Releases: opfab/operatorfabric-core
Releases · opfab/operatorfabric-core
- #6463 : Link the period selection for the Dashboard, Card Feed and Monitoring screens
See the migration guide from release 4.2.0 to release 4.3.0
Administration features :
- #5870 : Add the possibility to manage user group membership in the group creation/modification screen
- #5871 : Add the ability to manage user entity membership in the entity creation/modification screen
- #5949 : Allow to add new external devices from UI
- #5951 : Add a delete button to delete an external device configuration
- #6032 : Add an export button for "user action logs" screen
- #6167 : Search for entities when creating supervised entities enabled
- #5950 : Add an edit button to edit an external device configuration
- #6013 : Added warning in the UI in case of cycle in parent entity references
Email feature:
- #5921 : Do not try again to send mail for user rate limited
- #5733 : Added the option to send daily recap by email
- #5878 : Permit to render rich text in mail body via a handlebar helper
Geographical map:
Process monitoring screen :
- #6243 : Add an option to view all cards in process monitoring screen
- #6241 : Implement date navigation links in process monitoring screen
- #6242 : Add geographical view for monitoring process screen
Misc :
- #5792 : Remove deprecated use of group admin to set the admin rights
- #5869 : Add logLevel endpoint for node services
- #5612 : Add an option to set the default opfab entry page
- #5948 : Propose to save when exiting notification configuration screen
- #4249 : Replace current date picker with standard date picker of browser
- #6023 : Do not save automatically settings
- #6181 : Implement KEEP_EXISTING_ACKS_AND_READS action for card updates
- #6183 : Implement KEEP_EXISTING_PUBLISH_DATE action for card updates
- #6240 : Refuse login of a user without groups
- #6282, #6248 : Updated recovery mechanism to check for a new field lastUpdate and not publishDate
Bug Fixes
- #6020 : Geopmap geojson layer : deactivate infobubble on click if no information to display
- #6123 : Fixed color of time filter in feed
- #5904 : Turned off email autocomplete to fix styling bug
- #5906 : Fixed sorting of entities in admin tables
- #6170 : Supervisor: fix supervised entity not deleted until service restart
- #5902 : Fix login input cursor color
- #6156 : User action logs menu is not limited by ADMIN role anymore
- #5908 : Fix very long name for process (or state) cut the text on archives/logging screens
- #6202 : Fix child cards dates when updating parent card and keeping child cards
- #5390 : List of user entity on top-right takes a few seconds to update when user changes activity area
- #6258 : Fix process monitoring export for list fields
- #6297 : Archives/Logging : fix buttons display with small resolution
- #6056 : External devices: show error message when enable/disable fails
- #6079: Remove legacy field realtime in group object
- #6026 : Add a geojson example
- #6115 : Add path controls in PathUtils to mitigate path manipulation vulnerabilities
- #6198 : Enforce explicit setting of applicationBasePath in PathUtils
Dependencies upgrade
- ag-grid-angular v31.2.1
- ag-grid-community v31.2.1
- Angular v17.3.5
- angular-oauth2-oidc v17.0.2
- amqplib v0.10.4
- axios v1.6.8
- bootstrap v5.3.3
- chart.js v4.4.2
- Confluent v7.6.1
- commons-io:commons-io v2.16.1
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind v2.17.0
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations to v2.17.0
- com.github.jknack:handlebars v4.4.0
- v33.1.0-jre
- com.rabbitmq:amqp-client v5.21.0
- express v4.19.2
- fortawesome/fontawesome-free v6.5.2
- io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus v1.12.5
- moment-timezone to v0.5.45
- mongodb (npm package) v6.5.0
- net.minidev:json-smart v2.5.1
- nginx v1.25.5
- Node.js v20.12.1
- nodemailer v6.9.13
- ol v9.1.0,
- openjdk v17.0.10
- org.apache.commons:commons-compress v1.26.1
- org.apache.commons:commons-text v1.12.0
- org.slf4j:slf4j-api v2.0.13
- org.springframework:spring-webflux v6.1.6
- org.webjars:swagger-ui v5.15.2-1
- rabbitmq Docker tag v3.13.1
- spring boot v3.2.5
- spring kafka v3.1.4
- spring security v6.2.4
- typescript to v5.4.5
- winston v3.13.0
- winston-daily-rotate-file v5
- xlsx 0.20.2
- zone.js v0.14.4
See the migration guide from release 4.2.0 to release 4.3.0
Administration features :
