🚀 Features
- Changed repo link - by @philipbrembeck (a0eae)
- Czech locale file & translations - by @MichalBryxi (0f9a2)
- Added Czech translation to Next.js - by @philipbrembeck (f9b86)
- Scanner - by @philipbrembeck (b023e)
- Scanner - by @philipbrembeck (73339)
- Scanner - by @philipbrembeck (861f8)
- Scanner - by @philipbrembeck (5ceaf)
- Scanner - by @philipbrembeck (735fa)
- Scan: Added Quaqqa2 - by @philipbrembeck (8d7f7)
- Scanner: Fixed scanner zoom - by @philipbrembeck (4f0a1)
- TS: Converted existing pages to TypeScript - by @philipbrembeck (6daec)
- l10n: Added "month" string - by @philipbrembeck (59664)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- TS:
- Changed strings to boleans - by @philipbrembeck (9bd18)
- emergency:
- Pipeline - by @philipbrembeck (923cd)
- Deploy - by @philipbrembeck (e4280)