Releases: ndmitchell/extra
Releases · ndmitchell/extra
Version 1.8
1.8, released 2024-10-19
Adds GHC 9.12 compatibility.
- #112, make Data.List.Extra.compareLength work on list/int only (breaking change)
- #109, add guarded to lift predicates into Alternatives
- #112, add compareLength to List.NonEmpty and Foldable
Version 1.7.16
- Fix to actually work with GHC 9.10
Version 1.7.15
#111, work with GHC 9.10
Test with GHC 9.8
Version 1.7.14
1.7.14, released 2023-07-01
- #106, add compatibility with GHC 9.7
- #103, future-proof against addition of Data.List.unsnoc
Version 1.7.13
1.7.13, released 2023-04-22
- #102, add mwhen :: Monoid a => Bool -> a -> a
- #99, make replace with an empty from intersperse the replacement
- #101, future-proof against addition of Data.List.!?