- #5870 : Add the possibility to manage user group membership in the group creation/modification screen
- #5871 : Add the ability to manage user entity membership in the entity creation/modification screen
- #5949 : Allow to add new external devices from UI
- #5951 : Add a delete button to delete an external device configuration
- #6032 : Add an export button for "user action logs" screen
- #6167 : Search for entities when creating supervised entities enabled
- #5950 : Add an edit button to edit an external device configuration
- #6013 : Added warning in the UI in case of cycle in parent entity references
Email feature:
- #5921 : Do not try again to send mail for user rate limited
- #5733 : Added the option to send daily recap by email
- #5878 : Permit to render rich text in mail body via a handlebar helper
Geographical map:
Process monitoring screen :
- #6243 : Add an option to view all cards in process monitoring screen
- #6241 : Implement date navigation links in process monitoring screen
- #6242 : Add geographical view for monitoring process screen
Misc :
- #5792 : Remove deprecated use of group admin to set the admin rights
- #5869 : Add logLevel endpoint for node services
- #5612 : Add an option to set the default opfab entry page
- #5948 : Propose to save when exiting notification configuration screen
- #4249 : Replace current date picker with standard date picker of browser
- #6023 : Do not save automatically settings
- #6181 : Implement KEEP_EXISTING_ACKS_AND_READS action for card updates
- #6183 : Implement KEEP_EXISTING_PUBLISH_DATE action for card updates
- #6240 : Refuse login of a user without groups
- #6282, #6248 : Updated recovery mechanism to check for a new field lastUpdate and not publishDate
Bug Fixes
- #6020 : Geopmap geojson layer : deactivate infobubble on click if no information to display
- #6123 : Fixed color of time filter in feed
- #5904 : Turned off email autocomplete to fix styling bug
- #5906 : Fixed sorting of entities in admin tables
- #6170 : Supervisor: fix supervised entity not deleted until service restart
- #5902 : Fix login input cursor color
- #6156 : User action logs menu is not limited by ADMIN role anymore
- #5908 : Fix very long name for process (or state) cut the text on archives/logging screens
- #6202 : Fix child cards dates when updating parent card and keeping child cards
- #5390 : List of user entity on top-right takes a few seconds to update when user changes activity area
- #6258 : Fix process monitoring export for list fields
- #6297 : Archives/Logging : fix buttons display with small resolution
- #6056 : External devices: show error message when enable/disable fails
- #6079: Remove legacy field realtime in group object
- #6026 : Add a geojson example
- #6115 : Add path controls in PathUtils to mitigate path manipulation vulnerabilities
- #6198 : Enforce explicit setting of applicationBasePath in PathUtils
Dependencies upgrade
- ag-grid-angular v31.2.1
- ag-grid-community v31.2.1
- Angular v17.3.5
- angular-oauth2-oidc v17.0.2
- amqplib v0.10.4
- axios v1.6.8
- bootstrap v5.3.3
- chart.js v4.4.2
- Confluent v7.6.1
- commons-io:commons-io v2.16.1
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind v2.17.0
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations to v2.17.0
- com.github.jknack:handlebars v4.4.0
- v33.1.0-jre
- com.rabbitmq:amqp-client v5.21.0
- express v4.19.2
- fortawesome/fontawesome-free v6.5.2
- io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus v1.12.5
- moment-timezone to v0.5.45
- mongodb (npm package) v6.5.0
- net.minidev:json-smart v2.5.1
- nginx v1.25.5
- Node.js v20.12.1
- nodemailer v6.9.13
- ol v9.1.0,
- openjdk v17.0.10
- org.apache.commons:commons-compress v1.26.1
- org.apache.commons:commons-text v1.12.0
- org.slf4j:slf4j-api v2.0.13
- org.springframework:spring-webflux v6.1.6
- org.webjars:swagger-ui v5.15.2-1
- rabbitmq Docker tag v3.13.1
- spring boot v3.2.5
- spring kafka v3.1.4
- spring security v6.2.4
- typescript to v5.4.5
- winston v3.13.0
- winston-daily-rotate-file v5
- xlsx 0.20.2
- zone.js v0.14.4
See Migration Guide from release 4.1.0 to release 4.2.0
Build-in templates :
- #5432 : In question card build in template add date column for responses
- #5736 : In message or question list template add the summary as an option
- #5737 : In message or question list template add rich text editor
- #5738 : In message or question list template add the option to configure rich text in config file
