55 commits
to release-2.5.0
since this release
What's Changed
Enhancement 🚀
- cherry-pick to release-2.5.0: improve GC log message by @zyyw in #16818
- [cherry-pick]Add release.yml to automate release notes by @YangJiao0817 in #16819
- Improve accessory component by @AllForNothing in #16869
Component updates ⬆️
- cherry-pick to release-2.5.0: fix registry/redis.patch & registry/builder by @zyyw in #16787
- [cherry-pick]fix close response missing by @wy65701436 in #16822
- [cherry-pick] chore(deps): bump Trivy adapter from v0.26.0 to v0.28.0 (#16729) by @zyyw in #16830
- [cherry-pick] fix: gc history update_time by @zyyw in #16847
- fix artifact count issue by @wy65701436 in #16855
- fix accessory count issue by @wy65701436 in #16867
- bump up beego to v1.12.9 on release-2.5.0 by @MinerYang in #16905
- [cherry-pick ] fix replication issue on signature by @wy65701436 in #16913
Other Changes
- [cherry-pick]Add test case for Enable Deployment Security Policy replication by @YangJiao0817 in #16738
Full Changelog: v2.5.0...v2.5.1