9.0...v2.0.0
Many thanks to the contributors of this version:
- @philipbrembeck [Lead]
- @gitgauner [SEO, accessibility, testing & bug-finding]
- @DeepL [Translations]
Dependencies / Databases
Also many thanks to:
- BarCode-reader @iemadk
- OpenFoodFacts/OpenBeautyFacts API @openfoodfacts
- API @ferrisoxide
- Open EAN Database
- is-vegan @hmontazeri
- pwa-install-promt @JacobDB
Please consider donating to OpenFoodFacts, since their Open Data approach on food information is what makes possible!