- #5595 : In message or question list template add option in config file to choose severity
- #5596 : In message or question list template add option in config file to choose entity publisher list
- #5748 : In message template add a field "title of the message"
- #5722 : In task advanced template add "task title" field
Entity roles :
- #5422 : Added the role attribute to entity
- #5607 : Added Entity Roles to Activity Area Screen
- #5434 : Entities need the CARD_SENDER role to send a card and the CARD_RECEIVER role to receive a card
- #5614 : Removed entityNotAllowedToSendCard attribute
- #5707 : Added the ACTIVITY_AREA role
- #5435,#6014 : Realtime screen uses entity role
Action Field in cards:
Rich text editor:
Geo map :
Feed Filtering
Misc :
- #5448 : Use badge to show entity recipients for user card preview
- #4791 : Remove deprecated methods in templateGateway / usercardTemplateGateway
- #5491 : Activity area : show a message when user has no activity area
- #5049 : Implement cancel ack at the entity level
- #6067 : Do not exclude current user connected on activity area screen
- #5489 : Remove default value in link edition in rich text editor
- #5485 : Avoid empty line in ag-grid tables
- #5496 : Task advanced : a last comma that should not be displayed
- #5495 : Task advanced : typo error and no uppercase letters for weekdays and months for french version
- #5499 : Fix navbar hovering style in day mode
- #5555 : Reminder shall remove ack at the entity level
- #5567 : Right menu entries shall not be grayed out
- #5474 : Prevent non admin users from accessing the admin screen through the URL
- #5483 : Recurrent card : add a control in the code to forbid negative number for "minutes to remind before task"
- #5295 : Allow to delete card with id containing special characters
- #5482 : Task advanced : the text for a negative number in "nth day of the month" is not right
- #5502 : Business data management tab : missing accents for french version
- #5652 : Archives/loggging screen : disable admin mode shall reset the search result if admin has no processes
- #5617 : Cards reminder error when Task advanced card has "nth day of month" field greater than month number of days
- #5728 : Fix isAcknowledgmentAllowed() method
- #6104 : usercard error appears only once
- #5589 : Card external diffusion : store in mongoDB mails already sent (#5589)
- #5615 : Added a migration script for entity roles
- #5069 : Load test on SSE connection
Dependencies upgrade
- Angular v17.1.1
- angular-oauth2-oidc v17.0.1
- axios v1.6.7
- chart.js v4.4.1
- config (js) to v3.3.11
- confluent to v7.5.3
- Commons-io:commons-io v2.15.1
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind v2.16.1
- v33
- cypress v13.6.2
- io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus v1.12.2
- moment v2.30.1
- moment-timezone v0.5.44
- Node.js v20.11.0
- nodemailer v6.9.9
- ol(openlayer) v8.2.0
- org.apache.commons:commons-compress v1.26.0
- org.apache.commons:commons-lang3 v3.14.0
- org.assertj:assertj-core v3.25.1
- org.slf4j:slf4j-api v2.0.11
- Rabbitmq Docker v3.12.12
- rrule v2.8.1
- spring boot v3.2.3
- Spring Kafka v3.1.1
- Spring Security v6.2.1
- Spring Webflux v6.1.3
- virtual-select-plugin v1.0.41
- zone.js v0.14.3
See the migration guide from release 4.1.0 to release 4.2.0
Build-in templates :
- #5432 : In question card build in template add date column for responses
- #5736 : In message or question list template add the summary as an option
- #5737 : In message or question list template add rich text editor
- #5738 : In message or question list template add the option to configure rich text in config file
- #5595 : In message or question list template add option in config file to choose severity
- #5596 : In message or question list template add option in config file to choose entity publisher list
- #5748 : In message template add a field "title of the message"
- #5722 : In task advanced template add "task title" field
Entity roles :
Action Field in cards:
Rich text editor:
Geo map :
Feed Filtering
Misc :
- #5489 : Remove default value in link edition in rich text editor
- #5485 : Avoid empty line in ag-grid tables
- #5496 : Task advanced : a last comma that should not be displayed
- #5495 : Task advanced : typo error and no uppercase letters for weekdays and months for french version
- #5499 : Fix navbar hovering style in day mode
