Releases: marko213/GDE
Releases · marko213/GDE
Alpha 0.3.6
Add the automatic restarts option to restart on an inactive generation threshold
Make ASAP mode pause when the simulation is paused
Add a node cleanup mutation to remove some unused (unchanged) nodes
Alpha 0.3.5
Fixed #13
Tweaked the amount of creatures per generation from 200 to 300
Alpha 0.3.4
- Fixed #11
- Generations now restart when a new level is loaded
- Made it possible to switch to 0.5x speed
- Minor fixes to the instructions and installation instructions
Alpha 0.3.3
- Changed width of sidebar (tweaked nodes and connectors to work with it)
- Added graphs showing the progress in the level
- Added microadjustment mutation (as a submutation of
) - Made it possible for levels to be loaded from another file
Alpha 0.3.2
It is now possible to drag in order to remove or place obstacles.
Fixed generation numbering.
Improved performance on larger levels (improved draw and collision functions).
NOTE: old levels must be opened with the GDE level editor, "fixed" (by pressing the 'X' key) and saved in order for the old level to work in newer versions.
Alpha 0.3.1
Alpha 0.3.0
First release of GDE on GitHub.
Copyright information and installation instructions can be found in the repository and source.