- #5555 : Reminder shall remove ack at the entity level
- #5567 : Right menu entries shall not be grayed out
- #5474 : Prevent non admin users from accessing the admin screen through the URL
- #5483 : Recurrent card : add a control in the code to forbid negative number for "minutes to remind before task"
- #5295 : Allow to delete card with id containing special characters
- #5482 : Task advanced : the text for a negative number in "nth day of the month" is not right
- #5502 : Business data management tab : missing accents for french version
- #5652 : Archives/loggging screen : disable admin mode shall reset the search result if admin has no processes
- #5617 : Cards reminder error when Task advanced card has "nth day of month" field greater than month number of days
- #5728 : Fix isAcknowledgmentAllowed() method
- #5589 : Card external diffusion : store in mongoDB mails already sent (#5589)
- #5615 : Added a migration script for entity roles
- #5069 : Load test on SSE connection
Dependencies upgrade
- Angular v17.1.1
- angular-oauth2-oidc v17.0.1
- axios v1.6.7
- chart.js v4.4.1
- config (js) to v3.3.11
- confluent to v7.5.3
- Commons-io:commons-io v2.15.1
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind v2.16.1
- v33
- cypress v13.6.2
- io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus v1.12.2
- moment v2.30.1
- moment-timezone v0.5.44
- Node.js v20.11.0
- nodemailer v6.9.9
- ol(openlayer) v8.2.0
- org.apache.commons:commons-lang3 v3.14.0
- org.assertj:assertj-core v3.25.1
- org.slf4j:slf4j-api v2.0.11
- Rabbitmq Docker v3.12.12
- rrule v2.8.1
- Spring boot v3.2.2
- Spring Kafka v3.1.1
- Spring Security v6.2.1
- Spring Webflux v6.1.3
- virtual-select-plugin v1.0.41
- zone.js v0.14.3
- #5799 Solve issue : JWT Login claim parameter is not take into account for read and unack
- #5714 : Solve issue : Response card not received in real time if user entity is only sender of the card
See Migration Guide from release 4.0.0 to release 4.1.0
- #5058 : Added recipients for information in message or question list
- #4751 : Added advanced task as a built-in template
- #5029 : Added healthcheck endpoint for node services
- #5103 : Added an API endpoint to reset rate limiter
- #4697 : Process monitoring screen - experimental feature
- #5108 : Preview of users connected takes notification configuration into account
- #5312 : The API now allows to call all the entities the user can answer on behalf of
- #5028 : Add an admin screen for supervisor
- #5375 : Use rich text editor in message build in templates
- #5436 : Removed the type attribute of groups
- #5490 : Task advanced : make impossible a card without any month/weekday selected
- #5486 : Fix admin screen missing translations
- #5129 : Avoid never ending spinner if a request to archives fails
- #5144 : Avoid latency when receiving cards
- #5115 : Remove border in opfab table
- #5169 : Fix search in the Card Feed when the translatedSummary is missing
- #5102 : Avoid truncated pinned cards
- #5101 : Fix Automatic full screen mode for card detail in feed when filters visible
- #5112 : Question usercard : it should be impossible to set a lttd anterior to the current date
- #5120 : Exception in console when geographical map activated
- #5177 : Updated the file size limit of uploads to 100 MB
- #5253 : Do not group cards that have no tag set
- #5145 : Activity areas can bypass restriction on emitting entity allowed to respond
- #5310 : Correct various bug in card reminder
- #5334 : Fix bug on buildin template task, for task description field
- #5110 : Opening a card from dashboard now closes the tooltip
- #5389 : Fixed the message-or-question-list message selection
- #5343 : Popover tooltips from the colored circles of timeline and dashboard don't appear or disappear properly
- #5481 : Task advanced : in the template, it should be impossible to set a negative number in "task duration" and "minutes to remind before task"
- #5546 : No reminder occurs when secondsBeforeTimeSpanForReminder is set to 0
- #5116 : Add a script to load supervisor configuration
- #5117 : Added coordinates to some example cards for richer view on the map
- #5206 : Set /var/log/opfab as log directory in all node-service dockers
- #4009 : Migrate to keycloak quarkus
- #5319 : Add scripts to help dependency analysis
- #5440 : Add an index on mongoDB archivedCards collection for field processInstanceId